In Hebrew, a literal 24-hr. day has nothing to do with “morning”; neither the beginning of a 24-hr day, nor the ending.
Yom can mean “an indeterminate amount of time, to accomplish a purpose.”
The evidence that the Genesis text uses “Yom” to mean more than 24 hours, ie., “an indeterminate amount of time, to accomplish a purpose,” is at Genesis 2:17…
“But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day “yom” you eat from it you will certainly die.”
When did Adam die? Over 900 years later, “an indeterminate amount of time”; that day of his life was “accomplished” over 900 years later.
So the Creative Day’s understanding, when taken in context, agrees with the understanding of science RE: the age of Earth.
Whenever the Bible touches on topics that empirical science has discovered, both are always in agreement.