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Do Aliens Exist?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I have this overwhelming sense that there are no aliens anywhere in existence imo.
Do you believe life does not exist in any form at all elsewhere in the entire universe besides just here on earth alone?

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
I have this overwhelming sense that there are no aliens anywhere in existence imo.
And based upon what actual knowledge? That is, as to what we humans actually know regarding anything other than what we have observed on Earth (not complete), the Moon (not complete), and the rest of the planets in our local solar system, and their moons (hardly even looked at yet in detail). Given the size of the universe (and apparent period of existence), the numbers of galaxies, stars, planets, and moons, it would be rather premature to make any kind of assessment as to life elsewhere - and possibly presumptive of humans to do so - but then religions often provide such. If I had the time and the money I would place bets as to life existing elsewhere, and even intelligent life too.
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Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I have this overwhelming sense that there are no aliens anywhere in existence imo.
There's a possibility. Aliens or extraterrestrials wouldn't necessarily have to be advanced civilizations or advanced species, they could just be microbial life.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
As far as your life is concerned, you are correct.

It really doesn't matter if there are aliens on other planets. You're stuck on this one. Whether they do or don't exist is more or less irrelevant to your life, isn't it?


Premium Member
I have this overwhelming sense that there are no aliens anywhere in existence imo.
I believe without a doubt there are planets with alien species. I think they may not have the same intelligence as us so communication may not be possible. I know that the distance and harshness of the outer universe makes it impossible for live aliens to visit us. The best we may get is a robot or rover like machine visiting us or a signal that we don't understand. Aliens do, however, exist in the universe, life did not just spout up just once.


Veteran Member
I believe without a doubt there are planets with alien species. I think they may not have the same intelligence as us so communication may not be possible. I know that the distance and harshness of the outer universe makes it impossible for live aliens to visit us. The best we may get is a robot or rover like machine visiting us or a signal that we don't understand. Aliens do, however, exist in the universe, life did not just spout up just once.
I respect that


New Member
Yes, I think they do. But it's better they do avoid us, cause you never know how powerful they can be. They might also have such advanced technologies we might never able to decode.


I have this overwhelming sense that there are no aliens anywhere in existence imo.
Have you ever read the Bible - it's full of extraterrestrial activity from beginning to end. The word extraterrestrial/alien does mean being not of this world!

Have you ever read some of the ancient writings of various cultures they too speak of beings not of this world they call them gods !

You ever listen to President Ronald Reagan or President Jimmy Carter or even President Barack Obama and their comments on something is out there and at two different eyewitness accounts? And these are men who where the head honcho of the US government.

What about the pentagons release a couple of years ago.

What about the hearings in Congress a month or so ago with military personnel and their eyewitness accounts.

Oh and let's not forget the atheist _ they call him sky Daddy or sky King why that mythical God from the sky - shows they at least have the concept correct that he /they come down from the sky.

And I'll end Jesus was taken up into the sky and he said he will be coming back from the sky with his angels and because of television / sci-fi the world is numb to truth.......... And when they see him as prophesied coming back down from the clouds with his angels, the world will be screaming alien invasion - you see according to scripture those who believe in him will be taken up as he is coming down.
Yep our sky Daddy is coming back and the devil is preparing the world for the rise of the Beast and his Antichrist by revealing themselves more so and once again mingle on Earth as the days of Noah.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
If aliens don't exist then the universe is an awfully big waste of space to have just one planet inhabited


Ella S.

Well-Known Member
We are already keeping tabs on a few planets in other star systems that might contain extra-terrestrial life and the jury is still out on Europa, Ganymede, and maybe even the Martian ice caps.

That said, there are some unique features of both our solar system and Earth in particular that are quite rare. Our planetary orbit goes from smaller planets nearest the sun to larger planets further from the sun, which is the rarest orbital pattern. Jupiter, the largest planet, plays an important role in stabilizing the rest of the solar system and keeping interstellar comets, asteroids, etc. from hitting us.

Life on Earth has been able to develop due to our unique atmosphere, our high liquid water content, our diverse mineral saturation, our orbit, and our mass. This is quite a variety of factors to look out for, but we have been able to find a few comparable Earth-like planets in other star systems, such as Kepler-452b or Gliese 229 Ac. These might already have life on them, but we do not have the instruments to test that yet.

It is also worth noting that we are in a unary star system, whereas many star systems are binary, trinary, or higher.

Extra-terrestial life certainly seems plausible, under our current models. As we progress in our understanding of abiogenesis, we gain a better idea of how rare life might be in the universe. Most signs seem to be pointing towards life being extremely rare, but not so rare that Earth is the only planet to have developed it.

It could conceivably be rarer than we think and new findings might cause us to question the Copernican principle of Earth not having a special place in the universe. That is unlikely, from what I can tell, but it is not impossible.

Now, the question of whether aliens have visited Earth or not is a different topic. While I do think extra-terrestrial life is probably "out there" somewhere, I am skeptical of claims regarding "alien visitors." It is not that I think such a visitation is inherently impossible. I do think that the rarity of life, compounded with the rarity of sapient life, added to the complexities of technological progress towards interstellar travel, all make visitation highly unlikely. That could be refuted with strong scientific evidence to the contrary, which I would be excited for, and which SETI is constantly seeking.

I view SETI the same way that I view parapsychology, though. Nothing substantial has come from the field, it is a fringe area of study, and I do not expect them to make any significant breakthroughs, but I still think they are worth keeping an open mind about on the off-chance that they do end up discovering something.