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Does God need to be worshipped?


Veteran Member
alphaswift said:
Hi all,

My kid asked me a couple of questions that got me thinking today, so I thought I would collect some thoughts.

Does God need or want people to worship Him? Why? What difference would it make to him?

What would He think of the concept of religion? What would He think of all the different religions? Would He even care?

This isn't intended as a flame, I really would like to hear opinions.
I am an atheist so I don't really have answer to your kids questions but I wanted to say it is beautiful to hear such open-minded question from your children about God and religion.

May I ask, how did you answer the questions to your children?


Active Member
Ushta All

Hmm! Worship is neither needed by the Most Wise nor demanded. Worship is the natural reaction of the creatiure when it realizes the awesome magnificence, goodness and beauty of the Creator and His/Her attitude toward Creation.

ushta te


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Does God need to be worshipped? My answer is simply no. The God that demands worship is a God that suffers, and needs to find liberation from his suffering. The God that demands worship suffers from egoistic delusion and sadly projects that delusion.

What does God think about religion? I guess that would all depend on which religion, and which incarnation of God we are discussing. The Jealous God thinks only good about the religions that worhip Him, and calls for destruction and/or oppression of other religions, while other Gods think good of the religions that are close to the precepts discussed in the Dharma - to refrain from killing (and to respect other lives and to give quality of life to others); to refrain from stealing or taking what is not given to you (and to practice contentment with what you've got right now); to refrain from lying or speaking falsehood (and practicing truthfulness in your speech and in your thoughts); to refrain from sexual misconduct (and practicing generosity of sexual love and pleasure toward your mate); and finally to refrain from abusing intoxicants that cloud the mind (and to practice mindfulness).

Tibetan Buddhists believe in different realms of existence (10, actually) that include our human earthly realm, a hell-realm, and two godly realms..........a jealous god-realm and the "heavenly" god-realm. I gave my opinion on the jealous god, and my opinion on the God that is in "heaven" is that he/she is far removed from the sufferings and the goings-on here on Earth. Everything is perfect there in heaven, and everyone who lives there receives everything they want. That realm is surely different than the realm that we all live in at the moment. So, no, I don't believe that the heavenly God cares much about us and our lives. The heavenly God has his/her own existence to ponder.



Well-Known Member
I think the question is mis-stated. Not "Does God need to be worshipped", but, Do we need to worship God. The second question will have a definitely different answer.



Well-Known Member
jeffrey said:
God does not need us to worship him, We need to worship him. It's for our benefit, not his. For us to know and remind ourselves who God is. To develope a relationship with him.
That's a very good way of expressing it! (I like your new avatar, too!)

Judgement Day

Active Member
Good Question.

A question which may cross the mind of anyone, is ‘why do we worship God? Why has God made worshipping and obeying Him obligatory upon us, when He is utterly exalted above needing all of our actions? What is the aim in obliging us to worship Him? Does any benefit return to Him from our worshipping Him, or from our piety before Him, or from our submitting to His orders and prohibitions?Or does the benefit return to us? If so, what is the reality of this benefit? Or is the aim simply that God commands and our obligation is to obey Him?
The answer to all of these questions is that God does not benefit from the worship of he who worships Him, nor is God injured by the deviation of he who turns away from the way of God and His obedience, and follows his own wants. There is no impact upon God if we do or do not worship Him.
So why, with this All-Sufficiency, did God the Exalted charge us with His worship and obedience?
If you knew the effect of worship upon you, and the benefit for you in this, you would be certain that you are the sole beneficiary. If your heart could know the taste of worship, and your soul savour its aroma, you would know that you take a joyous blessing that nothing of the life of this world could surpass. Unfortunately there are few in this day and age that do appreciate the effect that their obedience and worship of God has on their hearts and souls! Few who savour the sweetness of intimacy and nearness to God the Exalted!This is because people are busy with the life of this world, and their hearts are filled with the love of this world and its comforts and pleasures!So how can these wonderful meanings and effects - that the pious Believers who came before us knew - find their way to our hearts and souls? Worship is sustenance for your soul! For a human being is not only a body searching for the fruits of the earth. Your reality is that you have been honoured above the rest of the earth by the soul that God the Exalted breathed into your body. This soul finds its life and its purity by God’s deliverance, the Mighty, the Sublime; by the worship of God. For worship is what gives the soul its sustenance and growth.


Well-Known Member
Halcyon said:
Since i imagine you are asking about the Abrahamic God, my answer would be yes He does want people to worship Him. This is because He is an extremely arrogant, petty, jealous, vindictive and stupid individual. He thrives on being told how great He is, and will happily smite those who don't play along.
Wow! I'm sure that will win you tons of frubals from those who believe in the Abrahamic God. :D As a Christian, I obviously worship the God you call stupid, and I find it just a bit insensitive that you would describe Him in that way. Just some food for thought... If He really does exist, He was smart enough to create our universe and populate it with all forms of life. How stupid is that really?

(P.S. I've read a whole bunch of your posts, and until I read this one, I had you pegged as a pretty tolerant guy. Just goes to show how wrong first impressions can be.)


New Member
I'm not trying to offend anyone here, but I don't agree with all this falling down and praising God and open prayer and stuff. There is certainly nothing wrong with praising God publicly but some people take it a little far. Jesus said, don't let the right hand know what the left is doing, don't be a hypocrite, when you fast don't brag and let other people know. I'm just saying be real, don't be ridiculous.

Jesus said to love God with all of your heart, all of your strength, and all of your mind. So living a good life, and doing the best you can do. By seeking perfection in your life. This is how I believe we can praise God the most. Thats what God wants more than simply constant praise.