Does (western) liberalism value human rights over ethics?
My initial thoughts on this is that it is a contradiction in terms. Human rights are rights because they pertain to the ethical treatment of humans.
By comparison allegedly “revealed” religions tend to value these alleged revelations over ethics and human rights (at least as far as traditional Islamic sects such as the ahl e hadeeth are concerned).
Please discuss.
Many of the founding ideas of modern liberalism find their origins in the beliefs of secular humanism. On its face, that would say that it's vaguely incompatible with many religions or philosophies which are the source of a majority of our concepts of ethics. Though, in their stead, humanism provides an alternative set of ethics, and that sort of deals with the issue.
There are basically several ways to look at rights.
1. Inherent or God-Given. (You have them automatically, generally the US model.)
2. Derived By The Will of The People. (Generally, a liberal concept here, as #1 trumps this. Though originally constitutional favors inferred some of this...)
3. Derived By The Government. (You have no rights unless given.)
Modern liberalism basically moved from classical liberalism after WW2 (and German scientists and educators were imported) and incorporated their progressive leanings. But, they also took the idea that #2 means nothing without #3. (Which was an obvious carry-over from the Socialists in Germany, a country that didn't have a concept of #1.) Thus, you have liberals largely trying to force "identity specific" laws because they presume that you don't have the rights that are unspecified. (Actually, the constitution was real clear on this that you had all rights not specifically prohibited.)
The end result is that modern liberalism pretty much ignores ethics in lieu of rights because they don't see enough explicitness in the current incarnation of the government. Where they do have ethics they line up with secular humanism, etc., and they supersede any religion they claim to participate in. (Which they may identify with only for novelty or ancestral reasons.) For obvious reasons, this violates the basic tenets of nearly every religion under the sun.