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Do we take the term "Spirit" to seriously


Active Member
I don't understand why Holy Ghost is part of the trinity, the term Ghost/spirit in Greek means Breath.

So Holy Spirit Means an "Holy breath", is that Gods Breath??, i understand from the first part of genesis that the term Spirit of God means "A Wind Produced by God" or "Breath of God" as explained in genesis 2:7, can literally mean Breath...

In genesis god BREATHED into mans Nostrils and it became Life.....
this is the Exact meaning as "The Holy Spirit Entered the Man"
which makes no sense unless you interpret it has breathing.

Genesis 2:7 States that Air entered the Nose, and the man started to breath.......
infact when god breathed into man then it became life ...... is a metaphorical view of the First BREATH when a baby is born which is needed to sustain his life or he will die....breath is essential

This is why holy spirit makes no sense when to mean something that is somewhat divine or part of a triune of a god., like since Spirit means breath or Wind, then the term Spiritual could only mean some sort of Whirlwind

Genesis 2:7 the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the Earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

what is also apparent to the ancient is that everything to do with the Earth,
they somehow Feminized it, and it became todays terms "Mother Nature" the term Nature from the Egyptian word "Natur" meaning Mother whilst simultaneously means Earth/water, "mother/water/nature have a common word origin" i have also heard that the word Earth comes from Urth that connected with the word Birth/fer-tility same as luci-FER, and fer connected with Vir-gin/Vir-go/vir-gina, Fer is were Ferry comes from.

The Term "Dust" from hebrew word "Apar" can also mean as a verb to "Grind Something" thus the Dust reassembles the creation of the man inside the Womb(earth)

Genesis 2:7 the LORD God formed the man from the Womb of the Women and breathed into his nostrils("as the first") breath of life "when he was born", and the baby became alive. (True Interpretation)

it might not look right to days standards but the ancients had little knowledge on how baby are created inside the womb
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Active Member
If i take this to the extreme,

the term "Ark of Covenant" can also mean "Ark of Berith",
Berith is the hebrew for "Covenant"

Berith Believe or not, is the pheonican fertility god, whom is also the consort of "Elyon" whom appears in "gen 14:18", again Berith being a fertility goddess, is easily apparent in her feminine name Berith - which could be pronounced as "Birth" and the ber with the Fer/bear/Vir feminine theme

Ark from Hebrew Aron can also mean some sort of chest, or similar sort of container.

By connecting Ark to something that contains something, but with a water theme, then "Ark of Berith" could mean "Womb of Berith", so setting up an Womb of Berith Altar is the same as a fertility Rite, and notice that when Arks are established in the bible they are symbolizng of something that New.

Noah's Ark - Noah in Egypt means the the goddess NUN or NU or NU-ah as Hebrew would interpret.
Nun Gave birth to the Universe through her primordial waters (again a fertility metaphor) Noahs Ark give birth to nation like a mothers womb gave birth to babies

Moses was put in a Barque(Ark) and was drifted down the Nile only to be picked up by the Maid Servant.

To me this looks like some sort of Metaphorical birth, the Nile repressents the Birth Waters and The Maid Servant who picked him up was a Midwife,
Also note that the Egyptians feminized the Nile as a Fertility Goddess.
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free spirit

Well-Known Member
To Herushura

Genesis 2 - 7, Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man become a living soul.
The breath of life mentioned here is not the air needed to sustain life, but it is what makes you a living soul. in other words he gave men the ability to speak, create words and thought freely, that is the gift of God to humanity and it is true living. it also makes men in his image.:yes: Because you can be alive but not living, if you know what I mean. also our words are spirit.
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Active Member
To Herushura

Genesis 2 - 7, Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man become a living soul.
The breath of life mentioned here is not the air needed to sustain life, but it is what makes you a living soul. in other words he gave men the ability to speak, create words and thought freely, that is the gift of God to humanity and it is true living. it also makes men in his image.:yes: Because you can be alive but not living, if you know what I mean. also our words are spirit.

spirit (n.)
c.1250, "animating or vital principle in man and animals," from O.Fr. espirit, from L. spiritus "soul, courage, vigor, breath," related to spirare "to breathe," from PIE *(s)peis- "to blow" (cf. O.C.S. pisto "to play on the flute")

"Spirit" was translated from the Hebrew rauch, meaning wind or breath
"Soul", is translated from nepesh, meaning breathing creature.
In the Greek New Testament, soul comes from psuche, meaning breathe. Ghost or Spirit derives from Pneuma, meaning a current of air or breath.
Soul/Spirit are all the same meaning Breath/Air/Wind

The breath of life mentioned here is air and is needed to sustain life, but it is what makes you a living breathing Animal. ? think again?
- Suffocate yourself and you die, your breath leaves the body - this is punned by saying a Ghost will leave the body after death.
and the word play proves it.


