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Do you have a question about God?


Active Member
Is God getting a cut of the royalties from this book? Or are you just paying him a consultants fee?

1. Yes I do donate :) God did not charge me for the information He has provided, thus I do not ask you for money to answer your questions about God. As far as the book goes there is no reason to buy it, just request to read a copy at your local library. Since I just published the second edition it will take a few months to get out.(It took between 6-8 weeks for the first edition to be listed on Barnes and Noble and Amazon, and I just had the second edition published last week)


Active Member
Oh, I don't believe in God. I was just wondering if you thought God liked you more than he liked other people who believe in him.

Here's my question:

Why does God talk to you so much and not to other people? Why does he have time to answer every question you have for him when he won't even speak to me at all?

Well, I don't want to sound degrading, but do you not find it mentally unstable to ask questions about something that you do not believe is real?

I will answer your question, however I do not feel the answer would benefit you in any way.

1. God speaks to many people.(You have me a little confused as to why you feel He does not speak to people.) Why would you speak to Someone that you do not feel is real, that is the obvious answer.


six plus one

You say you communicate with god, which must be faith strengthening for you, but why should I believe you. Do you have any proof? It seems reasonable to ask, because many people claim to have a direct line to god, and yet they all teach different things. So how should I choose who to listen to?


Treasure Hunter
Well, I don't want to sound degrading, but do you not find it mentally unstable to ask questions about something that you do not believe is real?

I will answer your question, however I do not feel the answer would benefit you in any way.

1. God speaks to many people.(You have me a little confused as to why you feel He does not speak to people.) Why would you speak to Someone that you do not feel is real, that is the obvious answer.

So God is one of those people where you have to talk to him first or he won't talk to you? Well then, it's not going to work out, because I'm that way too. I suppose we'll never talk to each other this way, because we are both too shy to initiate conversation.

Wait... did you call me mentally unstable!?! :D That's okay. I wasn't asking because I think he should be talking to me. I just really wonder how you could believe he talks to you more than everyone else. If there was a god who talked to people, I wouldn't think he'd have the time to answer every single question you asked him when there are tons of people praying to him all the time who never get feedback from him at all.


Active Member

You say you communicate with god, which must be faith strengthening for you, but why should I believe you. Do you have any proof? It seems reasonable to ask, because many people claim to have a direct line to god, and yet they all teach different things. So how should I choose who to listen to?

Indeed an awesome question!(Finally) The Truth is you should listen to... No one! I greatly encourage you to look at the world today you will see death, destruction, and violence, this is the opposite of what mankind should be pursuing such as Life, construction and peace. The reason I am not religious is because so many people use religion to oppress mankind, oppression is the opposite of the Greatest Gift that God has given mankind, which is Freedom.

Think about it was Abraham religious? Moses? Jesus? Muhammad? NONE of them were religious! They simply followed God. That is why I will not join a religion, because I would be taught to look at other religions as beneath the religion I am in. See if I were a Christian then what would I think of a Jew or a Muslim? As God created all of us equally, why then does man ask me to look at a different religion as beneath me?

As far as faith goes, I have no faith. Faith by definition is: “A belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence”. Logical proof? Material evidence? I do not know any “illogical” part of God, and I know of plenty of material evidence. So I am happy to say that I have no faith! I simply face the Truth, and accept the reality of God. Some of mankind use faith as a crutch in order to "believe" in God. But see that is the problem, a belief or disbelief does not change reality.

You stated that people claim a direct line to God, yet they all teach different things. Think about that, if they all teach different things then they obviously do not have a direct connection to God. Different parts of mankind have different motivations to get you to believe this or that. I have none, I do not care if you accept or deny the Truth, as this is your Freedom which I respect. Whether you go to Heaven or Hell has no bearing on my life, so I don't care. I am simply here if you want the Truth.

