I'm throwing in my theory to your question. I don't think that "Do we need God?" is the right question. The question really begins before the acknowledgement of the word "GOD". ALL religions were essentially created to answer on very important question. "What happens when i die?" The FACT of the matter is that no one has knowledge of this. They can believe, they can speculate, but no one actually knows what happens. Religion answers this question, however ludacris the answer may be, to ease the minds of the people that can't go on doing mundane things like living (existing.) SO... if you don't mind not knowing what is going to happen to you when you die, then you don't need god. If you can't stand the thought of non-existence, then you might need to start your search for God or gods or whatever. Morality is a non issue in this question, and yes i am perfectly content with my life. It's the only life i'm gonna get.