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Do you cover your head for religious reasons?


Well-Known Member
I only cover my head when doing so is respectful to others. My religion makes no requirement to do so.



Well-Known Member
Ah, but do you keep your hair trimmed above your ear? ;)

Generally. But that one isn't a binding law as yet. I don't understand the importance of it, though.

I would also point out that those who wear turbans wind their hair into the turban so their hair is above their ears anyway.



Will to love
Generally. But that one isn't a binding law as yet. I don't understand the importance of it, though.

I would also point out that those who wear turbans wind their hair into the turban so their hair is above their ears anyway.


Thank you Scott. I'm out of frubals for now...:(

I would think that is has something to do with maintaing a distinctive community, kind of like some of the Mosaic laws.


Deviled Hen
*** MOD POST ***

Hi folks! Please note that this is not an area for debate, and the OP has specifically asked for no debate as well.

Unfortunately, despite reminders, debate has continued. I regret that several posts were deleted for debating.

If you want to debate the appropriateness of head coverings for religious reasons, please just start a new thread in a debate area.



Deviled Hen
In Roman Catholic practice prior to Vatican II, women covered their heads in church.

The custom is still maintained in some Protestant churches. It may not be "enforced" but you can go into many churches and see women wearing hats.

Some of the hats worn in a few of the African-American churches are truly stunning. There was even a recent play on the subject "Crowns." If you find it's playing in your area, it's really excellent and I recommend it to anyone.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I do not cover my head most of the time and given that I do not "worship" I do not cover up for that either. God made us naked. I see no reason why covering of any part of the body would be somehow respectful. Frankly, I think it shows the opposite and is purely a human invention. Folks go and cover their various body parts out of respect for God? No doubt God is scraching his "head" over that one. Strangely no one seems to try to look at it from god's point of view, lol.


Done here.
In Roman Catholic practice prior to Vatican II, women covered their heads in church.
It's still the custom in the more traditional Orthodox churches and among the Old Believers.

The custom is still maintained in some Protestant churches. It may not be "enforced" but you can go into many churches and see women wearing hats.
My grandmother wouldn't have dreamed of going to church without a hat.


Deviled Hen
It's still the custom in the more traditional Orthodox churches and among the Old Believers.

One of the twists of head coverings that I neglected to mention is the propensity in some areas for women to have "big hair" -- which is related to that verse about a woman's hair is her crowning glory.

My grandmother wouldn't have dreamed of going to church without a hat.
Mine either. But then, my grandmother wouldn't have dreamed of leaving the house without a hat either. I wasn't done.

Even in the 50s and early 60s many women wore hats as a rule. Ah, those little pill box hats. Oh, and gloves.

Sometimes I think we forget that here in the West we once had a version of modesty in dress also, and it would've passed muster in a lot of Muslim countries. ;)


Oldest Heretic
One of the twists of head coverings that I neglected to mention is the propensity in some areas for women to have "big hair" -- which is related to that verse about a woman's hair is her crowning glory.

Mine either. But then, my grandmother wouldn't have dreamed of leaving the house without a hat either. I wasn't done.

Even in the 50s and early 60s many women wore hats as a rule. Ah, those little pill box hats. Oh, and gloves.

Sometimes I think we forget that here in the West we once had a version of modesty in dress also, and it would've passed muster in a lot of Muslim countries. ;)

In the middle ages most women covered their hair. and it was not only nuns who wore wimples, They were first used as face and neck protectors. Nuns Just carried on using them when they went out of fashion.
Head covering was the norm for both sexes.


Done here.
Mine either. But then, my grandmother wouldn't have dreamed of leaving the house without a hat either. I wasn't done.

Even in the 50s and early 60s many women wore hats as a rule. Ah, those little pill box hats. Oh, and gloves.
I can see my grandmother in her pillbox hat and gloves -- though she sometimes wore something more ornate than a pillbox. And I was fascinated by the hatpins. My mother didn't have anything like that, and I thought it was rather daring of Grandma to shove such large, sharp pins so close to her scalp. ;)

My grandmother also chain-smoked at home, but I never saw her smoke outside her own house, because "a lady doesn't smoke in public."


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Sometimes I think we forget that here in the West we once had a version of modesty in dress also, and it would've passed muster in a lot of Muslim countries. ;)
Fortunately we got over it though. :yes: