What is attractive is a kept man or woman... Not a childlike appearance...
All that makeup, preening, and dressing are reflective of effort. As far as breast size, historically men are at least subconsciously always going to look at healthier women for permanent relations because they are looking for the mother of their children. That means some curves are going to be more desired, and a kept woman will also mind your children as well. At least, that is the theory... So while times are modern:
1) Men prefer women with boobs, because they are an outward visible sign that a woman can produce healthy children. Large breasts are generally associated with being able to feed children well...
2) Millions of years of wiring for this (selection criteria) make it even more desired when children are not the objective.
3) Lazy (regarding appearance) women are always going to be less desirable than those whom make the effort to keep themselves to a higher standard. What this entails changes as the times do, but to be considered a high quality man or woman there are standards and this has been the case throughout history.
Does that make people mad? Who cares...
Really, it's just that our biological wiring gives less than a single crap about gender studies, roles, equality, and all that jazz.