But why believe me, am I anything more then a man? There is nothing I can do or say online to convince you that I speak with God, BUT I can show you how to do it yourself! There is no man on the face of the planet, that can teach you more Truth about God, then God Himself. So I greatly encourage you to NOT listen to anyone, you must find the Truth for yourself. Read the Bible(NKJV) and the Qur'an, and pray. When I first started to pray I only asked for two things, that is knowledge and wisdom. There is no greater power that exists then the power you have to empower yourself.


Active Member
So God is one of those people where you have to talk to him first or he won't talk to you? Well then, it's not going to work out, because I'm that way too. I suppose we'll never talk to each other this way, because we are both too shy to initiate conversation.

Wait... did you call me mentally unstable!?! :D That's okay. I wasn't asking because I think he should be talking to me. I just really wonder how you could believe he talks to you more than everyone else. If there was a god who talked to people, I wouldn't think he'd have the time to answer every single question you asked him when there are tons of people praying to him all the time who never get feedback from him at all.

I do not believe that He talks to me more then everyone else. I also think it is obvious that at one point in time God has already spoke to you. Why are you here on a religious forum if you do not feel that there is a possibility of the Existence of God? Do not think that I hear voices inside my head, if I did I would see a shrink. Most of the conversations I have had with God happen through inspiration.


Treasure Hunter
Why are you here on a religious forum if you do not feel that there is a possibility of the Existence of God?

He he he... That is a very commonly asked question around here.

I am here because I enjoy talking to most of the people on the forum. :D Plus, the possibility of there not being a god is an important aspect to consider when talking about religion.


Treasure Hunter
Also, I like to try to understand why people believe what they believe. I'm still not sure why you believe what you do. I'm trying to learn more about your beliefs. That is why I am asking you questions. The things you say don't make sense to me quite yet. I can understand why someone might believe in god, but I don't understand why there are a lot of people who want to talk to him just as much as you do, but he doesn't seem to care about him.


Active Member
Also, I like to try to understand why people believe what they believe. I'm still not sure why you believe what you do. I'm trying to learn more about your beliefs. That is why I am asking you questions. The things you say don't make sense to me quite yet. I can understand why someone might believe in god, but I don't understand why there are a lot of people who want to talk to him just as much as you do, but he doesn't seem to care about him.

WOW! Don't waste your time trying to figure me out, your physical life is too short, there are many other things you can better spend your time on. Why do I want to talk to Him? Well He is the Creator of our Existence, do you realize how much power He has? How much Knowledge and Wisdom is contained within Him? And to know that I am a part of Him! Have you ever spoken to your father? For what? Why?


Treasure Hunter
By my father do you mean God? or the man whose sperm I am made of?

When I talked to my father(not god) it was usually so he would help me fix my car. Sometimes I said "do you want to watch Metalocalypse with me?" and sometimes we would just tell each other jokes. Sometimes I had to tell him to stop being mean though. I don't wish to talk about that.

But I haven't ever spoken to God if that is what you mean. I haven't believed in him since I was 13, and even then I don't think I ever tried to talk to him really. I just believed he created stuff because my parents said so. Like, I believed in Santa, but I never talked to him outside of the mall or writing him letters.


Active Member
By my father do you mean God? or the man whose sperm I am made of?

When I talked to my father(not god) it was usually so he would help me fix my car. Sometimes I said "do you want to watch Metalocalypse with me?" and sometimes we would just tell each other jokes. Sometimes I had to tell him to stop being mean though. I don't wish to talk about that.

But I haven't ever spoken to God if that is what you mean. I haven't believed in him since I was 13, and even then I don't think I ever tried to talk to him really. I just believed he created stuff because my parents said so. Like, I believed in Santa, but I never talked to him outside of the mall or writing him letters.

I meant the man whose sperm you were made of.

1. Fix your car, why not live within God's Plan and fix your life? Then maybe you can have many cars and you won't have to worry about fixing one. God is not mean, He is Just, but not mean.

