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New Member
I will bring up a subject, which I have never heard or seen before.
Think carefully. Yes or no?
It takes a soul in order to have feelings. Does God has a soul? No!
So, God does not have feelings. Nowhere in the bible you can show me that
God has feelings. The Jews were in captivity in Egypt for over 400 years.
What crime did they commit in order to get such a punishment?
How can you watch your chosen people in slavery for such a long time?
Only if you have no feelings.

How about killing the first born in EVERY Egyptian family?
You can do that only if you have no feelings.

Moses left his wife and his two sons, in order to take the Jews to the promised land.
He spent 40 years in the desert suffering along with the other Jews.
For his sacrifice, he asked God for only one thing: Let me go inside the promised land.
The answer was: NO. You can do this only if you have no feelings.

How about when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?
Can you imagine what kind of anguish Abraham went through?
Only one with no feelings can order someone to do such a thing.

Also, do not forget when Moses went on Mount Sinai to get the ten commandments
he had to spend one month there, which was not easy for an old man like him.

In our modern time, many people are wondering how could God watch the Holocaust
for so many years and do nothing. Of course the answer is: only if you do not have feelings.

There many other similar examples in the bible and present and the past time, where
you can see clearly God has no feelings.

Now, that we have established that God has no feelings, let me ask you, why people
go to church to pray? Most people pray for health, mercy, money, better life and other personal problems. Well, if God has no feelings, he does not give a damn about your problems.
Correct? Why would he? He does not care at all, because he has no feelings. So, you are wasting your time. Even though some people may know this, they still do it. Why?
Because one time in the past their prayer was answered, and even though many times after that their prayers were not answered, they still hope that their prayer will be answered.

So, why people do pray, even though they have doubts about God? Because they
do not have any other choice and because they make themselves feel better.

Another thing. When something GOOD happens, people say: Thanks God.
When something bad happens, God`s name is NOT mentioned. Why?
Because, we were brought up that God makes ONLY good things and the devil
makes the bad things. WRONG! God is responsible for good AND bad things.

In final, God does NOT care about anybody as he does not have feelings.
You can pray 24 hours a day, he will not even hear you and even if he did,
he does not care. Why would he? With no feelings, He does not get anything
out of you by helping you. Anyway, all you got is HOPE and with that you will
live all your life.


Active Member
Genesis 6:6 The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.
Double checking, 'regretted' is 'nacham' ... looks like a feeling to me.

Numbers 25:11 “Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites. Since he was as zealous for my honor among them as I am, I did not put an end to them in my zeal.
Again looking up the exact Hebrew words makes it clear that God's (qin'ah) sounds like a feeling to me.

(Since you are Jewish, I restricted my brief search to the OT ... looking at the NT, this issue is even more obvious.)


RF's Swedenborgian
I will bring up a subject, which I have never heard or seen before.
Think carefully. Yes or no?
It takes a soul in order to have feelings. Does God has a soul? No!
So, God does not have feelings. Nowhere in the bible you can show me that
God has feelings. The Jews were in captivity in Egypt for over 400 years.
What crime did they commit in order to get such a punishment?
How can you watch your chosen people in slavery for such a long time?
Only if you have no feelings.

How about killing the first born in EVERY Egyptian family?
You can do that only if you have no feelings.

Moses left his wife and his two sons, in order to take the Jews to the promised land.
He spent 40 years in the desert suffering along with the other Jews.
For his sacrifice, he asked God for only one thing: Let me go inside the promised land.
The answer was: NO. You can do this only if you have no feelings.

How about when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?
Can you imagine what kind of anguish Abraham went through?
Only one with no feelings can order someone to do such a thing.

Also, do not forget when Moses went on Mount Sinai to get the ten commandments
he had to spend one month there, which was not easy for an old man like him.

In our modern time, many people are wondering how could God watch the Holocaust
for so many years and do nothing. Of course the answer is: only if you do not have feelings.

There many other similar examples in the bible and present and the past time, where
you can see clearly God has no feelings.

