I spent this last weekend with my older brother, a Southern Baptist Minister, and a very interesting topic was brought up. I don't really like to argue with my brother too much because I want us to stay close, but I did want to bring this up here. Him and his friends kept saying things that seemed to say animals were unimportant. When my dad went to kill an ant he said "oh man, i hate killing things!" ( i know, he's a dork!), and Les' (my brother) best friend said "Why does it matter, its not like it has a soul!" Another example is when we were talking about our family dog who has been around for a long time, we mentioned that it was going to be $2,000 to get his leg amputated and Les said he would never even pay $400 to fix a dog, he would rather put them down. He kept saying things like, "its not like they're people! they're just dogs!" Well this is very confusing to me because he is very close to his dogs, although maybe not as close as I had originally thought. Does the bible say anything regarding this issue? How do yall's belief systems explain animal "souls" ?