2. As a human being we are curious. Curiosity is a sign of intelligence as it means that we are seeking knowledge and wisdom on a topic. You are here because you are curious or God has encouraged you to be here. Either way I will do the best i can to answer your questions.


six plus one
Indeed an awesome question!(Finally) The Truth is you should listen to... No one! I greatly encourage you to look at the world today you will see death, destruction, and violence, this is the opposite of what mankind should be pursuing such as Life, construction and peace.
Completely agree!

As far as faith goes, I have no faith. Faith by definition is: “A belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence”. Logical proof? Material evidence? I do not know any “illogical” part of God, and I know of plenty of material evidence. So I am happy to say that I have no faith! I simply face the Truth, and accept the reality of God. Some of mankind use faith as a crutch in order to "believe" in God. But see that is the problem, a belief or disbelief does not change reality.
I also don't think faith is a virtue. But I haven't found anything that would lead me to think there is a God.

But why believe me, am I anything more then a man? There is nothing I can do or say online to convince you that I speak with God, BUT I can show you how to do it yourself! There is no man on the face of the planet, that can teach you more Truth about God, then God Himself. So I greatly encourage you to NOT listen to anyone, you must find the Truth for yourself. Read the Bible(NKJV) and the Qur'an, and pray.
I admire your approach. It seems we have very similar attitudes, and yet they've led us down different paths. Oh well, to each his own:).
I wish you all the best.


Worshipper of Athe.
P.S. Thanks for the memory as I must have made an impression if I have not posted in a year, yet I am remembered. :)

I wouldn't take this as a compliment. The fact that you made an impression in no way indicates that you made a positive impression.


Worshipper of Athe.
Why do I want to talk to Him? Well He is the Creator of our Existence,

What evidence do you have for this?

do you realize how much power He has?

In all likelihood, "he" does not exist, so the answer would be, "none".

How much Knowledge and Wisdom is contained within Him?

Again, none.

Have you ever spoken to your father?


For what?

Many reasons. Most recently, to ask for money.

Because I'm a starving college student.


Worshipper of Athe.
Most people who crave attention do not care whether it is positive or negative.

True, but when confronted with this kind of religious person, who I consider to be the lowest of the low (trying to convert people to his craziness to sell books? Really?) I can't suppress the urge to take potshots.


Well-Known Member
1. Yes
2. God is "Just", good or bad is a human opinion.
3. Define "Evil" so that I can answer the question. If it is in reference to satan, then yes satan is real. Remember though that evil is a human opion, unless you would like to quote scripture.
4. The Truth was given to me by God.

  1. Good to know. :)
  2. So God is not "good," but He is "just". Are you saying He wants everyone to get what they deserve? Rewarding those who are good and punishing those who are evil?
  3. I would define evil as something that is a cause or source of suffering, injury, or destruction. I would think Satan would be the personification of that. Is he?
  4. How did God give you this truth?
Evil Does God battle against Satan? Are they in opposition?


Philosophical Monist
Okay, so, let's say hypothetically I believe in Orie, the oreo cookie god. He creates the world's oreo cookie supply, and our only salvation is to stuff our face with oreos. However, I don't have any physical evidence that supports his existence, other than the fact that oreo cookies do in fact exist. So here's my question:

Without any physical evidence to support your claims, how is your version of god more valid and reasonable than my version?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Okay, so, let's say hypothetically I believe in Orie, the oreo cookie god. He creates the world's oreo cookie supply, and our only salvation is to stuff our face with oreos. However, I don't have any physical evidence that supports his existence, other than the fact that oreo cookies do in fact exist. So here's my question:

Without any physical evidence to support your claims, how is your version of god more valid and reasonable than my version?

Now you're just being ridiculous. This is so silly it doesn't even deserve a response (so, it's quite convenient that there isn't one).


Philosophical Monist
Now you're just being ridiculous. This is so silly it doesn't even deserve a response (so, it's quite convenient that there isn't one).
How is this rediculous? It's a very reasonable comparison to religion. You never answered my question... How is this story more rediculous? Religion and god are creations of the human mind, as is my oreo god, and both have no evidence to maintain their existence. The only difference is that on a sociological level, my "religion" is in the minority.