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New Member
I will bring up a subject, which I have never heard or seen before.
Think carefully. Yes or no?
It takes a soul in order to have feelings. Does God has a soul? No!
So, God does not have feelings. Nowhere in the bible you can show me that
God has feelings. The Jews were in captivity in Egypt for over 400 years.
What crime did they commit in order to get such a punishment?
How can you watch your chosen people in slavery for such a long time?
Only if you have no feelings.

How about killing the first born in EVERY Egyptian family?
You can do that only if you have no feelings.

Moses left his wife and his two sons, in order to take the Jews to the promised land.
He spent 40 years in the desert suffering along with the other Jews.
For his sacrifice, he asked God for only one thing: Let me go inside the promised land.
The answer was: NO. You can do this only if you have no feelings.

How about when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?
Can you imagine what kind of anguish Abraham went through?
Only one with no feelings can order someone to do such a thing.

Also, do not forget when Moses went on Mount Sinai to get the ten commandments
he had to spend one month there, which was not easy for an old man like him.

In our modern time, many people are wondering how could God watch the Holocaust
for so many years and do nothing. Of course the answer is: only if you do not have feelings.

There many other similar examples in the bible and present and the past time, where
you can see clearly God has no feelings.

Now, that we have established that God has no feelings, let me ask you, why people
go to church to pray? Most people pray for health, mercy, money, better life and other personal problems. Well, if God has no feelings, he does not give a damn about your problems.
Correct? Why would he? He does not care at all, because he has no feelings. So, you are wasting your time. Even though some people may know this, they still do it. Why?
Because one time in the past their prayer was answered, and even though many times after that their prayers were not answered, they still hope that their prayer will be answered.

So, why people do pray, even though they have doubts about God? Because they
do not have any other choice and because they make themselves feel better.

Another thing. When something GOOD happens, people say: Thanks God.
When something bad happens, God`s name is NOT mentioned. Why?
Because, we were brought up that God makes ONLY good things and the devil
makes the bad things. WRONG! God is responsible for good AND bad things.

In final, God does NOT care about anybody as he does not have feelings.
You can pray 24 hours a day, he will not even hear you and even if he did,
he does not care. Why would he? With no feelings, He does not get anything
out of you by helping you. Anyway, all you got is HOPE and with that you will
live all your life.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I will bring up a subject, which I have never heard or seen before.
Think carefully. Yes or no?
It takes a soul in order to have feelings. Does God has a soul? No!
So, God does not have feelings. Nowhere in the bible you can show me that
God has feelings. The Jews were in captivity in Egypt for over 400 years.
What crime did they commit in order to get such a punishment?
How can you watch your chosen people in slavery for such a long time?
Only if you have no feelings.
I think you should know your Bible better before debating it. Are you aware that as the story goes many people who had left a life of slavery in Egypt opted to GO BACK TO IT?

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
The thing is, we have faith. In fact, that is the 'real' separator that delineates the religious hobbyist from the actual adherents, whether they be Jewish, Xian, Hindu, Muslim, what have you. The ones without faith, often prattle on using big words to describe their 'advanced knowledge', of how their adopted ''religion'' works, but they fail to include the very thing that would make anything they are babbling about make sense, and that is actual belief. The actual theistic belief. So, of course you would be confused. The designated ''experts'' are often non-actual adherents prattling away incessantly, with their quasi-materialistic nonsense. So, once you stop looking at the Bible through those lenses, the truth will become clear.
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I will bring up a subject, which I have never heard or seen before.
Think carefully. Yes or no?
It takes a soul in order to have feelings. Does God has a soul? No!
So, God does not have feelings. Nowhere in the bible you can show me that
God has feelings. The Jews were in captivity in Egypt for over 400 years.
What crime did they commit in order to get such a punishment?
How can you watch your chosen people in slavery for such a long time?
Only if you have no feelings.

How about killing the first born in EVERY Egyptian family?
You can do that only if you have no feelings.

Moses left his wife and his two sons, in order to take the Jews to the promised land.
He spent 40 years in the desert suffering along with the other Jews.
For his sacrifice, he asked God for only one thing: Let me go inside the promised land.
The answer was: NO. You can do this only if you have no feelings.

How about when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?
Can you imagine what kind of anguish Abraham went through?
Only one with no feelings can order someone to do such a thing.

Also, do not forget when Moses went on Mount Sinai to get the ten commandments
he had to spend one month there, which was not easy for an old man like him.

In our modern time, many people are wondering how could God watch the Holocaust
for so many years and do nothing. Of course the answer is: only if you do not have feelings.

There many other similar examples in the bible and present and the past time, where
you can see clearly God has no feelings.

Now, that we have established that God has no feelings, let me ask you, why people
go to church to pray? Most people pray for health, mercy, money, better life and other personal problems. Well, if God has no feelings, he does not give a damn about your problems.
Correct? Why would he? He does not care at all, because he has no feelings. So, you are wasting your time. Even though some people may know this, they still do it. Why?
Because one time in the past their prayer was answered, and even though many times after that their prayers were not answered, they still hope that their prayer will be answered.

So, why people do pray, even though they have doubts about God? Because they
do not have any other choice and because they make themselves feel better.

