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Do you believe in aliens?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I was one when I first entered the U.K on a Belgian passport; of course I believe in aliens!:p


Citizen Mod
Cardero, do you honestly think that anyone interested in this is going to spend the effort in researching the work of every single institute and person you have mentioned, or is this just compiling a list in order to prove your argument?
I was thinking that anyone who was interested in the investigative subject of alien phenomenon would already be familiar with most of these names and that this could spark a discussion in these researchers respected fields (e.g. abductions, physical trace cases, pilot and astronaut sightings, government and scientific studies, MIB, International affairs, psychology, crash retrievals, video analysis, animal mutilations, UFO flaps, Biblical, government and modern history, crop circles, USOs).

rojse writes: Why don't you just get one or two of the most authoritative individuals and sources in order to present information on your argument?
There are a few concerns with this. There are many researchers and many facets to this phenomenon but there is no such thing as an authoritative figure on the subject of extraterrestrial life or the UFO phenomenon. Another problem would be that if no one is familiar with the historical cases or is not interested in taking the time to examine the accumulative data, this could turn out to be an unproductive debate.
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Well-Known Member
There are many researchers and many facets to this phenomenon but there is no such thing as an authoritative figure on the subject of extraterrestrial life or the UFO phenomenon.
I’m still waiting to see something resembling credible evidence that UFO’s are connected to extraterrestrial life.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I’m still waiting to see something resembling credible evidence that UFO’s are connected to extraterrestrial life.

Apparently you haven't watched X-Files. It's all there. Oh sure, it may seem like "just a TV show", but, in fact, the U.S. Government, in association with the Freemasons and other super-secret socities, engineered the X-Files to prepare the populace for the reality of extra-terrestrial visitors. It's part of a long-term plan to soften us up so we will readily accept the rule of our new alien overlords.


RF Addict
There are many researchers and many facets to this phenomenon [aliens] but there is no such thing as an authoritative figure on the subject of extraterrestrial life or the UFO phenomenon.

How about we start with what seems to you to be the most conclusive evidence for the existence of aliens, whether it be a particular researcher or instance?


Citizen Mod
I’m still waiting to see something resembling credible evidence that UFO’s are connected to extraterrestrial life.

This is another important aspect to consider. The French UFO researcher Dr. Jacques Vallee does not theorize that there may be an extraterrestrial connection but that the aliens have played a key role in our past myth and folklore stories. He is a strong proponent to the inter-dimensional hypothesis.
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Citizen Mod
How about we start with what seems to you to be the most conclusive evidence for the existence of aliens, whether it be a particular researcher or instance?

I find the most compelling evidence seems to be the instances where the alien phenomenon interacts with our modern scientific and government authorities. The Washington D.C. fly-over in 1952 is a difficult incident to explain away, the sightings of mysterious craft at our missile silos and other sensitive military installations in the 60s and 70s, The Bentwaters/Rendlesham Forest case in Suffolk England, the Air Force and government attempts to address the situation with projects like Blue Book, the Condon Committee and Robertson Panels should offer some interesting exchanges of dialogue.

The well documented physical and psychological aspects of the abduction phenomenon is another persuasive piece of the puzzle that seems to be lacking in these discussions. The sensitive case data prepared by Dr. John Mack, Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs and John Carpenter seems to indicate that there is an unusual alien presence among us and that this phenomenon of abduction is far reaching not only to our current generation of abductees but an occurrence that has been interacting with the experiencer’s past family members as well as their future children. I think this new research challenges the critics who feel that abductions are just psychological in nature, that abductees are just seeking attention and brings out a new and more important question of whether people are born abductees.
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Citizen Mod
Rojse writes: How about we start with what seems to you to be the most conclusive evidence for the existence of aliens, whether it be a particular researcher or instance?

Enlighten writes: I believe "aliens" are actually demons, and coming soon....they will be introduced to exist publically.....

The stereotypical stigmata of aliens being described or associated with demons and the hypocrisy inherent in a religion’s own history of documented divine interventions is another aspect worthy of discussion.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
The well documented physical and psychological aspects of the abduction phenomenon is another persuasive piece of the puzzle that seems to be lacking in these discussions. The sensitive case data prepared by Dr. John Mack, Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs and John Carpenter seems to indicate that there is an unusual alien presence among us and that this phenomenon of abduction is far reaching not only to our current generation of abductees but an occurrence that has been interacting with the experiencer’s past family members as well as their future children. I think this new research challenges the critics who feel that abductions are just psychological in nature, that abductees are just seeking attention and brings out a new and more important question of whether people are born abductees.
It seems to make sense to me that the concept of abduction would run in families: children take their cues from parents. If Dad's always going on about being abducted by aliens, and then little Johnny has a weird dream about aliens, it's not too far fetched to believe that he would come to the conclusion that he had been abducted, rather than the belief that it had just been a dream.


Citizen Mod
It seems to make sense to me that the concept of abduction would run in families: children take their cues from parents. If Dad's always going on about being abducted by aliens, and then little Johnny has a weird dream about aliens, it's not too far fetched to believe that he would come to the conclusion that he had been abducted, rather than the belief that it had just been a dream.

There are some abductees that aren't aware that they are experiencers until they are much older. Through professional examination and evaluation, the remembrance that they have been abducted at a very young age could also be revealed. It would be safe to assume that the majority of abductees (and their families) do not have any interest or in-depth knowledge of UFOs/aliens/abductions. When an older experiencer explores a youthful abduction, sometime it is revealed that a parent is with them during the experience. If a parent is willing to explore these memories with their (now older) children, they are just as astonished that not only could they be an abductee but that there are many similarities to their child’s account.

I should also point out that abductees who have had glimpses or total recall of their experiences are very reluctant to discuss these matters with anyone including their family. They may be unsure or fearful of these memories and how this information could disrupt the relationship within their household (it usually takes a great deal of emotional effort for the experiencer to come to terms with their ordeals).

If we seriously consider the accounts of how abductees and their children are taken against their will and a parent (let’s say a father figure) continually relates this story to the family, I am unsure how these conversations will instill a sense of trust, respect and protection from other family members.

If we are to seriously consider the similar medical procedures that consistently come up in abduction accounts, I am unsure when the proper family setting would be for a parent to bring these matters up.
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