The teaching that God sends people to Hell because they reject Him, is seen to be unjust by so many people. The only other option is that when people die, they cease to exist, that is they go into annihilationism. We have to be careful then that we do not start to create our own set of beliefs that suit ourselves, but have no basis in reality. What then is reality? The reality is that Jesus Christ spoke plainly about Hell more than 46 times in the New Testament, and He should know. So why then Hell? If there was no Hell, then where is the justice of God? All the Stalin’s, the Hitler’s, the Idi Amin’s, the Pol Pot’s, all the ruthless murderers, where would the justice be if they die and go into non-existence? If they go into oblivion, then they have got away with their crimes, and their crimes remain unpunished. God is a God of Love, but He is also a God of Justice and will not allow wickedness to go unpunished. Whether you think Hell is just or unjust, whether you like it or don’t like it, is irrelevant. But the real question is, is it true, and if so, then I must go with an open mind to God to understand it. Hell is a fact, and you have to get used to it and believe that a perfect God knows what He is doing. Certainty for eternity