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Do you have a question about God?


Active Member
Hello all :)

I am the author of the book: "Understanding the Truth about God". If you have any questions about God, please feel free to ask and I will provide you with the Truth. The only thing that I ask is that the question should be in reference to God and not in reference to a religious topic. I am not religious,(Religious being defined as a: "member of a religion") although I do accept the reality of God.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
How tall is god?
What is his favorite dessert?
Is he currently single?
What is god's birthday?
Does he watch American Idol?

Thank you.


Let's go racing boys !
When I spoke to God He said he didn't know you at all. So how could you possibly know any answers to questions about Him? :D
I do know Him personally, he has been a close friend for years...;)....:woohoo:


Worshipper of Athe.
When I spoke to God He said he didn't know you at all. So how could you possibly know any answers to questions about Him? :D
I do know Him personally, he has been a close friend for years...;)....:woohoo:

I really hope that the irony of this post was intentional.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Hello all :)

I am the author of the book: "Understanding the Truth about God". If you have any questions about God, please feel free to ask and I will provide you with the Truth. The only thing that I ask is that the question should be in reference to God and not in reference to a religious topic. I am not religious,(Religious being defined as a: "member of a religion") although I do accept the reality of God.

1. Why does God need a lowly human animal, such as yourself, to explain Himself to other human animals?
2. What does God say about Jesus Christ?
3. What does God say about Muhammed?
4. What is the way to become closer to God?

Inquiring minds want to know more.


The Truth Lies Within
Hello all :)

I am the author of the book: "Understanding the Truth about God". If you have any questions about God, please feel free to ask and I will provide you with the Truth. The only thing that I ask is that the question should be in reference to God and not in reference to a religious topic. I am not religious,(Religious being defined as a: "member of a religion") although I do accept the reality of God.

Yes I have an important question about God. Why is he riding this dinosaur like a creepy Cowboy?



The Truth Lies Within
To follow up on my first conundrum

1. Does he get toe-jam? If so has he ever smelled it? If so, did it smell like good cheese, like mine usually does?

2. Did he cringe during the first sex seen in brokeback mountain like me and my friends did and have to turn it off?

3. Can he tell us why Quebecers love Lou Louis' snack cakes, poutine, cheap beer, and Celine Dion?

4. Did he laugh when Roy got bit by his tiger?

5. Has he ever clogged the toilet in heaven? Who unclogged it?


Well-Known Member
Hello all :)

I am the author of the book: "Understanding the Truth about God". If you have any questions about God, please feel free to ask and I will provide you with the Truth. The only thing that I ask is that the question should be in reference to God and not in reference to a religious topic. I am not religious,(Religious being defined as a: "member of a religion") although I do accept the reality of God.
  • Is God all-powerful?
  • Is God Good?
  • Is evil real?
Oh, yeah.
  • How are you privy to the truth?


Active Member
1. Why does God need a lowly human animal, such as yourself, to explain Himself to other human animals?
2. What does God say about Jesus Christ?
3. What does God say about Muhammed?
4. What is the way to become closer to God?

Inquiring minds want to know more.

1. Becuase a lot of lowly animals are ignorant, thus if you teach them, they tend to lose their ignorance.
2. I do not exactly understand the question. Say about Jesus Christ in reference to what?
3. See number 2
4. Live within God's plan, God's Plan is actually a chapter of the book.


Active Member
  • Is God all-powerful?
  • Is God Good?
  • Is evil real?
Oh, yeah.
  • How are you privy to the truth?

1. Yes
2. God is "Just", good or bad is a human opinion.
3. Define "Evil" so that I can answer the question. If it is in reference to satan, then yes satan is real. Remember though that evil is a human opion, unless you would like to quote scripture.
4. The Truth was given to me by God.


Well-Known Member

Firstly, do you have any other answers than those that you interpret from the Bible? Because I own a bible, and i've read it. Similarly, I own a copy of Lord of the Rings. Any fool (And, indeed, often fools) can interpret the Bible. And any fool, therefore, can claim to know the truth about God. Just as I can claim to know the truth about Frodo Baggins. Do you see where this is going?

So, obviously that simply cannot be your only method. You must have 'spoken with' or 'communicated with' your 'God'.

1) My religion tells me that God does not exist. According to you, I am obviously incorrect in this assumption. And also, by deduction, you believe to have 'communicated with' your God. How did this communication pan out and in what way did it occur?

2) My religion also tells me that said communications with 'God' do occur. And a lot of people, and nearly all atheists, would agree that you are either lieing or deluded. My interpretation, however, is that your messages are from Aeya. Aeya and God are not synonymous. How are you sure that you are getting messages from 'God' (And indeed a very specific kind of God)

3) Obviously you believe in Jesus. Is he God? Is he an incarnation of God? Is he an avatar of God? Is he simply a prophet of God? Is he alike in power to God but a seperate entity?

4) (Go on then, I know you're dieing to be asked) What is God's True Commandment? And what is 'God's Plan'

5) (Haha, this one I really am interested in) Tell me about Satan. What is Satan? And what is Hell? And tell me about how Satan works in the world and what he's doing now? (By the way, Im likely to disagree at your answer, by I will respect it nevertheless :))

Finally 6) Can you explain how God can possibly be literally omnipotent, due to the paradoxical issues the trait entails?

Thank you


Treasure Hunter
3-16-08, did you have any new questions?

