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Do you have spiritual experiences that support your beliefs?


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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Premium Member
Much of what @Riverwolf says in his post on page 1, I experienced also (thanks @Riverwolf for writing it out for me :D). I practiced Hinduism for a few years, or at least I tried to practice it. Looking back I see that I could not cling to it. As fond as I am of Indians and things Indian, I came to realize that Hinduism is too inextricably tied to a culture that I am simply not part of nor ever will be.

Now, I've always had an affinity for Thor as a role model and hero. But it runs deeper than that. There is a lot of his personality and his characteristics in me. That said, I've had experiences of a physical nature, i.e. needing physical strength, that at the time I attributed to help from Hanuman. But looking back, I don't have the feeling it was Hanuman at all; the feeling is that it was Thor all along. The capstone is that I felt a sudden stronger pull to him - I say he grabbed me in a headlock. He is not one for pussyfooting around, and for some reason he said "Enough!" and grabbed me. I feel his presence and guidance like I've never felt anything else. He makes his presence known to me.

Gnostic Seeker

Yes. There have been times in my life when I thought I was feeling Athena's presence, but played it off as not important. Recently I was in atheism about monotheism and Athena drew me as I looked on her statue. It hit me undeniable and a sudden longing to finally take her as my goddess- like it was right. Taking her means taking the other Greek gods to a degree by extension, seeing as they're all family.

I then had a sudden smell of incense in my living room the other night, which in many traditions is believed to indicate a god's presence.


Hi, I am very interested in learning about other peoples' spiritual experiences. Have any of you felt or experienced the presence or guidance of the divine, or had other spiritual experiences that lead you to or confirmed your personal beliefs? Would you be willing to share some of those experiences?

Thank you!
I have been born again. I can explain that experience if you wish but as it is something words have a hard time to do justice, I will await that request. However let me explain why this is an important question.

Christianity alone among the worlds great religions offers divine experience with God as the entry point of faith. Islam does not, Hinduism does not, Judaism does not, Buddhism not really a theology as much as a philosophy, Baha'i does not, Zoroaster did not, etc.....

They, if they offer it at all reserve it for a select few. That is why there are billions of people who claim to have been born again and in 20 years of faith and debate specifically looking for them I have heard of less than a dozen from other faiths who had credible experience stories. The ratio must be at least 1,000 to 1 and I imagine probably way more lopsided that that estimate.

Lets take number one and two to make a comparison. The typical Muslim has only made an intellectual consent to a historical hypothesis which he has no access to. He will never know the truth of what has wagered his soul on until it is too late to reverse the error. A Christian begins faith in a experience specifically designed to produce confirmation and assurance. We have certainty now, and then pile on top of that context, historical data, and textual integrity. My faith is not based in a book but a person I met one night who forgave my sins. The bible only conceptualized and contextualized the details concerning the commentary surrounding the historical event that allowed me to be born again.

Now you will find claims to exceptions but lets look at an analogy. Claims to spiritual and divine experience in other faiths are like finding muddy puddles in a desert, the claims of Christian's to divine experience are an oceanic tidal wave that is irresistible.