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Does He truly exist?


Only human...
These are all questions that I had as well before I really became active in my chruch. One person saying something to you on your questions isn't enough to explain why God works the way he does. It's an experience that you have to go through. Once you really see God working in your life, then the answers to these questions will not only become clearer but you will also be able to feel the answers. It's just something that takes time. Hope I helped!


These are all questions that I had as well before I really became active in my chruch. One person saying something to you on your questions isn't enough to explain why God works the way he does. It's an experience that you have to go through. Once you really see God working in your life, then the answers to these questions will not only become clearer but you will also be able to feel the answers. It's just something that takes time. Hope I helped!
Thanks Contemplative, I understand where you're coming from. At the moment, I'm just living life. I'm searching for belonging (in a sense), but once I find it, I'll know because I'll feel it. That's an interesting point you have. :)


Only human...
Thanks Contemplative, I understand where you're coming from. At the moment, I'm just living life. I'm searching for belonging (in a sense), but once I find it, I'll know because I'll feel it. That's an interesting point you have. :)

No problem Kavi :)


contemplative said:
Once you really see God working in your life, then the answers to these questions will not only become clearer but you will also be able to feel the answers.

I started to feel the answers when I gave myself over to God. After a while, I began to feel empty with my belief. It was a temporary comfort. My advice to you -- if something seems wrong it probably is.


if something seems wrong it probably is.
That's just going with your gut feeling, isn't it?

So far, no religion has made me feel sense of belonging. I've been interested in religions mainly by my family members of diverse religions, but that's just learning. It's not actually choosing a religion to live by. Basically, I've been interested in learning about them, but never actually going through to follow any of them because I don't feel compelled to. If a particular religion was the one for me, wouldn't I just know it?


Kavi said:
That's just going with your gut feeling, isn't it?

Eh, not really.

Kavi said:
If a particular religion was the one for me, wouldn't I just know it?

It could be the reverse. You ascribe meaning to the belief. Think about it.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
God created Adam and Eve and threw them out of the garden because he was displeased with their actions, but he created Adam and Eve.
Wow ,excellent questions ,I admire you for your honesty and transparency.
I don't expect to have all the answers,but I hope I might help you understand some things
It's not that he choose to throw them out ,but it was their disobedience and rebellion that could not co-exist within God's Holy Presence.
Just like criminals cannot exist where there is justice, man's sin cannot exist wher God's Holiness exists.
You must understand that God is Holy, perfect ,just and righteous, Adam and Eve who walked and communed with God in perfection, were created in his image.
That means they not only had dominon ,power, authority, but love joy peace patience ,kindness,goodness, gentleness,faithfulness,self control.
They had all of the characteristics and attributes of God ,yet they were not God
The love of God was upon them, they were righteous, just ,holy and pefect
This happened only when God's very life was breathed into them both and they became a tripartite being. Body Soul & Spirit. Gen 1 ,man became a living soul
Understanding that ,man's spirit was united with God in God consciousness ,the soul was self consciousness,through the mind the will and the emotions and the flesh was world consciousness
They were sinless, and free to choose to stay that way, but were nonetheless subject to God and his word.
They chose to disobey
Sin cannot co -exist in God's Holy presence, just as darkness can't exist in light or water in oil , because of there very nature and make up, they are not cohesive
Adam and Eve where given free will,anything outside of free will is not of love but salvery and bondage.
They knew the truth ,having walked with God ,expereinced what perfect peace,joy and communion with their God was like.
Yet choose to act contrary to what God had said and were led into sin ,by following their flesh and the lusts thereof.
Although God is Spirit, his presence,attributes nature were passed unto man.
Jhn 4:24God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.
That was forefeited when man chose to walk according to their flesh and was therefore passed down to all man

Did he not know what his own creation was capable of? Did he not know their reasoning? If he knows that his own creation gives in to desires and wants, then why did he create them?
That they would choose to serve and live for God,that is why God made a way for man to be restored to God throughout the bible, Jesus was the final sacrifice for the sins of man.
What we must do to expereince the reconciliation to God is to receive his son

WIth the story of Noah, God told him to build a boat (etc.) and killed off the entire world because he was displeased. Why would he kill off his own creation if he knew what they were capable of? If he wanted a creation in his image, then why did he not make them as perfect as He?
Let me ask you a question , would you force your spouse or children to conform to your ways. If I tried that with my wife she would excommunicate me.
True and pure love is giving room for the other party to choose to love you

On the other hand, God supposedly created humans with free will. We can choose whether or not to believe in Him; therefore; another question arises. Once again, if he knows that some wouldn't follow him, why send them into eternal damnation just because they disbelieve? He is the one who created us with the option to believe or disbelieve. Why did he create us with these questions? Is it a test of faith? Or is it another reason? Why would He create us if he knew we would question His existence? Is the Bible just a book of laws and stories alone?
Men have the knowledge of God within them ,for he says in Romans 1 he has manifested himself in every man ,he has shown himself to eveyone of us
Now men have rationalised ,justified and rebelled against God in many ways ,but God still longs that men would turn to God and call on him for it is in him that we live and move and have our being

I am not trying offend anyone's beliefs, but I just have many unanswered questions that probably can never be answered; therefore, is why I remain undecided. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Good questions ,no offense taken ,but hope you find answers
God says call on him and he will answer you and show you great and mighty things you know not.