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Do you love others?


A fool
Ozzie said:
I don't think you can logically juxtapose intrinsic and inherent without distinguishing them.
I agree which is why I am not juxtaposing them. I am saying that intrinsic value is a subset of inherent worth.

Ozzie said:
Instrumental value invokes blindness either to oneself or others.
Why is that?


Premium Member
Liking someone is the same as loving someone, at least the way I see it. ;)
It is much easier to love those who are closest to you and takes a little work to love those who aren't very close to you.
I can honestly say that there is not one person that I hate (even when I become very angry with someone).


Active Member
Liking someone is the same as loving someone, at least the way I see it. ;)
It is much easier to love those who are closest to you and takes a little work to love those who aren't very close to you.
I can honestly say that there is not one person that I hate (even when I become very angry with someone).

Why would you want to love anyone your aren't close to? Respect is one thing love is quite another, and reserved for your nearest and dearest imo!


Premium Member
Why would you want to love anyone your aren't close to? Respect is one thing love is quite another, and reserved for your nearest and dearest imo!

Love is such a wonderful feeling, why would I just use it on those who are my family and friends? :flirt:


Active Member
Love is such a wonderful feeling, why would I just use it on those who are my family and friends? :flirt:

I wouldn't be able or want to love anyone but my closest family, if I loved everyone somehow it would diminish the love I have for them!


Active Member
I have found that it actually strengthens it.

Whatever turns you on, I guess, it wouldn't work for me. I only truly love my husband, children and grandchildren, I am fond of other relatives, like my sisters and mother, but I wouldn't claim to love them, not what I call love!


Premium Member
Some people do not even know what "loving" someone means. Loving everyone does not mean you go out and hug every one you meet. It means that you wish no harm on them, that you understand them and as Abdulla al Hanafi said, respect them. Christians are required to even love their enemies, which would seem impossible (it still does sometimes) but I found out that if you pray for someone who is harming you, that the anger is somewhat lessened. (you can be angry at someone you love). If you try and understand them and why they behave the way they do, then you can stop hating them. You may still be angry with them, but there is no more hatred.


Pre-initiate Wiccan
Oh, love. Love love love. Such a simple, overused word and but one that has a different meaning to almost everyone I've ever spoken to.

Love to me is the way I can look at a Christian who is pressing a pamphlet on God into my hand, warning me that I may be damned to Hell for being Wiccan, and basically pressing their religious views down my throat and still feel choked up and affectionate towards them because they're LOOKING OUT FOR ME, in their own way. They don't agree with my religion and I don't agree with thiers, but when you all get down to it they want me to be saved. They want to save me from the Hell they believe I'll burn in, and how can I really hate someone for that?

That's the way I love. I love people for their intentions, if they're good. And even if they're not good, I try to find out what made them into who they are today, and love them in spite of whatever turned them into mean, conniving people. I can't stay mad for a week, I swear. Forgiveness comes to me like breathing, almost against my will sometimes.

I haven't always felt this way. I went through the "why does EVERYONE SUCK?" phase in my younger years and held grudges like mad. But as I get older I just can't find it in me to hate anymore. It's the empathy I feel for people, I guess. I look at someone and bam. I'm in their shoes (or what I imagine their shoes may be like.) I can't hate, even though I've been offered some REALLY tempting reasons to hate people in the past. I just don't have it in me.

This is not to say I love everyone on earth. Impossible since I don't know everyone on earth. But I have to say sometimes that the absence of hate feels like a whole lotta love to me.