Even in high school biology evolution is part of the curriculum. And as you know from your experience here, creationists do not tend to be the most honest of people. I cannot see them teaching the class accurately any more than a Flat Earth Physicist could teach physics.
In America, teachers on the high school level are not
very well educated.
In Ca, they do or used to have the CBEST,
california basic education skills test. An
acquaintance told me of taking it when he
was so sick with hepatitis he barely made it
to the test center, and of the three sections
(math, readin' writin' or something) his score
went down many points from one to the next
as he got too tired. Even so, he scored well
above the minimum. And commented that
the test was so simple...
So imagine "teachers" who could not pass that.
They had to institute that test because so many
were so incompetent.
Most american hs teachers seem to just
teach to the test, from the book very formulaic.
So what if our creofriend does a bad job of
teaching evolution? He probably would be
no worse than those who do.
Now, give this up and gimme a job that you cant
do in biol if you is a creo.