You want to throw the baby out with the bathwater just so atheism can have the stage to itself, even though you can't come up with any evidence to support it, especially if you discount the fact that the universe had a beginning.
I have. What type of evidence are YOU looking for? I cant give you evidence that nothing exists. I can give you psychological points that make His existence not even rational.
I am not your typical atheist. I dont believe that science, big bang, evolution, is a fact. Not my point.
No. You are incorrect. I do see the theist position of Gods existence. I was an "supposed" theist myself. I realize that God did not exist a part from my mind. So, I chose not to believe this mind-god is a separate perfect entity. It does not make sense To Me. Rather, God is everything and everyone. Its a fancy a d popular word to describe life.
In that context l, I do believe in God. In abrahamic view, I do not. Please do not put me in the athiest category with whom like to "prove" God's non existence. I just stated my observation and links to provide God is a mind belief. It is not a fact.
I do find it odd that people say God is a facf yet they need faith to believe this fact. That is contradictory. If it is a fact, you dont need faith. You know. It is not a belief anymore.
Many reasons and ways to proove God does not exist. There are ALSO many ways to proove He does.
The former lies in psychology, culture, and sycrinicity.
The latter lies in gut feelings, saying the pschology of superstition (I hit my head, oh that must be God warning me [though it was something they triped on instead which does make a person fall]). Proof of Gods existence lies in using justification for their beliefs based on what is in holy books.
Its all psychology AND that does not mean God does not exist as a belief. As a fact, no. AND thats okay.