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Direct experience and visions (From "What is wrong with Islam" thread)


Well-Known Member
"Originally Posted by YmirGF
After years of introspection there is no longer much doubt in my mind. I have solved the puzzles at it were and understand full well what I have seen. THAT is why I tell you that the Prophet [pbuh] may have jumped the gun before he understood his own visions. It is things like this that take years to understand."

That's where I disagree. A messenger of God doesn't "jump the gun". Why? Because God bids him speak, and God doesn't jump the gun, because He IS the 'gun'.



Scriptural reader
"Originally Posted by YmirGF
After years of introspection there is no longer much doubt in my mind. I have solved the puzzles at it were and understand full well what I have seen. THAT is why I tell you that the Prophet [pbuh] may have jumped the gun before he understood his own visions. It is things like this that take years to understand."

That's where I disagree. A messenger of God doesn't "jump the gun". Why? Because God bids him speak, and God doesn't jump the gun, because He IS the 'gun'.



Bodhisattva in Recovery
Ymir the Happy Dork said:
After years of introspection there is no longer much doubt in my mind. I have solved the puzzles at it were and understand full well what I have seen. THAT is why I tell you that the Prophet [pbuh] may have jumped the gun before he understood his own visions. It is things like this that take years to understand."

That's where I disagree. A messenger of God doesn't "jump the gun". Why? Because God bids him speak, and God doesn't jump the gun, because He IS the 'gun'.

It's nice that you disagree Scott but do you have anything factual to support your opinion? I have my direct experience that tells me otherwise, what do you have, some words in a book?

Think again, Scott.


Deviled Hen
It's nice that you disagree Scott but do you have anything factual to support your opinion? I have my direct experience that tells me otherwise, what do you have, some words in a book?

Think again, Scott.

Why do you assume that because some words are in a book, there is no direct experience also?

That seems like quite an assumption. Quite possibly an unwarranted one.


Well-Known Member

I don't want to get into a p***ing contest here. But I look at what you write and compare the majesty and power of your words to this:

""O King! I was but a man like others, asleep upon My couch, when lo, the breezes of the All-Glorious were wafted over Me, and taught Me the knowledge of all that hath been. This thing is not from Me, but from One Who is Almighty and All-Knowing. And He bade Me lift up My voice between earth and heaven, and for this there befell Me what hath caused the tears of every man of understanding to flow. The learning current amongst men I studied not; their schools I entered not. Ask of the city wherein I dwelt, that thou mayest be well assured that I am not of them who speak falsely. This is but a leaf which the winds of the will of thy Lord, the Almighty, 12 the All-Praised, have stirred. Can it be still when the tempestuous winds are blowing? Nay, by Him Who is the Lord of all Names and Attributes! They move it as they list. The evanescent is as nothing before Him Who is the Ever-Abiding. His all-compelling summons hath reached Me, and caused Me to speak His praise amidst all people. I was indeed as one dead when His behest was uttered. The hand of the will of thy Lord, the Compassionate, the Merciful, transformed Me.""
(Baha'u'llah, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 11)

To me Baha`u'llah's voice is far more compelling than yours. Sorry, but that is the way it is as best i can explain it.



Bodhisattva in Recovery
Why do you assume that because some words are in a book, there is no direct experience also?
I'm not. You're just reacting to my words without thinking about what I am saying.

That seems like quite an assumption. Quite possibly an unwarranted one.
Indeed it could be unwarrented but the simple fact is that I don't rely on books to form my opinions. As Doppelganger rightly asserted not long ago, I do not believe in anything I cannot personally verify. Given the topics I write about that might be admitting to quite a lot however. You must try to understand that generally speaking I don't expect people TO understand me.

