Hi, I am very interested in learning about other peoples' spiritual experiences. Have any of you felt or experienced the presence or guidance of the divine, or had other spiritual experiences that lead you to or confirmed your personal beliefs? Would you be willing to share some of those experiences?
Thank you!
Sure, though an up-front warning: nothing here that's supernatural, weird, or otherwise "unexplainable." Rather, I've interpreted the mundane.
Almost three years ago, now, while I was practicing Hinduism, I began to take a strong notice in ancient European culture. I'm not talking Greek or Roman, now; we're talking Celtic and Germanic.
This may have started around the marketing and release of Skyrim, the fifth Elder Scrolls game, which I had been eagerly anticipating, but it just snowballed into pursuing music, movies, etc. that involved the Tribes of Europe to some degree. It went on for quite a while until I came to an interpretation of what was going on:
Woden was calling me Home.
I have always had more polytheistic leanings despite the prevalence of monotheism in this culture. During the bulk of my teenage years, and then a bit after, I was practicing a custom form of Neopaganism, one based very loosely on the forms derived from ancient European practices. I started practicing Hinduism after reading the Isa Upanishad (which I STILL hold to being one of the single finest spiritual texts
ever), but while I loved the Hindu Gods (with a strong focus on Siva and his family; I regarded Lord Ganesha as my Teacher), I never could get fully into Indian culture, ancient or modern. I remained as Western as I always have been. I might have been able to make that work, but it seems the Gods felt differently.
Odin's call was heard above them all, indeed. And the call of the Wandering King is not one that can be ignored. I choose to heed it.