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Does God care whether we worship her or not?


Active Member
Morning/Afternoon/Evening everyone:

(1)Does God care whether we worship her or not?
(2)Does God get angry if we do not worship her?
(3)Does God become happy when we worship her?
(4)Does God have emotions such as hate, love, fear, distress, desire, etc.?

Me Myself

Back to my username
Depends on the god and what you define as worship.

I´ll say any good God related to morality will feel him/her/itself worshipped everytime you do good deeds.


Active Member
there is no god - so no worship needed

good doesn't wish to be worshipped anyways, only evil needs to be worshipped

Me Myself

Back to my username
How should one go about finding what constitutes "good deeds"?

While it is subjective, to the least one should start with good intentions.

Good intentions are such that you do something because you know it will maker you and/or others happy.

Intentions that are caring to everyone involved in the planed action, I think are very much more leaned to be "good" than those that are not.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Morning/Afternoon/Evening everyone:

(1)Does God care whether we worship her or not?
(2)Does God get angry if we do not worship her?
(3)Does God become happy when we worship her?
(4)Does God have emotions such as hate, love, fear, distress, desire, etc.?

I really doubt it, for all of them. I refuse to believe god is so petty that it craves human worship.

there is no god - so no worship needed

That's awesome, can you logically prove that for me real quick? It'd make life much easier.


Active Member
While it is subjective, to the least one should start with good intentions.

Good intentions are such that you do something because you know it will maker you and/or others happy.

Intentions that are caring to everyone involved in the planed action, I think are very much more leaned to be "good" than those that are not.

This is just kicking the ball further down - what makes a person happy? Being in a bikini may make a Western woman happy...being in a Burqa may make an Afghani woman happy.

Is the God you are defending (?) someone who prescribes subjective morality or an objective morality?


Active Member
I really doubt it, for all of them. I refuse to believe god is so petty that it craves human worship.

Bingo! My thoughts too.

If that is true, then there is no right way or wrong way to worship God. Yes?

Idolatry, polytheism, paganism, monotheism, deism, panentheism, pantheism or any other form of theism are just equally valid or equally invalid.


Well-Known Member
I really doubt it, for all of them. I refuse to believe god is so petty that it craves human worship.

Indeed. To think that God cares about worship, or even demands it, seems to me to be painting a petty picture of God. Why would anyone want worship? Don't only egomaniacs want that?


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
(1)Does God care whether we worship her or not?
(2)Does God get angry if we do not worship her?
(3)Does God become happy when we worship her?
(4)Does God have emotions such as hate, love, fear, distress, desire, etc.

Depends on the deity, as well as what constitutes "worship." To borrow some words from 839311, some gods are what we might call "petty" and "egomaniacal." Pretty much all the Pagan gods have "human failings," but whether they would specifically be touchy about humans worshiping them would vary.

Also, for those of you who have said a god craving human worship is "petty," why do you say this? How exactly are you defining worship?


Higher and Higher
Morning/Afternoon/Evening everyone:

(1)Does God care whether we worship her or not?
(2)Does God get angry if we do not worship her?
(3)Does God become happy when we worship her?
(4)Does God have emotions such as hate, love, fear, distress, desire, etc.?

1. Probably to some degree.

2. "Angry" is probably a strong word. God seems to have made it clear to us (the Jews) that She doesn't much care for people worshipping things besides Her. But the commandments She gave in the Torah are for the Jews only; so presumably if She wants others to worship only Her, She has worked it out with them. We don't concern ourselves with the practices of non-Jews.

3. Depends on how you define "happy." But something akin to that is probably not too off-base.

4. We think that God has something akin to emotions. But we also think that God is deeply, deeply different from us, and the way that Her thoughts and emotions work is not like our own. So while we ascribe emotions like love and compassion and sadness and happiness to Her, we don't know if what She experiences is truly the same thing we call by that name, or something else that is only analogous.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Morning/Afternoon/Evening everyone:

(1)Does God care whether we worship her or not?
(2)Does God get angry if we do not worship her?
(3)Does God become happy when we worship her?
(4)Does God have emotions such as hate, love, fear, distress, desire, etc.?
IMO (of course): no, no, no, and yes.

I'm curious, though - why do you say her? I can never hear that without wondering whether it's genuine belief, or a desire to make people uncomfortable.


Active Member
Storm said:
I'm curious, though - why do you say her? I can never hear that without wondering whether it's genuine belief, or a desire to make people uncomfortable.

That is the scientific author in me. I work in a field where a third person is referred to in the feminine. Dont know how this convention came about.

Me Myself

Back to my username
This is just kicking the ball further down - what makes a person happy? Being in a bikini may make a Western woman happy...being in a Burqa may make an Afghani woman happy.

Is the God you are defending (?) someone who prescribes subjective morality or an objective morality?

Actually, happiness can be measured by brain scans so it isn´t that subjective anymore :D

I am talking about gods, I am not so much "defending" anyone, as I wouldn´t deem a (moraly)good god to be very hurtable in the first place. You need an ego to be hurt.