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Disproving god with the laws of logic


Well-Known Member
The body has only one obvious function....to put information into your head.
Beaudreaux here....I'm a Pastifarian. That's my religion. Oh yeah, and I'm a senior member here, too. I joined the forum back in January 2009. Anyway, that's who I am and this is me...Just wanted to be sure you knew...OH! and I live in Pennsylvania...And I'm a dude. Anyway, it's me...so it seems to me that the body has many obvious functions and that putting knowledge into our heads is probably the least obvious of them. Not sure what you're getting at here.
God is creating individuals. He does so by making unique bodies for each of us. Each one of us will develop a different perspective.
Because we each have a linear existence, we will each have a different conversation to offer...later on.
Hey, it's still Beaudreaux. Why do these conversations have to happen [dramatic pause signified by an ellipsis]...later on? Why not now?
Use your imagination.
Hey...still me....I am not sure what you want me to make up. Something similar to what you have made up?


Rogue Theologian
Thief here...okay....I can drag you along.

All of your senses feed info into your brain.
Life has no mystery. You are here to learn all that you can before you die.

When dead............
Stand up. Separate from your flesh.
If you fail to do so, you will follow your body into the box, and the box into the ground.
Eternal darkness is physically real.
No form of light follows a man into the grave.
No sunlight, moonlight, starlight,...or philosophical light.
It really is dark down there.

If you succeed in standing up..............
Anyone who went before you could be there to receive you.
Therefore, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.........
Because They will do so.

As for God...........................
He set this all up. This is not my handiwork.
And you don't get to plead ignorance.
You've read this.
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Well-Known Member
Thief here...okay....I can drag you along.

All of your senses feed info into your brain.
Life has no mystery. You are here to learn all that you can before you die.

When dead............
Stand up. Separate from your flesh.
If you fail to do so, you will follow your body into the box, and the box into the ground.
Eternal darkness is physically real.
No form of light follows a man into the grave.
No sunlight, moonlight, starlight,...or philosophical light.
It really is dark down there.

If you succeed in standing up..............
Anyone who went before you could be there to receive you.
Therefore, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.........
Because They will do so.

As for God...........................
He set this all up. This is not my handiwork.
And you don't get to plead ignorance.
You've read this.

Rich here------Oh so your like the KEYMASTER in Ghostbusters, we can't plead ignorance because you have been good enough to show us all the WAY. Thank you Oh great keymaster, I have been saved a horrid eternity of darkness, instead i get to spend eternity with "Thief here----an billions of evangelical christians, and billions of dogmatic creationists, no thanks, I'll take the darkness any day, well actually I have no choice as there is no afterlife, if you do know someone who can enlighten us about this place, then lets hear about it. Rich here-------signing off---over and out.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
ContentiusMaximus here.

God is a concept you cannot disprove, either with naturalistic evidence or ruling out God's existence with logic.

However, because of logic and naturalistic evidence you can deem God's existence to be improbable and irrelevant. An improbable/irrelevant God might as well not exist. But it is definitely not conclusive proof God does not exist.

Roger that. ContentiusMaximus signing out.


Hey, i've been here for like 4 or 5 months, can i be a senior member? lol. Either way, thief, you sound ridiculous, and if you don't realize that, well, that's really your problem.


Admiral Obvious
Hey, i've been here for like 4 or 5 months, can i be a senior member? lol. Either way, thief, you sound ridiculous, and if you don't realize that, well, that's really your problem.
If a mere 8 mnths makes him a "Senior" member, what does that make me?
An "Ancient" member?

And what of those like Sunstone, who have been a member even longer than me?
"Fossil" members?


Active Member
ContentiusMaximus here.

God is a concept you cannot disprove, either with naturalistic evidence or ruling out God's existence with logic.
Not entirely true. You can disproove certain defined gods. As soon as "god" is not an abstract term for "anything" but gets concrete you can argue.



Well-Known Member
To free thinker.
The key word is absolute, it would be possible for them to be a apart of gods mind but they wouldn't be absolute if they were because what would happen if god changed his mind,
I haven’t read on TAG so I’ll have go on what you have said, earlier on when you were asked to define God you stated “I would define god as THE standard for everything” That would make it impossible for God to change His mind, if He is the absolute Standard whatever He said it is, that is what it is if He is standard that is, mind you that you said it yourself He is the standard.
If the laws can change then they are not absolute and if god cannot change them then god is not god.
So we are full circle, the argument either falls apart or disproves gods existence.
Nope, what has happened here is that you painted yourself to a corner. What you have shown is the non-existence of logic in your arguments.


