The quote is from an interview conducted for Ben Stein's movie "Expelled" - a movie which has been heavily criticized are refuted throughout the scientific world, and has been accused of dishonestly editing interviews and misinforming the people they were interviewing. The quote provided by the poster above gives the fuller, unedited statement by Dawkins. Do you dispute that?
Actually, it does, since the addition of the stuff you left out changes the purpose of the statement. Here it is again:
"Well, it could come about in the following way: it could be that at some earlier time, somewhere in the universe, a civilization evolved by probably some kind of Darwinian means to a very, very high level of technology, and designed a form of life that they seeded onto, perhaps, this planet. Now that is a possibility, and an intriguing possibility. And I suppose it's possible that you might find evidence for that if you look at the details of our chemistry, molecular biology, you might find a signature of some sort of designer, and that designer could well be a higher intelligence from elsewhere in the universe. But that higher intelligence would itself have had to have come about by some explicable, or ultimately explicable, process. It couldn't have just jumped into existence spontaneously. That's the point."
More personal attacks do not mend the holes in your argument. All you seem to be doing, across multiple threads, is repeating yourself and attacking me personally. You are not forming a very strong case.