Anon said:
Ah, so God is killing loved ones in Lousiana, and making scores of others miserable, in order to strengthen their faith. That's real nice of him. Instead of doing that, wouldn't it be easier to just provide some proof of his existence? That's what would strengthen my faith.
God gave us freewill
If we chose to live in a dangerous zone, that is a choice we make. Living in such a place has benefits or we would never do it.
Don't expect god to Bail us out of all our problems. There is such a thing as insurance and weather warnings.there is nothing to stop us moving out for a while.
The Japanese Live with earthquakes, they build their houses to cope with them.
few americans build their houses strong enough to cope with the winds.
these all all freewill choices. Dont expect God to do it for you.
If there were no earthquakes, winds and floods etc the world would be static and without change. nature thrives on change it keeps the world alive.
Don't complain try to make the right choices.
Amen! Truly I say to you: Gather in my name. I am with you.