My point is, my views are first hand, whereas those who rely on their books are getting, at best, second hand information. It is reasonable to assume that one could investigate each and every claim in a book, but it is unlikely that one would do just that. If Scott is privy to a deep realization that confirms his point then I'd LOVE TO HEAR IT. It is unlikely that he has and if that is the case then he is just whistling through his beard. *grins at Scott* :bow:

Regardless of the religion involved, it is as if people look at the words of others and think, "Hmm, that sounds good enough for me." My suspicion is that it is because they cannot come up with an alternate idea of their own (or heck, even a similar idea ON THEIR OWN) so they feel all warm and fuzzy riding on the coattails of a person they do not know personally, but believe implicitly. And yes, I realize that Scott has probably had his own deep religious experience, so in effect I am calling him out. I really don't care what Baha`u'llah has to say. I'd much rather hear what Scott has to say. At least I can interact with Scott... Not to say that I cannot interact with Baha`u'llah or the Bab, but that is a different thing altogether, if you get my drift.

Had Scott stated, "YmirGF I have personally verified this information and this is why I disagree with you." I would be far more willing to take him at his word. The simple fact is that he is simply parroting the words of another... no matter how much conviction he has that what he repeats is the "truth" however relative that "truth" may be. If he has no verification through his own experience that what he says is true then he should at least have the decency to say, "well that is what I think at least." Am I clear on this?


Deviled Hen
I'm not. You're just reacting to my words without thinking about what I am saying.

Actually I was just asking a question.

Indeed it could be unwarrented but the simple fact is that I don't rely on books to form my opinions.

I know that, Ymir.

My point is, my views are first hand, whereas those who rely on their books are getting, at best, second hand information. It is reasonable to assume that one could investigate each and every claim in a book, but it is unlikely that one would do just that.

And here's where you make the mistake, Ymir. You are assuming that the book is being used first and the experience afterwards.

That's the unwarranted assumption.

If Scott is privy to a deep realization that confirms his point then I'd LOVE TO HEAR IT. It is unlikely that he has and if that is the case then he is just whistling through his beard. *grins at Scott* :bow:

Nevermind Scott. I made the point regarding myself. Just because some of us do not mention personal experience in the way you do does not mean we don't have them.

Also, I see no need to assume that my experience would be anything like yours just because I am not you. :shrug:

Had Scott stated, "YmirGF I have personally verified this information and this is why I disagree with you." I would be far more willing to take him at his word.

I can say I personally verified the Earth is Flat and Creation occured in 6 24-hour days, and you should give that no more credence than any other claim I make to having verified anything.

The simple fact is that he is simply parroting the words of another...

Parroting assumes the mere repitition of words with no thought behind them or prior reflection on the meaning or truth of said words.

Again, an unwarranted assumption.

no matter how much conviction he has that what he repeats is the "truth" however relative that "truth" may be. If he has no verification through his own experience that what he says is true then he should at least have the decency to say, "well that is what I think at least." Am I clear on this?


First, you are just assuming he has no verification. He has not said either way, unless I missed a post (possible).

Then there is this problem...

On the one hand, you decry organized religions because the believers tend to engage in groupthink. Well, that's a valid criticism at times to be sure.

On the other hand, you criticize Scott (and indirectly me as well) because we believe people should think for themselves. It's something of a Baha'i habit to just quote directly and people can make of it what they will. The alternative would be for us to push a possibly errorneous interpretation on the meaning. Better you think for yourself.

So if you would please clarify whether you would like groupthink or avoidance of groupthink, maybe Scott and I can proceed from there.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, Ymir. My discovery of the Baha`i faith was prompted by a dream--a deeply moving and prophetic dream that is of great significance to me and me alone. I have no reason to tout it to you or anyone else for any reason. It is my personal and private spiritual experience and not for the edification of anyone but me.

I have read your words and I have read the bab and Baha`u'llah. You lose.



Glass half Panda'd
Sorry, Ymir. My discovery of the Baha`i faith was prompted by a dream--a deeply moving and prophetic dream that is of great significance to me and me alone. I have no reason to tout it to you or anyone else for any reason. It is my personal and private spiritual experience and not for the edification of anyone but me.

I have read your words and I have read the bab and Baha`u'llah. You lose.

I had no idea it was a contest! LOL

Btw... why aren't we on topic?


Well-Known Member
Topic previously de-railed. . . . Any help getting the cars on the tracks will be heartily endorsed.



