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Does God control everything?


Well-Known Member
I think God CAN control everything if He wants to. But I am not sure He wants to. God gives people a mind and a will to choose for themselves.If they make decisions that are harmful to themselves or others, God does not always stop them, but He COULD.


Active Member
.Does God control everything?I think Proverbs 16:4 says he does.

Proverbs 16:4 Byington Bible:
Jehovah made everything to play its part, and even a wrongdoer for a day of disaster.

It does not mention there that God control everything. The doctrine of free wii alone, show that this concept is not scriptural.

Samantha Rinne

Resident Genderfluid Writer/Artist
.Does God control everything?I think Proverbs 16:4 says he does.

No. Isaiah 45:7 tells us that God causes both light and darkness. That is, everything that happens, good or bad, is watched over by him.

But we do have free will. That said, our actions against God are as though stuck in a loop. We keep repeating the same crap over and over.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Control idealises that a he self, meaning male human thinker believes by his thinking conclusion that God can be controlled as a controller.

For a theist for a formula about God/power/energy also wants to build a machine to force/own and control what he claims is God, for science.

Natural humans do not give God advice as a control, but a living life support condition. As conscious self idealism. Only said as consciousness for male/female human selves whilst living being a human. We make the quote for self existence, human.

Only science owns quotes about "to control". And as your machine is not God, then no you cannot control everything with a claim of God being a "he" thought about self, male in science. And the theme in science I want to own and also control everything that I give a name.

So then you enquire, science where does a male conscious ideal come about regarding a particle of stone in space, cold gases and reactive cause of change? And the idea is about a wandering star asteroid mass, breaking down its stone particles and releasing the cold gas pressurised/held inside of stone. As a thought about mind/psyche message from out of space that he already told us all about realising.

I don't think that science can interact a reaction with an asteroid do you? You know the saviour of the heavenly gas mass presence by male scientific aware notification of. A story.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
.Does God control everything?I think Proverbs 16:4 says he does.
No... it says he made everything.

John Gill:yea, even the wicked for the day of evil;
this is added to illustrate the general proposition in the preceding clause, and to obviate an objection, that might be taken from the destruction of the wicked, against all things being for the glory of God; for even the destruction of the wicked, which is under a divine appointment, is for his glory. It is not the sense of this text, nor of any other passage of Scripture, that God made man to damn him; nor is this to be inferred from the doctrine of predestination: God made man, neither to damn him, nor to save him, but for his own glory; and that is secured, whether in his salvation or damnation; nor did or does God make men wicked; he made man upright, and he has made himself wicked; and, being so, God may justly appoint him to damnation for his wickedness, in doing which he glorifies his justice. "The day of evil", or "evil day", is the day of wrath and ruin, unto which wicked men are reserved by the appointment of God, agreeably to the Targum, Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions. This is true of wicked angels, wicked men, and particularly of that wicked one, the man of sin and son of perdition, antichrist; the word here used is in the singular number.

Proverbs 16:4 - Meaning and Commentary on Bible Verse

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The after life quote is death.

Humans only live and own life without sin. Origin of sin was a burning gas spirit history of the planet Earth O as a scientific/formula to machine thesis idea.

Space however as a holy act owned the presence of cold gas as a complete heavenly review.

Science in a male human life denied that support. What the science teaching quoted. Early age death a summation that life should live to 100 years of age C value, but it began dying before its natural death. So healthy humans not sacrificed were consciously psyche notified of what was inferred to be the after life conditions occurring as they were living.

Why the after life was quantified to be an evil subject of science causes and quantified to be male human science Satanic chosen. To kill off and sacrifice the Holy human living life body/cell and holy blood as it tried to survive and exist.

The actual definition.

For if we all lived as we were originally equated to own life, equal, then both humans in conscious equality would die in the same moment and death would not be consciously notified. It would have been witnessed as a going to sleep.

Humanity in psychic unified family awareness began to be mind conscious notified that life was being early age sacrificed. For medical definition and awareness in the past was a psychic and spiritual employment. We did not actually have medical practitioners like we do today. Psychic healer reckoning was the proven medical reference in past medical knowledge/wisdom.

God by definition, highest life and living support was therefore considered to be the advice of existing human spiritual knowledge versus life being changed.

Living conditions in the God creation were quantified to be of equal existing status, without argument, as we all used the exact same equal atmospheric living conditions. To a theist, God therefore controlled that life support and living conditions.

To alter the God concept therefore was only by male science human choice, how science was determined to be Satanism as the Anti effect of natural survival in God states. God certainly therefore does not control what any scientist chooses to change.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
.Does God control everything?I think Proverbs 16:4 says he does.
I don't believe so, and if He supposedly does then there's no such thing as us having free will, which then would make Him the ultimate cause of our sinning. Thus, instead of "The devil made me do it!", it would then be "God made me do it!".

rational experiences

Veteran Member
I think yes, because He can end evil, or allow it.
In science evil is done by the thinker by conscious ability to reason why he went against God as a history by his own male determined scientific reason.

Science a self contradiction about God, the book writer who proved it to his own self...why he called his occult radiation science theist brother a Satanist...from the L ist he artificially infers. Human designed themes...beyond that of what natural owned and held.

Evil by his determined male consciousness is heated/burning gases or hot mineral melts. Which in God terms, the Holy water he chooses to cool artificially to end evil...so his male psyche which first determines all the natural and highest spirits in cold that God owns, naturally he then infers in science how the evil can be stopped.

Now as he infers to HE, the association historically was when he caused a huge life irradiation event, his WATER bio owned ground mass was split in half, and half of it went to cloud amassing. Where it remained ever since.

His memory in science/Satanism, I caused that event, then quotes that he own it his own mind self....when he no longer owns it, the heavenly cloud amassing does.

And today still references that evil will be stopped by cloud amassing and water atmospheric/ground flooding. When life does not need to be flooded due to radiation science causes.