Now, that we have established that God has no feelings, let me ask you, why people
go to church to pray? Most people pray for health, mercy, money, better life and other personal problems. Well, if God has no feelings, he does not give a damn about your problems.
Correct? Why would he? He does not care at all, because he has no feelings. So, you are wasting your time. Even though some people may know this, they still do it. Why?
Because one time in the past their prayer was answered, and even though many times after that their prayers were not answered, they still hope that their prayer will be answered.

So, why people do pray, even though they have doubts about God? Because they
do not have any other choice and because they make themselves feel better.

Another thing. When something GOOD happens, people say: Thanks God.
When something bad happens, God`s name is NOT mentioned. Why?
Because, we were brought up that God makes ONLY good things and the devil
makes the bad things. WRONG! God is responsible for good AND bad things.

In final, God does NOT care about anybody as he does not have feelings.
You can pray 24 hours a day, he will not even hear you and even if he did,
he does not care. Why would he? With no feelings, He does not get anything
out of you by helping you. Anyway, all you got is HOPE and with that you will
live all your life.

I agree with you that there isn't a God with feelings. However, I also don't believe in the existence of any supernatural being. I simply believe there isn't any God, because there is no evidence for any sort of supernatural being. The Bible certainly doesn't provide any proof of God's existence, but for what it's worth, I do recall reading some Bible verses that attribute emotions to God.


RF's Swedenborgian
I will bring up a subject, which I have never heard or seen before.
Think carefully. Yes or no?
It takes a soul in order to have feelings. Does God has a soul? No!
So, God does not have feelings. Nowhere in the bible you can show me that
God has feelings. The Jews were in captivity in Egypt for over 400 years.
What crime did they commit in order to get such a punishment?
How can you watch your chosen people in slavery for such a long time?
Only if you have no feelings.

How about killing the first born in EVERY Egyptian family?
You can do that only if you have no feelings.

Moses left his wife and his two sons, in order to take the Jews to the promised land.
He spent 40 years in the desert suffering along with the other Jews.
For his sacrifice, he asked God for only one thing: Let me go inside the promised land.
The answer was: NO. You can do this only if you have no feelings.

How about when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?
Can you imagine what kind of anguish Abraham went through?
Only one with no feelings can order someone to do such a thing.

Also, do not forget when Moses went on Mount Sinai to get the ten commandments
he had to spend one month there, which was not easy for an old man like him.

In our modern time, many people are wondering how could God watch the Holocaust
for so many years and do nothing. Of course the answer is: only if you do not have feelings.

There many other similar examples in the bible and present and the past time, where
you can see clearly God has no feelings.

Now, that we have established that God has no feelings, let me ask you, why people
go to church to pray? Most people pray for health, mercy, money, better life and other personal problems. Well, if God has no feelings, he does not give a damn about your problems.
Correct? Why would he? He does not care at all, because he has no feelings. So, you are wasting your time. Even though some people may know this, they still do it. Why?
Because one time in the past their prayer was answered, and even though many times after that their prayers were not answered, they still hope that their prayer will be answered.

So, why people do pray, even though they have doubts about God? Because they
do not have any other choice and because they make themselves feel better.

Another thing. When something GOOD happens, people say: Thanks God.
When something bad happens, God`s name is NOT mentioned. Why?
Because, we were brought up that God makes ONLY good things and the devil
makes the bad things. WRONG! God is responsible for good AND bad things.

In final, God does NOT care about anybody as he does not have feelings.
You can pray 24 hours a day, he will not even hear you and even if he did,
he does not care. Why would he? With no feelings, He does not get anything
out of you by helping you. Anyway, all you got is HOPE and with that you will
live all your life.

I agree with you that there isn't a God with feelings. However, I also don't believe in the existence of any supernatural being. I simply believe there isn't any God, because there is no evidence for any sort of supernatural being. The Bible certainly doesn't provide any proof of God's existence, but for what it's worth, I do recall reading some Bible verses that attribute emotions to God.