Another thing. When something GOOD happens, people say: Thanks God.
When something bad happens, God`s name is NOT mentioned. Why?
Because, we were brought up that God makes ONLY good things and the devil
makes the bad things. WRONG! God is responsible for good AND bad things.

In final, God does NOT care about anybody as he does not have feelings.
You can pray 24 hours a day, he will not even hear you and even if he did,
he does not care. Why would he? With no feelings, He does not get anything
out of you by helping you. Anyway, all you got is HOPE and with that you will
live all your life.

Before God came in human form....in the body of Jesus Christ....he may have felt things in a different way. After experiencing human suffering to the full as Jesus, he can probably relate to human suffering from our perspective more. In regards to God having no feelings; could he have come to Earth as Jesus to die on our behalf without feelings of love for us? In regards to bad things coming from God: Do parents have to take the blame for what a child does when they taught them well? Why does God always get blamed for all the evil in this world? It sounds to me like something bad has happened to you and you blame God for that. Is this correct?


New Member
Before God came in human form....in the body of Jesus Christ....he may have felt things in a different way. After experiencing human suffering to the full as Jesus, he can probably relate to human suffering from our perspective more. In regards to God having no feelings; could he have come to Earth as Jesus to die on our behalf without feelings of love for us? In regards to bad things coming from God: Do parents have to take the blame for what a child does when they taught them well? Why does God always get blamed for all the evil in this world? It sounds to me like something bad has happened to you and you blame God for that. Is this correct?

If something bad happened to you, whom you will blame? Of course God. If something good happens to you whom you will credit to? Of course God.
However, usually, people give credit to God only for good things, but they do not blame God for the bad things. In the bible God does more bad things than good things.


Premium Member
The Bible states that God does have feelings, it states when He is angry and states when He is pleased. I am speaking of the God of Abraham, however. I don't know about other gods or god-concepts. Here is a verse, out of context, about what I mean about the bible stating God was pleased about something:

1Kings 3:10 It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this.(ESV)


Well-Known Member
you say it takes a soul to have feelings but what is a soul? When it says God breathed life into Adam it says the man became a living soul. not that a soul was added but the clay body God formed became a soul. the same word translated as soul is also translated as animal or beast or creature. maybe what it takes to have feelings is a mind and God certainly has a mind.


New Member
The Bible states that God does have feelings, it states when He is angry and states when He is pleased. I am speaking of the God of Abraham, however. I don't know about other gods or god-concepts. Here is a verse, out of context, about what I mean about the bible stating God was pleased about something:

1Kings 3:10 It pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this.(ESV)


New Member

God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son to test his loyalty. He was about 130 years old that time and his son was 35.
Only if you have no feelings you would ask somebody to do that. Yes, God has likes and dislikes. God likes misery more
than the opposite. Feelings like humans, no.


Premium Member
The soul really is not the same as the spirit, you realize. A "living soul", from what I was taught, was the body+spirit. I have no way of knowing if this is correct, but this is what I heard.


Premium Member
God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son to test his loyalty. He was about 130 years old that time and his son was 35.
Only if you have no feelings you would ask somebody to do that. Yes, God has likes and dislikes. God likes misery more
than the opposite. Feelings like humans, no.
G-d had no intention of letting Abraham sacrifice Isaac, we all know that by now.

This is the last I'll post in this thread, I'll give the much criticized, standard answer: G-d has ways we have no way of understanding. We can't truly judge G-d by people, people are not G-d and never will be (according to my faith). Why I, and others like me, see G-d as benevolent while others, like the OP, see G-d as wrathful, is a question I am not qualified to answer nor do I have any wish to do so.


Well-Known Member
just saying that the same word used in the Bible as "soul" is also translated as animal or beast. man is different from other animals because only man has a spirit. the original post said you need a soul to have feelings and that does not seem correct if soul can mean animal orcreature.


New Member
I wish God would had Abraham sacrifice Isaac then we could have seen the reaction of the people about God!
What you have said about God? Positive or negative things? Would anybody could have had an explanation for that?
Probably yes.


Active Member
I will bring up a subject, which I have never heard or seen before.
Think carefully. Yes or no?
It takes a soul in order to have feelings.

Well, first off, you'd have to prove that your assertion is true.
Here are a few questions you might have to answer first before I could agree with your conclusion about souls and feelings.

1. Is there such a thing as a soul?
2. What is a soul?
3. Do we NEED this soul in order to have feelings?

If you say yes to question number 1, I would ask for evidence.
If you give a description of the characteristics of the soul, I would ask you how you know these characteristics are true.
Then you would actually have to demonstrate WHY we need a soul in order to have feelings.

We DO know that we need our BODIES to have feelings and our MINDS to think about our feelings. And minds have ONLY been demonstrated to exist by way of BRAINS of some sort.

But that is NOT evidence for a soul, in mind or gods.
So, as far as I'm concerned, as long as no convincing evidence for the existence of a god, or of souls, or the necessity of souls to emotions.. the conversation is dead in the water.

I would say that fictional characters can't feel anything, and that god so far, ( whatever god we are talking about ) is an imaginary fiction.

Does Harry Potter have feelings?

To me, that's a pretty stupid question. And OBVIOUSLY the answer has to be no.


Veteran Member
Going by the god of the old testament, I would have to say that he has no feelings, unless everything is going his own way, which wouldn't be love.