Freedom from Sanity
Yes, and if you've ever written a paper then you already know that just repeating existing papers without evaluating them in some kind of methodological framework isn't really considered research in and of itself. Also, what you fail to mention is that even this kind of literature research is being conducted by people with at least minimal training in, and exposure to a particular academic field.Ever heard of "literature research"? It is one of the first thing you do when starting a research project. Let's see what data already exists, what hypothesis, what new experiments are already in progress or planned. Literature research is why scientific papers usually include a long list of references. I count reading up on the current scientific literature as "research". I do that when I'm able to read the papers. (If not I have to fall back on trusted science communicators.)
Nobody would (and should!) take my random collection of physics articles I found with a Google search seriously as a form of academic research.
Yet that is the absolute ceiling of scientific rigor and competency people on internet forums tend to reach when they talk about "doing [their] own research".