Active Member
I will bring up a subject, which I have never heard or seen before.
Think carefully. Yes or no?
It takes a soul in order to have feelings. Does God has a soul? No!
So, God does not have feelings. Nowhere in the bible you can show me that
God has feelings. The Jews were in captivity in Egypt for over 400 years.
What crime did they commit in order to get such a punishment?
How can you watch your chosen people in slavery for such a long time?
Only if you have no feelings.

How about killing the first born in EVERY Egyptian family?
You can do that only if you have no feelings.

Moses left his wife and his two sons, in order to take the Jews to the promised land.
He spent 40 years in the desert suffering along with the other Jews.
For his sacrifice, he asked God for only one thing: Let me go inside the promised land.
The answer was: NO. You can do this only if you have no feelings.

How about when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?
Can you imagine what kind of anguish Abraham went through?
Only one with no feelings can order someone to do such a thing.

Also, do not forget when Moses went on Mount Sinai to get the ten commandments
he had to spend one month there, which was not easy for an old man like him.

In our modern time, many people are wondering how could God watch the Holocaust
for so many years and do nothing. Of course the answer is: only if you do not have feelings.

There many other similar examples in the bible and present and the past time, where
you can see clearly God has no feelings.

Now, that we have established that God has no feelings, let me ask you, why people
go to church to pray? Most people pray for health, mercy, money, better life and other personal problems. Well, if God has no feelings, he does not give a damn about your problems.
Correct? Why would he? He does not care at all, because he has no feelings. So, you are wasting your time. Even though some people may know this, they still do it. Why?
Because one time in the past their prayer was answered, and even though many times after that their prayers were not answered, they still hope that their prayer will be answered.

So, why people do pray, even though they have doubts about God? Because they
do not have any other choice and because they make themselves feel better.

Another thing. When something GOOD happens, people say: Thanks God.
When something bad happens, God`s name is NOT mentioned. Why?
Because, we were brought up that God makes ONLY good things and the devil
makes the bad things. WRONG! God is responsible for good AND bad things.

In final, God does NOT care about anybody as he does not have feelings.
You can pray 24 hours a day, he will not even hear you and even if he did,
he does not care. Why would he? With no feelings, He does not get anything
out of you by helping you. Anyway, all you got is HOPE and with that you will
live all your life.
So start a private conversation if you want to talk about what happened.
I have known some personal pain ...
... enough to suspect when a question is not just a question.


Well-Known Member
At our weekly Congregation Bible Study we discussed the use of the Hebrew verb ra-cham' this week. Well for me about 5 1/2 hours ago. It is often rendered "show mercy" or "have pity" and is related to the Hebrew word for "womb" and can be described as "motherly compassion". One reference work explains that this verb "expresses a deep and tender feeling of compassion, such as is aroused by the sight of weakness or suffering in those that are dear to us or in need."

What's the point? This verb is used by Jehovah in a way that applies it to himself. Here are a few examples:

"But he said: 'I will make all my goodness pass before your face, and I will declare before you the name of Jehovah; and I will favor the one whom I favor, and I will show mercy to the one to whom I show mercy.'"
- Exodus 33:19

"'This is what Jehovah says: "Just as surely as I have established my covenant regarding the day and the night, the laws (or "statues.") of heaven and earth, so I will never reject the offspring (Lit., "seed.") of Jacob and of my servant David, so as not to take from his offspring rulers over the descendants (Lit., "seed.") of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For I will gather back their captives and have pity on them."'"
- Jeremiah 33:25,26

As a father shows mercy to his sons,
Jehovah has show mercy to those who fear him.
- Psalm 103:13

Can a woman forget her nursing child
Or have no compassion [ra-cham'] for the son of her womb?
Even if these women forget, I would never forget you.
- Isaiah 49:15

When the Israelites were in Egyptian slavery, Jehovah's heart was touched. Exodus 3:7 has him saying that "unquestionably I have seen the affliction", "I have heard their outcry", and "I well know the pains they suffer." But more than that he felt empathy.