Obstructor of justice

Please note that this part of the conversation has been moved into it's own thread.
Happy debating :)


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Actually I was just asking a question.
Correct, forgive me. I was rather rushed when I wrote my response. I doubt I need to prove I am also quite human, lol.
Why do you assume that because some words are in a book, there is no direct experience also?
Actually, again,it is simply my experience, Booko. If yourself and Scott (as well as others) have had deeply personal experiences, I for one, would LOVE to hear about them. I mean that quite sincerely. In my view it certainly does not hurt to add the two cents of one's experience to deepen the message conveyed. I suppose another reason, for me at least, is that given people's words, it is not easy to grasp their level of understanding, especially if they rely on quotations to make their point. Prefaces such as, "My experience tells me the following is true..." would add volumes to such quotes. Granted there is wiggle room there, but nonetheless it would personalize the message more, and depending on how I judge a person, and I do, it could add considerable weight to what they are saying rather than just trumpeting the words. I hope that makes sense.

And here's where you make the mistake, Ymir. You are assuming that the book is being used first and the experience afterwards.
That is a valid criticism Lady Booko, however it is not the entirely the truth. I am quite aware of the fact that people have their own experiences and then "hit on" someone who "speaks their language" so to speak. Again, if folks would just say so when they are making use of scriptures. I don't know Sharon, little things like, "This scripture has always seemed to ring true for me..." rather than trotting out quotes as de facto truth when in fact they are only conjecture.

I don't like to use the trump card per se, but we are talking about a being that has never been proven to exist. Leave aside all the religious babble for a sec and think about it pragmatically, as I am sure you do anyway. To say outright that such and such is SO about an entity that may or may NOT actually exist is ... unreasonable. At best, even with deep personal experience, it is a "best guess" scenario and I just wish that people would crop their enthusiam for their so-called "revealed" scriptures and stick to things they personally know as fact instead of rambling on about what they think they know.

Another side of this multidimensional coin is that I openly claim to have "met" god in the form of Vishnu. It certainly rocked my little world, lol. The thing is, based on my first hand experience, when I read things that are allegedly from "god" I just tend to blink and wonder... "Hmmm. Oddly, the big fellah didn't say anything about that."

I clearly recognize that I could be the "odd man out" and am totally deluded, however I am fairly certain that I am not. Would it be more impressive if I used quotations from so-called "scriptures" and kept my perceptions to myself? Would that validate my understanding to you?

That's the unwarranted assumption.
It could be in some cases, for sure and in those cases I offer heartfelt apologies. In the cases where it is not I will stand by my words.

Nevermind Scott. I made the point regarding myself. Just because some of us do not mention personal experience in the way you do does not mean we don't have them.
I recognize that Booko. Further to this it is not beyond the realm of possibility that the experiences of others is far greater than my own, though to be quite honest, it is rather unlikely.

Also, I see no need to assume that my experience would be anything like yours just because I am not you. :shrug:
Forgive my own enthusiam Booko. I am a bit more intelligent than to suggest that. You are unique in your feathered regalia as I am in my own soothing ice. By the way, did I say that we would have identical perspectives? Sharon, we all perceive reality from the nexus of the moment through our own individualized sense of being. I would never suggest any other thing, and if I stray from that thought I would hope you have the continued temerity to smack me back into my senses. I expect nothing less really.

Having said that, Oneness is a peculiar beast that will strike the individual in very similar ways. It is my opinion that there are only so many ways TO describe that Oneness and so there SHOULD be distinct similarities from account to account. When I do not sense that in a person it most definitely affects my view of them. Of that I am certainly quilty. Well, I am only 51, so I am still young.

I can say I personally verified the Earth is Flat and Creation occured in 6 24-hour days, and you should give that no more credence than any other claim I make to having verified anything.
That is not what I mean Sharon and I am sure you are clever enough to know that. What I am really meaning is that one should be able to describe, to an extent, the viewpoints they have accrued so that they are meaningful to others. Insisting that the Earth is flat or that so-called "creation" occured in 6 24-hour days does not fit that bill as they cannot be verified, via direct experience by anyone else.

