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Do you think it's important whether others believe in God or not?


I especially like that bit :)

I agree with tou it is so funny how many spelling mistakes I made there. Could you please check the remainder of my post inlcuding this one and point out any pther mistakes you could find. I would really lika to learn english better and i apritiate you trying to help.

Do you know if there is some spellcheker when creating post so thath I could use it when you are not around to help me


Well-Known Member
I don't think so.
I find I have more in common with an atheist who stands in awe of nature than a dogmatic literalist who loves the city.
Yet the dogmatic atheist who shouts SCIENCE at me and has no appreciation of poetry seems as alien as the fundamentalist.
Is dogmatic or not a more important distinction than theist or not?

NO, I don't care what they believe, as long as they are not evangelical about it.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I am happy with the idea that God has many paths, be they religious or not.

I don´t think it is important if one "believes" in God or not.

Everyone is god to me, as long as they manifest it enough (compassion, happy life, peace, comprehension, etc) I am more than happy.

I think a compasive atheist is 100 times closer to God than a theist without mercy.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
It was the question in the thread title.
Elaborated on/ clarified in the actual post. :p

I hope that it's not what he meant, but that's how what he said comes across to me.
Well, since I might have said much the same....

It's not that you're really a theist, deep down. It's that God will lead you home regardless of what you believe. And ftr, "home" isn't to my beliefs.


If people who believed in God would stay out of politics, specifically in trying to legislate their brand of "morality," I wouldn't really care. But at this point in the US with all this hot-winded God talk among the politicians, I'd love to see more atheists, particularly in public office. Maybe more atheists in Washington would make a more honest Washington. And throw in some Pagans and Spiritualists for good measure!

Really, it doesn't matter to me if someone's a Lutheran, a Hindu, or a Pastafarian. I say live and let live. I have friends of all persuasions. As long as they respect me and don't push their beliefs, it's fine.


Agnostic Theist
In case that was directed at me, I should probably explain what I meant by "factual": I wasn't trying to suggest that I'm correct with certainty; I'm saying that the premise "God exists" does have some real truth value; it is either correct or incorrect. Even if we can't say which conclusion is right or even if we'll ever be able to figure out which is right, we can still say that one, and only one, right answer exists "out there".
It wasn't directed at you, but I do like your approach. I agree that there is only one right answer to the question; however, for me, since we don't have the means to figure it out right now, I have a problem with people on either side saying their idea is fact. I don't think I have ever seen you state such either way.
I find the suggestion that my non-theism is a form of theism to be rather chauvinistic and insulting. It kinda reminds me of the line in Full Metal Jacket: "inside every gook is an American trying to get out."
That really wasn't my intention. I do have a belief in God. However, I don't think it is necessary to worship or even believe in God (and I do accept that there is a possibility that I'm wrong). Basically, I think that if you live a good life, are a decent human being, there would be no reason for God to do anything; that the question of God really doesn't matter in that case.

For atheism, I think it works for different people. Or that some people simply don't need to believe in God, or have a religious ideal that they follow. They can live a great life without a God or a set of religious beliefs. I really don't think a belief in God is necessary, or that religious ideals are necessary.

Basically, I think there are many different ways to live that can be very productive. And if in the end, there is some sort of afterlife, a belief in God is not necessary, one just needs to have lived a good life.

I don't think I'm explaining it in the best way, but I'm just having a hard time communicating my ideas right now.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I think that the quality of character and the actions/decision one makes is more important than what he believes. To believe in God can be great, but beliefs are mental concepts. Nobody understands God's nature, so what it is we believe in is a vague, limited and fickle concept. It is much more important, in my opinion, to be a good person.


Agnostic Pantheist
Our actions and the way we behave, or the way we live in general are the important thing to focus on. I suppose that people who are generally comfortable and kind with others in real life also carry some healthy beliefs. whether they are Hindu or Pantheistic, these beliefs probably carry a positive baggage.


I believe our beliefs determine our actions.

I beleive our actions are predetermined by laws of phisics just like the actions of every other part of metter in the universe. Chemistry, bioligy, computer programs, beleives, emotions are just a way we encapsulate larger chaines of laws of phisics in order to more easily make predictions.


Well-Known Member
I beleive our actions are predetermined by laws of phisics just like the actions of every other part of metter in the universe. Chemistry, bioligy, computer programs, beleives, emotions are just a way we encapsulate larger chaines of laws of phisics in order to more easily make predictions.
Groovy. I'm coming from more of a spiritual angle but I get what you're trying to say. I was thinking more along the lines of, say, if one believes Jesus loves them and died for them to pay the penalty of their sins, and they believe they are freely forgiven and deeply loved by him, this will affect their actions and they will have love and mercy for others and follow his teachings of loving their enemies and showing real compassion and love in action to others. Or, say, one does not believe God loves them and that he is distant, impersonal and hard and judging or angry, they may act accordingly. Or if one believes in survival of the fittest and tooth and nail, they may treat others accordingly. Eh, just thots.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Not really. The belief in a supernatural deity is harmless. It what the individual chooses to do with those believes is what is important.


Mother Heathen
I don't think so.
I find I have more in common with an atheist who stands in awe of nature than a dogmatic literalist who loves the city.
Yet the dogmatic atheist who shouts SCIENCE at me and has no appreciation of poetry seems as alien as the fundamentalist.
Is dogmatic or not a more important distinction than theist or not?


I think kindness and gentle people are cool people. And they tend to reflect God anyway, even if they don't believe in God. I don't care about people's religious beliefs in my personal life but I do appreciate depth - this doesn't have to involve acceptance of any deity.
It doesn't matter to me whether someone believes in God or not. However, what does matter to me is whether or not it matters to the other person. In other words, it doesn't matter to me what the other person believes but if what I believe matters to the other person, he won't judge my character for its true worth.