Charles Philips
Christian is just another word for elect, we're not only known by one name. Gods Children are identified by many different names but we're all the same. When the elect is mentioned in the Bible, it just means Christians as God's Children are the Bride of Christ, One Body.None of your quotes addressed the point I made, which is that they speak of 'elect' people in the sense of 'chosen' but NONE of them speaks of the Elect, to which you claim to belong, and as I said, there's no distinction there between believers in Jesus and the lower case elect.
So your claim to belong to a special group, distinct from Christianity generally, is entirely unsupported.
And I seem to recall ─ correct me if I'm wrong ─ that you said membership of this group was limited in some way. If that's right, then that too is unsupported by any of your quotes.
And where's that slave market report I asked you for?
You recall me explaining the procedure for Church membership, which is very limited. We require solid proof that the applicant is an Elect, Believer, Christian, Converted, Regenerated etc., then we cast vote and if there are no objections the application is successful
It seems to me that you have this idea that there are many ways to God. The truth is, there is only one way and that through Christ