Parroting assumes the mere repitition of words with no thought behind them or prior reflection on the meaning or truth of said words.
Nods. Exactly. That is why I asked Scott if he had verified the quote he used with the full knowledge that he cannot say "yes". It is not possible... well, not to my thinking. If "god" was being that direct with anyone, I would suggest that they needed counselling.

Again, an unwarranted assumption.
Forgive me if I politely disagree with you on this one my dear mother hen. It is definitely true that I could possibly be underestimating the "depth" of others experience however, I read their word, cypher their meaning and go from there. Sorry, but I can only use my experience as a yardstick. I'm far from perfect Sharon whatever "perfect" is exactly.

Well you are at the horses mouth or perhaps another aspect, so I will try to clarify what I mean. It would be so much simpler over a cool lemonaid sitting in deck chairs and watching the sunset. Interent forum discussions are not exactly natural and errors crop up so easily in comparrison to ordinary communication modes.

First, you are just assuming he has no verification. He has not said either way, unless I missed a post (possible).
He did not in fact say he did or did not, however he did give the impression, conscious or not, that his quote was from "on high" as it were. Trust me, I know it when I see it, as I am guilty of it too.

Then there is this problem...

On the one hand, you decry organized religions because the believers tend to engage in groupthink. Well, that's a valid criticism at times to be sure.

On the other hand, you criticize Scott (and indirectly me as well) because we believe people should think for themselves. It's something of a Baha'i habit to just quote directly and people can make of it what they will.
Well, dear Poulet girl, I just learned something. I did not know that. Now I understand Scott a bit better. You, however, rarely use quotations of any kind. I guess that is part of my point. You and I or Scott and I can interact with each other. It is hard to "interact" the same way with a book.

The alternative would be for us to push a possibly errorneous interpretation on the meaning. Better you think for yourself.
Personally, I think that is superb, but to those of us who are not all that familiar with Bahai "terms of usage" perhaps members of the Bahai faith should simply say so... then drop the quote. It would make all the difference in the world to this silly mortal. Frankly that is one of the things I detest about Islam in that one the one hand we are told to read the Qur'an and then on the other hand we are told to read "this" interpretation. *sigh* I hope you understand what I am saying now.

So if you would please clarify whether you would like groupthink or avoidance of groupthink, maybe Scott and I can proceed from there.
I would VASTLY prefer your own personal points of view. Following your comment above, I can read for myself, lol. I can do that anytime. I would much rather have real discussions about the things that fire your imagination and makes your hearts skip a beat. You could just say, this is my own viewpoint, the way I understand it and that would be good enough for me.

Am I getting clearer?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Sorry, Ymir. My discovery of the Baha`i faith was prompted by a dream--a deeply moving and prophetic dream that is of great significance to me and me alone. I have no reason to tout it to you or anyone else for any reason. It is my personal and private spiritual experience and not for the edification of anyone but me.

Thank you Scott. I would be deeply honored if you were to share your dream with me, although obviously you are not interested in doing so. I would not denigrate a dream for any reason as they are very deep, often moving, and personal experiences.

I am of the school of thought that says that dreams are meant for sharing not for clutching close to our hearts. When you release the dream, it grows. It is my belief that if more people shared their dreams it would make our world a better place.

I have read your words and I have read the bab and Baha`u'llah.
Perfect. That suits me just fine because I don't want converts or followers, lol. As Booko so eloquently explained, like yourselves, I'd far sooner just get people thinking and perhaps (if I am lucky) give them the courage to push their self-created envelopes a little harder.

You lose.
Oddly, I wasn't aware I was in a race, although I am flattered to be remotely considered side by side with these two fine immortals. I may even quote you in my biography, lol. (With full credits of course. If you knew just how much self-depreciating humor I have injected into my "story" so far, you would sense how delicious this addition could be. I am serious, btw.)

*Cuts; pastes*
*sits back and waits for the go ahead from Scott*