Regardless of who you are. There is absolutely no reason for you to think you are closer to God then any other human being that existed on Earth. If you are a believer in God and worship him, why do you believe you are getting "blessings" from him because of your performance. If God picked favorites and gave more "blessings" to the people who follow and obey him then every human will acquire these "blessings" only for the reason is because of worshiping God. Unfortunately there is strong evidence that is not the case. There are billions of people praying to God every second of the day. Out of those billions of people, how many gets their prayers answered? For example, how many people asks of God to heal their sick loved ones? If every single one of those prayers does not work and peoples loved ones die and some did get their answered and their loved ones healed, what does that mean? Is God picking favorites? Or God does not manipulate any persons life and let natural variables decide. Here is my point. I think humans are selfish and delusional and here is why. People actually believe their way of worshiping the SAME God is superior and the right way compared to any other way. People actually believe they are more special to God then anyone else. There are people on this Earth who believe God takes away his time from anyone else and invest it in to you because you think you are serving him the right way. The ONLY way. This should be classified as a mental sickness and be treated accordingly. We will not advance as a species if this way of thinking does not end. People with this illness are a cancer to our civilization. I personally think this mindset is the ROOT of artificial ugliness in this life, such as, poverty, violence, greed, and etc. I believe it is our duty as human beings to stop this cancerous mindset. I will have no hope or faith in any religion that promotes this.