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Do You Judge People For Who They Are or For What They Believe?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
If I find out from looking at someone's beliefs that they are willfully ignorant then I'm going to judge them. It's just a uncontrollable gut judgement that they are fools.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If I find out from looking at someone's beliefs that they are willfully ignorant then I'm going to judge them. It's just a uncontrollable gut judgement that they are fools.

Isn't everyone willfully ignorant about something?

edit I do not doubt we are all fools


Veteran Member
My questions of the day. :)

Do you judge people by who they are? Do you sometimes judge them by their beliefs or lack of beliefs? Do you automatically decide what a person is like just because of their faith or lack of faith? Do you judge them by various different things, such as ethnic group, political party, age, etc?
In part, yes.


Well-Known Member
My questions of the day. :)

Do you judge people by who they are? Do you sometimes judge them by their beliefs or lack of beliefs? Do you automatically decide what a person is like just because of their faith or lack of faith? Do you judge them by various different things, such as ethnic group, political party, age, etc?

Do you expect people to act a certain way before you get to know or even meet them when you hear that they follow or are any of the above?

Any discussion is welcome. And keep the jokes to a minimum, please. ;)

I try not to judge people too much. When I do its based on how they act in the world, you know if there ****** up or not.


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
We have a Social Group called
"The Willfully Ignorant."
Our favorite label for those who reject binary fascism
Lazy cop out heretics welcome

When I started it, the binary fascism was in reference to the two-party political system, but any binary system is appropriate to reject as fascist.
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Active Member
I guess I do a little of both, because there are certain cases in which, if they were genuinely decent people they would not have the beliefs that they do.

One example is Holocaust Deniers, another is white supremacists. If they were really good people they would not hold such offensive beliefs, and there is no use exploring the issue further. The moment I know that someone is a racist, they have lost all credibility in my book. This also applies to religious extremists and homophobes in my book. If you think that members of the LGBTQI community shouldn't have the same rights as you, while your priests go around diddling little boys or while your "prophet" is someone who married a six year old, then yes I will judge you, as is my right to do so.

However beyond that I genuinely don't care what people believe and aspire to judge people as individuals based on how they behave rather than their labels or their outward appearance.


Premium Member
I guess I do a little of both, because there are certain cases in which, if they were genuinely decent people they would not have the beliefs that they do.

One example is Holocaust Deniers, another is white supremacists. If they were really good people they would not hold such offensive beliefs, and there is no use exploring the issue further. The moment I know that someone is a racist, they have lost all credibility in my book. This also applies to religious extremists and homophobes in my book. If you think that members of the LGBTQI community shouldn't have the same rights as you, while your priests go around diddling little boys or while your "prophet" is someone who married a six year old, then yes I will judge you, as is my right to do so.

However beyond that I genuinely don't care what people believe and aspire to judge people as individuals based on how they behave rather than their labels or their outward appearance.

You make a great point. There are some groups that we all judge (well, not all, but a lot of people). Neo-Nazis, KKK members, WBC (Westboro Baptist Church) are some examples. More would include child molesters- I mean, if you know that someone is a registered child molester, then we are wary to let our children with them.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You've come up with a nice way to shirk your responsibility to generally be honest and truthful about things.

Exactly. You are not being truthful when YOU say someone is a fool if they "are willfully ignorant". I am not "shirking" anything. YOU are shirking your responsiblity to be civil. Aren't you?

Maybe you mean people are willfully ignorant because they want to believe a lie and not because they just won't see things your way. They know it's a lie but they want to believe it anyway. Is that what you mean? Or do you mean they just won't see things your way, that is always honest, sincere and truthful?


Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
I try not to judge (as hard as that is), but I tend to base people on their actions, personality and overall demeanor. Their beliefs don't really factor in.

I'm more inclined to like a kind-hearted and charitable non-theist, than I am to a cruel and un-loving theist. And vice versa.


I consider what people believe to be a facet of "who they are".

I am more sensitive toward behavior than opinion, since words are cheap.

In some cases, the combination of silly beliefs, bad deeds and poor behavior is enough to bring me to judge somebody to be not worth knowing (like my ex). But mostly I am accepting of everyone as is, warts and all.

If you express silly beliefs around me, though, expect some vigorous debate. :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
My questions of the day. :)

Do you judge people by who they are? Do you sometimes judge them by their beliefs or lack of beliefs?
Absolutely. I judge people based on their actions, words, and beliefs. The thing that interests me the most when it comes to learning about various world religions is learning about human nature- a person's beliefs tells me all sorts of interesting things about them. It's interesting the ways different cultures have sought to explain how the world works, how they fit in it, what they are on the deepest sense, etc. But by "beliefs" I mean their specific beliefs, not a simple title like the name of a broad religion. The name of a religion tells me very little.

Do you automatically decide what a person is like just because of their faith or lack of faith?
Not typically, but sometimes. In my experience, certain titles can lead to pretty sure aspects of character, though.

If I meet 10 people that believe X that each have the same personal characteristic Y, then if I meet at 11th one, I'm going to assume they have characteristic Y, though that's subject to change if they demonstrate otherwise. It's more than just probability though, because if belief X is analyzed and seems to logically lead to believers of X having characteristic Y, then it's not simple chance that most believers of X have characteristic Y; instead it's because of the belief in X, or more rarely, belief in X is because of characteristic Y.

Do you judge them by various different things, such as ethnic group, political party, age, etc?
I'm sure I do, at least a little bit. I'd prefer not to judge based on ethnic group, age, or gender at all if possible.

Do you expect people to act a certain way before you get to know or even meet them when you hear that they follow or are any of the above?
Not particularly. A mere title says very little about them considering how diverse any title can be, like "liberal", or "conservative", or "Christian", or "Buddhist". Unless it's one of those X means Y situations, as previously described.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Exactly. You are not being truthful when YOU say someone is a fool if they "are willfully ignorant". I am not "shirking" anything. YOU are shirking your responsiblity to be civil. Aren't you?

Maybe you mean people are willfully ignorant because they want to believe a lie and not because they just won't see things your way. They know it's a lie but they want to believe it anyway. Is that what you mean? Or do you mean they just won't see things your way, that is always honest, sincere and truthful?



Active Member
I try not to. I prefer to judge them by what they do and what kind of person they are (kind, rude, etc.). I try not to judge anyone for anything, but sometimes you can't associate yourself with certain people.


Premium Member
I try not to judge (as hard as that is), but I tend to base people on their actions, personality and overall demeanor. Their beliefs don't really factor in.

I'm more inclined to like a kind-hearted and charitable non-theist, than I am to a cruel and unloving theist. And vice versa.

Well, I personally try not to sort people by faith, lack of faith etc. I instead say charitable or cruel and unloving without stating whether they have religion or not. I know you didn't say it or insinuate anything by that. There are charitable theists, non-theists, and atheists and there are cruel and unloving theists, non-theists, and atheists, as well. :)