During all their distress it was distressing to him.
And his own personal messenger (or "the angel of his presence.") saved them.
In his love and compassion he repurchased them,
And he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.
- Isaiah 63:9

We who lack patience may not understand why Jehovah waits to act at times. We may forget that to him all souls belong and he will restore life to all those now resting in the Grave - undoing any harm they may have experienced.. (Job 14:13-15; Eze 18:4) But he does have feelings, and he has expressed them clearly.
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Veteran Member
Fathers also don't have souls.
Here's my proof:
How about when a father brings his child in for surgery? What kind of father would have someone cut up his own child? Fathers have no feelings!
What about when a father needs to punish his child for misbehaving? What kind of father would subject his child to anguish? Fathers have no feelings!
How about when a child need to begin exploring the world on his own? What kind of father would send his son out to this painful world? Fathers have no feelings!


Active Member
I will bring up a subject, which I have never heard or seen before.
Think carefully. Yes or no?
It takes a soul in order to have feelings. Does God has a soul? No!

Psalms 11:5 "The LORD examines the righteous, but the wicked and those who love violence his soul hates" (NIV)

11 יְוהָה
צַדּ ִ קי
יְִ ב ָ ח ן
ְ ו ָ ר שׁעָ
ְ ו אֵֹ ה ב
ָ ח ָ מ ס
?נְַ פ שׁ


Active Member
How very nice. And we all know that the Psalms are inerrant. :D
Yes I am aware that our Jewish Bible now resists that word soul being there. The scriptures didn't call us stiff-necked for nothing. But it is paraphrased.

God is also said to be a soul or have soul at Leviticus 26:30 and Judges 10:16. But the paraphrased Jewish Bible resists the word nephesh in those verses, also.
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Well-Known Member
Yes I am aware that our Jewish Bible now resists that word soul being there.

I was not aware of the use of "soul" here in reference to Jehovah was debated. Assuming it belongs, it would still only be meant anthropomorphically, and it's use adds emphasis to the overall message.

Including the footnote in (), the New World Translation (2013 Revision) reads this way:

Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one;
He (or "His soul; His very being.") hates anyone who loves violence.
- Psalm 11:5


Active Member
I was not aware of the use of "soul" here in reference to Jehovah was debated. Assuming it belongs, it would still only be meant anthropomorphically, and it's use adds emphasis to the overall message.

Including the footnote in (), the New World Translation (2013 Revision) reads this way:

Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one;
He (or "His soul; His very being.") hates anyone who loves violence.
- Psalm 11:5
It isn't debated broadly. But I am noticing a trend. There are three different Torah's now. The one based upon the Masoretic Text (such as your Bible is) and the Oral Torah which from the second century forward to our day has since been written down in three basic works.

But here about the end of April or the beginning of May in 2013 a Samaritan version of the Torah was published into English which differs somewhat from the Masoretic Text. And there is a controversy quietly arising out of that as to which is the most correct.


Active Member
It is my understanding that spaghetti originated in Sicily.
Funny :)

I am from a line of Christian Jews as far back as I am able to trace. We came to the United States before WWI. I believe it was in 1884 or shortly thereafter. ALL I really even know about it I learned from my grandmother who passed away long ago. I know my father was a firstborn and my grandfather was a first born, which was a big deal to my grandmother (my father's mother). That is why she would always talk to me about it. Due to what our name means she seemed to have a fanciful belief that I was to be a messenger of some sort of a special purpose. But you know how old people get in their thinking. I know i am finding out more and More each day. She sure was a good old woman, though and I miss her when i get to thinking about her.

My mother is yet alive and my father long gone. But my mother is in her nineties and due to a stroke has not been able to communicate very well but in short moments. There is much I would yet like to learn from my mother. It is ashamed I didn't think of those things twenty or so years ago when she was yet strong and able to communicate well. So I basically let her do the talking whenever I am with her and I try my best to make her feel appreciated for the things she says.

I am very sorry if I offended you with my words in that previous post. I didn't intend for it to come over as it must have sounded. I am actually rather fond of that expression, "stiff-necked", and remember my father frequently telling me I had that mastered if nothing else. He had quite a sense of humor and could say things like that but make people laugh. Maybe I better stop trying to be him as I am obviously not near as good at it.