But you are taking the power out of the hands of the people who created their income and handing it over to someone else who may or may not have any financial expertise in any particular area. There are an uncomfortable amount of assumptions at play here and as well as some quite laudable ideas.
The thing is how to get from point A to point B? For example,
@sun rise quoted a $10,000,000 cap and
@Sunstone floated the idea of a $100,000,000 cap. One thought that occurred to me was how could either be implemented without collapsing the stock market, especially if the figure was set at a measly 10 million? As I asked Sunstone, who decides on the cap level? What if the cap level is put at $250K (or $500K) which
is a LOT of money to the vast majority of humans on the planet?
Likewise, as I see it, any plan of this nature would have to be done on a global scale otherwise any given country would just succeed in crashing their economy.