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Discussion on the Parable of the Mustard Seed/Yeast


Premium Member
The Kingdom of Heaven is real and powerful. It has always existed imo. It need not grow as Jesus said "it is in your midst".
John 16:13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
John 3:5 Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.

It is not something growing around us. It is something to enter into.

God is holy and righteous. God's holiness and righteousness does not grow. God is complete and perfect. The Kingdom of God is a reflection of God's holiness.

God is ONE. The three lumps and the mustard plant are what people are making it. God is not making it three (like the lumps) or weak (like the mustard).

I meant it is only an idea to us right now. Of course it's real and it's right here among us, I believe. We can't see it- although we can feel it and experience it in our own way. :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's not all that complicated.
The seed represents a thought....a feeling.
Small at first but it has what it takes to grow to a much larger branch work.

Any parable could then be that seed.
A redirection of your thinking.
From there....you grow.

Then birds rest on them. I don't think so.

Parables are proof Jesus knows what he is talking about.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
These two parables of Jesus is not Jesus describing The Kingdom of God. The parables of Jesus serve to draw people in intellectually (there is your "idea" speculation). They keep our minds interested to keep seeking the Kingdom. These two are prophetic of what would be. They were already developing then.

If he was describing the actual Kingdom he would not have used the word "like". He would have used the verb "is".


Premium Member
These two parables of Jesus is not Jesus describing The Kingdom of God. The parables of Jesus serve to draw people in intellectually (there is your "idea" speculation). They keep our minds interested to keep seeking the Kingdom. These two are prophetic of what would be. They were already developing then.

If he was describing the actual Kingdom he would not have used the word "like". He would have used the verb "is".

That's a good point. :) When we first discover God, our faith would be a mustard seed as we grow in our faith, it grows into a tree and hopefully keeps growing.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
That's a good point. :) When we first discover God, our faith would be a mustard seed as we grow in our faith, it grows into a tree and hopefully keeps growing.

Actually no. I might be wrong but a mustard seed does NOT grow into a tree. It is a bush. Google mustard plant images. It's a great big weed. But it tastes good. Hopefully the mustard plant does not keep growing;)


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Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.
Who are disciples? Believers in Christ. That is how the Kingdom of God becomes a mustard plant and leaven. Remember Christ pictures unleavened bread. Why would he say the Kingdom is like leavened bread? He wouldn't. It is the reason the Kingdom has not increased over the whole, isn't it?


Rogue Theologian
Then birds rest on them. I don't think so.

Parables are proof Jesus knows what he is talking about.

If you listen to any one parable and your method of thought changes....
you will then develop parables of your own.

And your words will prove a comfort to others.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It is probably not significant that a woman is mentioned in the parable because it is so common that women make the bread.

The amount of dough must be significant because no one can kneed 4 1/4 pecks of flour or 144 cups. Is three significant? Maybe. I wonder if it is it means three professions of faith developing.

They are:

1. Man in the place of God. This can be seen in the Catholic Church,
Jehovah's Witnesses and the LDS
2. The belief that salvation comes from acts of righteousness
3. The establishment of a Sovereign Jewish State with Yehoshua enthroned.

All three of these beliefs are developments originating in Ancient Israel. That is what the leaven represents. Leaven in those days was a lump of fermented dough. It is called sour dough. When it is mixed into new dough it ferments it into a new loaf. Before baking the loaf a piece is removed for later.

Like does not means it is. It means it is existing alongside the Kingdom of God. The cross reference would be the wheat and the weeds parable in which the weeds were allowed to grow along side the wheat.


Veteran Member
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Does anyone else see that those three groups are separated but all believe in God's will on Earth?


Rogue Theologian
Does anyone else see that those three groups are separated but all believe in God's will on Earth?

I think the answer to this question would be in the Sower of Seeds.

The seed is cast is what is described as random.
Not even a plowed field is mentioned.

Blend the parables.
You can.
There is no restriction.

Seed is thought and feeling.
It grows as the surroundings allow it to grow.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Seed is truth and life

Galatians 3:16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed," meaning one person, who is Christ.
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