P.S. Thanks for the memory as I must have made an impression if I have not posted in a year, yet I am remembered. :)

I don't remember you.

Hey, here's a question for you:

How do you know all of this stuff about God? Are you more special than all of the other God believers?

Ask me a question about God, and I'll answer it even better than what you would answer. :D
Last edited:


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Is God getting a cut of the royalties from this book? Or are you just paying him a consultants fee?


Active Member
Gianthousekey---(Post was over the limit of 10k words so I could not quote you here, however your questions are all answered)

1. The Qur'an shows us one form in which God communicates with man.(This is a C&P from the book thus my notes between the asterisks)

Surah 42:51
It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by sending of a Messenger to reveal, with Allah’s permission, what Allah wills: for He is Most High, Most Wise.
*When God speaks to you, it is through inspiration, do not think that I have heard voices in my head. If you hear voices inside of your head, see a Doctor.*

2. While I was inspired to read the Bible and the Qur'an, I had many questions, questions that many of mankind have today. Most of these questions were answered, obviously do to the nature of the questions, only God could provide the correct answer.

3. No, No, No, "Simply a Prophet" would be an understatement, however He was not God Himself. No. The prophets in the book of acts preformed many more miracles then Jesus did but Christians do not worship them.(There is no such thing as a "Miracle", but that is another topic, I use the term since you are familiar with it.) The body of Jesus is no different then your body, the Soul of Jesus, which is the very Essence of God, is no different then your Soul.

4. God's True Commandment is: "Thou shall Love", Love thy God, Love thy neighbor, and Love thyself.(There is a chapter that explains this in the book) If you look at the Ten Commandments you will see that everyone shows this. God's Plan is for the: "Peaceful continuation of the existence of mankind".(Hopefully the same thing that you desire for your children, there is also a chapter that explains this in the book. By the way, if you have read the Bible then you know the very first words that God spoke to man, of course it was His Plan)

5. satan(I do not capitalize the "s" regardless of grammar) was an Angel of God with the name of Iblis. The best source of this information is also in the Qur'an, here is a C&P from the book on this topic:

The best information about satan comes to us from the Qur’an. In the Qur’an it is explained that satan exists as an angel named “Iblis”. God tells the angels to bow to His creation of man, and Iblis refuses. The knowledge of exactly what had happened is mentioned a few times in the Qur’an, the best example for this book is in
Surah 38:71-85
Behold, your Lord said to the angels: “I am about to create man from clay”:
“When I have fashioned him in due proportion and breathed into him of My Spirit you fall down in obeisance to him.”
So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together:
Not so Iblis: he was haughty, and became of those who reject Faith.
Allah said: “O Iblis! What prevents you from prostrating yourself to one whom I have created with My hands? Are you haughty? Or are you one of the high and mighty ones?”
Iblis said: “I am better then he: You created me from fire, and him You created from clay.”
Allah said: “Then you get out from here: for you are rejected, accursed.
And My curse shall be on you till the Day of Judgment.”
Iblis said: “O my Lord! Give me respite till the Day the dead are raised.”
Allah said: “Respite then is granted to you –
Till the Day of the Time Appointed.”
Iblis said: “Then, by Your power, I will put them all in the wrong –
Except Your Servants amongst them, sincere and purified by Your grace.”
Allah said: “Then it is just and fitting – and I say what is just and fitting –
That I will certainly fill Hell with you and those that follow you, - every one.
*Iblis became satan, because he rebelled against God. Notice that the power that satan uses against man, "temptation", caused Iblis to rebel in the first place. Coincidence? I think not. Again, as in the Bible, you will notice that God "breathed into him of His Spirit", yet further showing that your Soul is a literal Part of God. You have now seen that this is stated in ALL Three of God's Words, yet you will still find ignorance on this topic in mankind.*

6. You would have to be a little more specific here.

P.S. Here are the chapters from the book, seems you ask questions that are all addressed :)

Warning 7
Why a Second Edition? 9
Introduction 11
What is God? 19
What is Satan 33
What is Heaven? 43
What is Hell? 51
Creation 55
God’s True Commandment 73
What is God’s Plan? 93
God’s Greatest Gift to Mankind 111
The Key Prophets 123
The Three Books 137
Conflict of Religions 143
Jew 147
Christian 155
Muslim 171
Prayer 179
Why does God allow “bad” things to happen? 205
Why did God make different races, languages, etc... 217
Aliens, psychic detectives, paranormal activity, etc 221
Knowledge and Wisdom bring Sorrow and Grief 225
The World Today 245
Epilogue 273


Active Member
I don't remember you.

Hey, here's a question for you:

How do you know all of this stuff about God? Are you more special than all of the other God believers?

Ask me a question about God, and I'll answer it even better than what you would answer. :D

1. Because I speak with God. If I have a question, I ask it.
2. I am no greater or lesser then you.
3. I must apologize as I have no questions about God to ask you, as He has already answered the questions I had :)


Treasure Hunter
1. Because I speak with God. If I have a question, I ask it.
2. I am no greater or lesser then you.
3. I must apologize as I have no questions about God to ask you, as He has already answered the questions I had :)

Oh, I don't believe in God. I was just wondering if you thought God liked you more than he liked other people who believe in him.

Here's my question:

Why does God talk to you so much and not to other people? Why does he have time to answer every question you have for him when he won't even speak to me at all?