Well-Known Member
How does less than 8 months membership make you anything even remotely close to a "Senior" member?
Hey, don't be a hater. :)

The title is automatically assigned by the message board software based on number oif posts and frubals. I know this is news to you. Only senior members are privy to this stuff. :p


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Thief here....yep....My God is weird....
But I'm going to stand back and watch....let you be the one to say so.

I do realize some people are not going to cross over.
Are you expecting to do so?
Any one of you?

Enoch here....hope I am not the only one.
Who ..........."hears"..........a beatnik baseline when I read.
The post of the Thief.



Rogue Theologian
Thief here...Thanks Enoch...really...

I do read the stuff I write.
I realize the way it sounds.


Well-Known Member
Thief here...Thanks Enoch...really...

I do read the stuff I write.
I realize the way it sounds.
Beaudreaux here...actually, looking at the online statuses, I'm pretty sure Enoch's here too....Mestemia's here....looks like freethinker's here....ContentiusMaximus is here...Perfect Circle's here...Whitlinger's here...no wait, he just went offline...stephenW's here...GiantHouseKey, he's not here...anyway, I'm here...this is Beaudreaux...here....

So,....you know I completely forgot what I was going to say. Give me a minute. I'll be here later.


Admiral Obvious
Hey, don't be a hater. :)
No hate, just amused curiosity.

The title is automatically assigned by the message board software based on number oif posts and frubals.
{ignored because it detracts from the amusement}

I know this is news to you. Only senior members are privy to this stuff. :p
Now you sound silly.
YOUR stats:
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 1,695
My Stats:
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 10,935

I joined 29 months before you did.
I also have 9240 more posts.

So if you are a veteran, what does than make me?

Now let us get even deeper into the silly....
Sunstone's Stats:
Join Date: Jul 2004Total Posts: 31,029​
Sunstone joined 12 months before I did (41 months before you)
He also has 20094 more posts than me (29334 more posts than you)

If you are a veteran, what does that make him?

I left the frubals out of the stats because Sunstone's frubal count just makes everyone cry.


Well-Known Member
No hate, just amused curiosity.

{ignored because it detracts from the amusement}

Now you sound silly.
YOUR stats:
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 1,695
My Stats:
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 10,935

I joined 29 months before you did.
I also have 9240 more posts.

So if you are a veteran, what does than make me?

Now let us get even deeper into the silly....
Sunstone's Stats:
Join Date: Jul 2004Total Posts: 31,029
Sunstone joined 12 months before I did (41 months before you)
He also has 20094 more posts than me (29334 more posts than you)

If you are a veteran, what does that make him?

I left the frubals out of the stats because Sunstone's frubal count just makes everyone cry.

You are all-beings, rulers of time, space and dimension.

Peggy Anne

Deist Aries
Why do people go to the trouble of trying to disprove something they swear they do not believe exists ? Wouldn't the time be better spent painting the living room, or washing windows ?
If a person tells me : "I just had a thought." I reply "I don't believe that you did. Prove it." That other person can't prove it, but he/she can make something UP, and I can keep saying that I just don't believe them, because I don't see that thought in front of me in tangible form.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Why do people go to the trouble of trying to disprove something they swear they do not believe exists ? Wouldn't the time be better spent painting the living room, or washing windows ?

Hmmm, spend time engaging in banal, yet entertaining debates while sitting comfortably in front of the computer, or spend all day washing windows?


Well-Known Member
If a person tells me : "I just had a thought." I reply "I don't believe that you did. Prove it." That other person can't prove it, but he/she can make something UP, and I can keep saying that I just don't believe them, because I don't see that thought in front of me in tangible form.

You are aware that the possibility of thoughts exist, however, because you can also think. The thing about thoughts are they can consist of anything imaginable, and no ridiculous or illogical claims are likely to be made about the thought. Also, thanks to technology, it's possible to measure brainwave activity, so if we really wanted to go through the effort of proving it, we could check.

The existance of that thought is also relatively mundane. It would be an unreasonable thing to deny that person the benefit of the doubt. Their brain, their thoughts, they are likely to know more about it than you are :)
