I'm winging it here; wasn't sure where to put it; not sure if it's a debate as such ...
I ask this question, because it's my observation that most of my acquaintances seem to have had a realization on the subject in just the last few years. For the sake of argument, consider these acquaintances to be ordinary everyday people, and generally not determined "seekers", and in my case, generally not religious.
A few years ago, if the topic was raised, there was faint recognition that "the Earth might be in trouble". These days, most are immediately agreeing that a big change is coming, and they'll say things like: "Oh, hell, yes - it's going down", or "We're screwed". When I ask such things, I don't lead them with my thoughts - so they bring to the topic whatever their current fears are.
So what am I getting at, and what might their fears be? Well there's a lot to consider, I think.
It seems the acquaintances mostly talk about "declining morals", "what a crazy world it is now, in which anything goes", and how so many seem so corrupt - especially governments. Some will reference natural disasters, war, meteorites, climate change, and even the sun eventually swelling until it swallows us.
So I detect a new fatalism in their thoughts - that things are going badly wrong, and that it's beyond repair.
I won't even bother with my thoughts yet, because I think this might be a rich topic.
What do you think?