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Dirty Cops & Pedophile Priests...Both Move To New Hunting Grounds


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I'm so thankful that there is finally good reporting! Hope they get justice.
Police Forces do appear to be trying to self-clean.
They put cam-corders on their officers.
They release uncut videos of incidents.
They seem to be supporting prosecutions against Perversion-of-Justice crimes.
Where I live POJ crimes automatically carry a prison sentence.
They need to include a chapter in their induction courses which feature past POJs

One more thing......... an important positive if it can be achieved. Every person who has received a Police-Caution or Conviction for possession of anything found by the convicted officer previously... needs to be auto=acquitted and pardoned, with a damages payment. Paying damages hurts so it is a best idea.

If States are employing convicted officers from other States/countries then they should be fined a huge amount for every 'find'.

Police Forces.....moving onwards and upwards......if they will do this.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Tracking troublesome cops (Brady List) is often
subverted by departments who don't care, or will
even hide crooked & incompetent cops. There's
no sanction for failure to alert others to bad cops.

Cops cannot be trusted to monitor, report on, or
discipline themselves. They're far more interested
in protecting their co-workers....their friends...their
allies in the war on the populace.

This case has a bogus traffic stop that resulted in
repeated tazing, including sexual assault....right
in front of the man's children.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The Brady List is often used by police departments
to retaliate against whistle blowers. So instead of
monitoring bad cops, it's used to punish the few
good ones.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Prosecutors are in the business of conviction.
They'll use tainted testimony by crooked cops
without divulging this to judge or jury. The crooked
cops are still protected by their department from
being on the Brady List (which cops want kept
secret from the public). So cops, prosecutors,
& judges will railroad innocent people, sending
them to prison.

Kamala Harris has a dubious record of fighting
new evidence that could exculpate people who
were possibly wrongly convicted.
Inside Kamala Harris’ polarizing record as a prosecutor


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Some departments appear to prefer violent cops
on the Brady List. There's really no accountability
on the local or state level. And the FBI, which also
has a continuing history of civil rights violation,
seldom takes interest. Recordings show they relish
abusing, arresting, framing, & prosecuting innocent


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Arizona looks like a dangerous place to live because
of its penchant for actually preferring bad cops.
They'll systematically cover up illegal acts to keep their
cops off the Brady List, but even when cops are on it,
they're still hired & retained.
When "good cops" go along with this, there are no good cops.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Police departments will even retain cops who
sexually assault civilians. There are so many
examples of cops raping people.
So is it any wonder why rape victims are treated
with indifference?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Cities can whitewash police departments by hiring
women & blacks in positions of authority. They'll
say that they're working to improve things. But
the system remains the same as they merely
become part of the status quo.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Politicians & officials in AZ all (a few exceptions) conspire
to keep body cams sealed, to prevent police reform.
The police union fights hard to prevent their being held
accountable. Republicans fight any police reform, &
even work to prevent monitoring & accountability.
Currently, monitoring bad cops in AZ is voluntary, not
mandatory. So there are no sanctions for cover ups.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Body cameras on cops are sometimes useful.
But they show only a fraction of cops' illegal behavior.
When they've done or plan to do something wrong,
they just turn off the cameras.
Failing that, they can flag the content for being
non-searchable, with sooner deletion.

This case appears to have one good cop in the department.

BTW, the crooked sheriff was never charged with
any crime. He just moved on after being caught
trying to commit fraud.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Another Catholic priest pedophile/ephebophile
admits his heinous predation & the church's cover-up...
States should start prosecution of the church under RICO.
From the article, "He’s also described himself as remorseful yet unsure if he’s deserving of any criminal consequences."

I say we give him a rather lot of time to mull it over until he finally understands why there NEEDS to be criminal consequences for his behaviour.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
From the article, "He’s also described himself as remorseful yet unsure if he’s deserving of any criminal consequences."

I say we give him a rather lot of time to mull it over until he finally understands why there NEEDS to be criminal consequences for his behaviour.
Isn't it fascinating how priests & the church
consider themselves above the law. Perhaps
they believe that God's law is higher. But I
don't think that law allows raping children,
& covering up the crimes.
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Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Back in the day, when I had employees (contractors only
now), I hired a private investigator (ex-state cop with access
to special databases) to vet new employees. Police depts
should do at least that.
Curious...legal access, or just practical access?


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
From the article, "He’s also described himself as remorseful yet unsure if he’s deserving of any criminal consequences."

I say we give him a rather lot of time to mull it over until he finally understands why there NEEDS to be criminal consequences for his behaviour.
I agree.

There are things I don't mind (the church can forgive him, continue to pay him, and give him whatever title they like) and there are things I mind very, very much.
Leaving him in any position involving children, leaving him protected from criminal prosecution for his crime, and leaving the families he was connected to unaware of his crimes and diagnosis are far beyond the pale.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Quasi-legal, since he was retired.
Cops don't want the public knowing
the info they keep on us.
I know. Hence my curiosity. Police have access to information outside what they should, and in my experience relish that fact.
(even some friends who are cops and generally good people)

Things have improved a little here, but that's the result of better auditing and data security, not any great improvement in 'people'. And there are still plenty of gaps.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Isn't it fascinating how priests & the church
consider themselves above the law. Perhaps
they believe that God's law is higher. But I
don't think that law allows raping children,
& covering up the crimes.

Totally different lens, but on the topic of God's law versus secular laws, and general morality, I enjoyed 'God and the Gun' by Martin Dillon.
It was basically a set of accounts by priests in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
One of my "personal favorites".

That cop has been fired.
But he really should be in prison for a long long time.
But the cops ruled it justifiable use of force, & they're
still prosecuting the victim (who is suing them).
This shows that this entire department is filled with
bad cops....dangerously bad cops.