Before i went to basic training I sweared about as much as the next guy...Ok, maybe a little more than average when among friends. I never really cared what was ok and "not" ok to say. Fornicate but not F**k, what is the difference but an opinion. Anyway, after spending 3 1/2 months in Fort Benning, or hell as i like to call it. I was cursing so bad, my sentences sounded like strings of curse words with adjectives occasionally stuck in between them. I'll never forget the first call to my dad from there. It went something like: "How am I doing, Sh*t, Ill tell you the F*ck i am doing God D*****, How the F*ck do you think i am!!" This strung on for about 3 minutes. My dad almost lost his mind(hardly ever cursed in front of my parents prior)