It was you who brought Reagan up. I was just trying to show you that your respect for him was unfounded. This was not a tu quoque.You cannot defend Clinton by attacking Reagan or any other conservative politician. You can't make Hitler good by claiming Stalin was worse. Using that tactic is a very good indicator that you realize you cannot defend Clinton on her own merits. This is philosophy 101 stuff.
My defense of the Clintons rests on the fact that they are the victims of a "vast, right wing conspiracy" of disinformation and manufactured scandals.
Believe what you will, the facts stand on their own merit. The UN did not sanction the Vietnam war. Moreover, Vietnam was a manufactured war. The country did not threaten the US, the purported cause of the war was false, and the war was never declared by congress.3. I do not believe the war in Vietnam was illegal. However even if it was then since Kennedy started our involvement that would make him a criminal. However the draft was legal.
.A fair objection. I think we're in agreement, here. As I said, Clinton should have taken a stand on one side of the fence or the other.4. I served in the military, but I have no problem with people who do not want to kill their fellow man. However do so honorably, enter as a conscientious objector. Don't get your liberal buddies to recommend you for the R.O.T.C. then not even bother to show up.
His protests were legitimate, and I think you're seeing the empire through rose colored glasses. We're the mightiest by virtue of military conquest and economic exploitation. I think you need to brush up on your history. The US is benevolent only when it suits its purpose, and the protests were principled, not hypocritical.5. However that is not the extent of what he did, he actually protested against the US in all manner of contexts. Despite our many faults this country is the mightiest, most successful, and most benevolent in human history. It does not deserve hypocritical protests by a person who committed adultery in the oval office.
I agree, I was not trying to tie him into the Clintons. You misread my posts.6. I am more than capable of defending Reagan and admitting where he failed, but his merits have nothing to do with the Clintons.
But radical is a good thing, isn't it? The country was founded by radicals. Civil and women's rights were promoted by radicals. All the good things in US society were promoted by liberal radicals -- and opposed by conservatives.7. As for Alinsky he was a self described radical and stated in his book Satan was the original archetype of a radical.
Read your Alinsky. His advocacy for Satan was not of the Christian Satan, it was for Satan as a progressive archetype. Alinsky was not a religious man, he just liked tweaking people's sensibilities.
Read my links. Do your own Google search. The Clinton scandals were overblown or manufactured as propaganda.I have little time at the moment so I will stop here. You need to actually defend Hillary instead of trying to indict others and if you really wish to tackle that unenviable task then we must start at the beginning. Good luck.
Please name a few and we can discuss them.
Our philosophy is family values, kindness, compassion, equality. We promote Christian values, and believe the end does not justify the means -- that's a right wing value.Objection to liberals- They are totally convinced their philosophy is right, so the end justifies the means. They love the concept of the re distribution of wealth, taking it from the people who have it, and giving it to those who do not, many of whom have made no effort to acquire any for themselves (theft).
Conservatives believe in survival of the fittest, tribalism, competition and exclusion of the 'undeserving.'
Families redistribute wealth, they share. They don't throw grandma out when she becomes unproductive. Liberals see all of society as one big family; a co-op -- all for one, one for all. We don't see hoarding unneeded resources as meritorious.
But that makes no sense. Gumby and 'exactly as written' are opposites. Gumby is flexible; originalism, rigid.They think of the US Constitution which was written to stand exactly as written, as a gumby document that can be twisted and bent to support their principles.
First, it's the conservatives who tend to support an originalist, inflexible interpretation. Liberals believe an inflexible constitution would act as a brake on a changing society.
That's not to say conservatives can't be flexible -- when it serves their purpose. Remember, conservatives believe the end justifies the means, so they'll resort to all sorts of creative legal interpretations to achieve an end that benefits their group.
No, the facts belie this. As liberals support the welfare of the 99%, conservatives support the 1%, the "economic royalists," as Roosevelt put it. US an Oligarchy not a democracy concludes Princeton Study - Tactical InvestorThey defy the will of the people on any number of issues by using implanted fellow travelers in the courts to discard the will of the the people.
No, we demand equal rights, not rule by the 1% of white, male landowners the founding fathers intended. It's the right wing that manipulates elections, packs elective offices at all levels with conservative supporters, and gives grants to universities provided their own, hand selected professors are installed.They demand special rights for selected groups of people, over those granted to all people in the Constitution.
Abortion of non-people and the killing people, for the crime of killing people, is a separate issue. I'll be glad to discuss it if you wish.They are happy to allow the murder of an innocent unborn human, but demand that guilty killers not be executed for their crimes. Because the end justifies the means, they give themselves permission to lie, to cheat, to misrepresent in bring they goals to fruition. They believe in the half who support the other half being continually drained of resources by increased taxation, so they can continue to give and give to the idle half in ways never intended , and never encoded in the Constitution. Just a few
It's the conservatives who are wont to lie, cheat and misrepresent to achieve an end, not the principled liberals, and it was during the period of high taxation that America achieved its greatest prosperity. The taxes are not a drain. They're a pooling of funds to buy social services wholesale.
Your obsession with the idle, 'undeserving poor' is typical of conservatives, who are willing to compromise their own prosperity to punish freeloaders. This is punishment, not family values. If people are freeloading, address the problem, don't just summarily cut them off and force them into lives of poverty and crime (which will cost society more in the long run).