God = the whole Truth at the end of the road we travel in the pursuit of the Truth. But, of course, we only know some of the Truth. Ergo, we don't know the whole Truth/God....and probably never will.
So, now we have degraded our KNOWLEDGE of God to just being able to know SOME of it.
You can't know all of it. So, the things you don't know.. might contradict what you know.
You just don't know those things.
God might be way more EVIL than you can probably know.
God might be an ALIEN, but you just don't really know. You only have the partial image the aliens provide.
God might be SATAN after all.. and Yahweh a small, insignificant loser. For all you know.
You just don't know.
BUT you "know" some stuff.
You may ONLY know what you were MEANT to know.
Makes sense to me.
God is hiding his true nature to you.
And you THINK that your partial "knowledge" is the full picture, but of course, it can't possibly be the complete picture.
Only when you die, apparently, are you going to know the full picture.
What if you die, and STILL only get a partial picture?
How would you know?
IN any case, by your own admission, whatever you say you know about god , I will take as AT BEST partial knowledge.
NOW, that doesn't even BEGIN to address the RELIABILITY of what you call "knowledge" of god.
Since you don't know EVERYTHING about god, it's possible that what you DO know doesn't reflect AT ALL any "true nature" of this god.
The whole Truth, God, is everything that exists, including the natural law that controls it, whether it's associated with a super-consciousness or not. And Truth, btw, includes both objective knowledge, and subjective beauty, with justice and love in between.
So, if you EQUATE god with "everything that exists, we already have a fine word for that.
Are you calling god the UNIVERSE?
Because we have a word for the universe. It's the universe.
Why change the name of the universe and call that God? What PURPOSE does that accomplish other than making a bad argument for the EXISTENCE of god. Changing one word for another isn't proving the first word.
WE KNOW and ACCEPT that the universe exists. What is in QUESTION is if a god exists.
Calling what we are trying to PROVE exists by a word for what DOES exist doesn't help the case.
it harms the case.
Playing with words to make a case is lame.
As to subjective truth.. we don't need a god to explain any of that. People think up ideas. We respond to what we are programed to call beauty. No god required.