Active Member
So in the morning his spirit was troubled... (Gen 41:8)
litterly means
So in the morning the wind was troubled... (Gen 41:8)
The Writer is implying that he(god) caused the Wind to blow that morning.
why. because back then, the ancient didnt know how the wind was produced, so they created god in there image(of a man), to account for the wind and how people breath.

(wind is created from movement from high pressure to low pressure)
in this day and age, we know now, how the wind was produced, so we dont need god to account for how this occurance

If you believe that wind is created from movement from high pressure to low pressure, then automaticly you should assume that Gen 41:8 is incorrect.
Ancient Floods, when a flood happened, who to blame (yes) god is to blame, the ancients did not know how floods are created, so they use GOD in the form of Man to account for the flood - Noahic was not created by god - it was most likely the mineon eruption that created a tsunami.
Did god created tsunami? No A tsunami can be generated when converging or destructive plate boundaries abruptly move and vertically displace the overlying water.
Tsunami - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So since we know floods happen, we dont need god to account for it.

Why is the greek god Poseidon a Sea God - Plato tells why.
Poseidon at first was the State sun god of Atlantis, unfortunatly the mineon eruption wiped atlantis out with a tsunami, it was complettly gone. Who did they blame? yes they blamed God.​

take a look at poseidon - he is iconified with 3 pointed forks, whom sits on the throne under the water ? sound familier?. indeed he is the same as satan - undersea/underworld are the same. po-satan is poseidon, the only reason why
satan is evil, because he is accounted for the fall of man (from edan/alantis ect) because of a flood.​
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free spirit

Well-Known Member
to herushura
spirit (n.)
c.1250, "animating or vital principle in man and animals," from o.fr. Espirit, from l. Spiritus "soul, courage, vigor, breath," related to spirare "to breathe," from pie *(s)peis- "to blow" (cf. O.c.s. Pisto "to play on the flute")

"spirit" was translated from the hebrew rauch, meaning wind or breath
"soul", is translated from nepesh, meaning breathing creature.
In the greek new testament, soul comes from psuche, meaning breathe. Ghost or spirit derives from pneuma, meaning a current of air or breath.
if you are happy with that so be it, i am giving you an ulternative, to be alive doesn't mean to be living, a vegetable is alive but it is not living, to create in an unlimited freedom is living to me.
soul/spirit are all the same meaning breath/air/wind

the breath of life mentioned here is air and is needed to sustain life, but it is what makes you a living breathing animal. ? Think again?
- suffocate yourself and you die, your breath leaves the body - this is punned by saying a ghost will leave the body after death.
And the word play proves it.


So in the morning his spirit was troubled... (Gen 41:8)
litterly means
So in the morning the wind was troubled... (Gen 41:8)
The Writer is implying that he(god) caused the Wind to blow that morning.
why. because back then, the ancient didnt know how the wind was produced, so they created god in there image(of a man), to account for the wind and how people breath.

(wind is created from movement from high pressure to low pressure)
in this day and age, we know now, how the wind was produced, so we dont need god to account for how this occurance

If you believe that wind is created from movement from high pressure to low pressure, then automaticly you should assume that Gen 41:8 is incorrect.
Ancient Floods, when a flood happened, who to blame (yes) god is to blame, the ancients did not know how floods are created, so they use GOD in the form of Man to account for the flood - Noahic was not created by god - it was most likely the mineon eruption that created a tsunami.
Did god created tsunami? No A tsunami can be generated when converging or destructive

abruptly move and vertically displace the overlying water.

So since we know floods happen, we dont need god to account for it.

Why is the greek god Poseidon a Sea God - Plato tells why.
Poseidon at first was the State sun god of Atlantis, unfortunatly the mineon eruption wiped atlantis out with a tsunami, it was complettly gone. Who did they blame? yes they blamed God.​

take a look at poseidon - he is iconified with 3 pointed forks, whom sits on the throne under the water ? sound familier?. indeed he is the same as satan - undersea/underworld are the same. po-satan is poseidon, the only reason why
satan is evil, because he is accounted for the fall of man (from edan/alantis ect) because of a flood.​

I agree with everything you said there and you think you have a very strong point. [Sorry had to remove the URLs because I'm not allowed to post them yet LOL].