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Does might make right?

I Am

How so? please explain?

I havent read a great deal of Nietzsche, I find him too depressing....
also the fact he was declared insane at the end...as an indication of his worth

but I would be interested in your explanation

Personally I don't feel that somone's mental state is always indicative of their capabilities. Nietzsche was and still is accepted as a genius in the field of philology, and a great

As a response to your inquiry, I will explain my reasoning:
The Will to Power ("der Wille zur Macht") is representative of the nature of man being that of the attainment of power, which Nietzsche defined by a Darwinian approach. Nietzsche observed in nature the struggle for survival by animals, and felt the same will to achieve ever-growing "power" applied to man as well. Romans 5:19 presents God in a state of Power, as he is meangt to be in the Bible. The notion that God will "have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion," seems to me to be a perfect balance of the Nietzschean Appolonian and Dionysian values: the former is one of order, reason, and action through those (acts of mercy and compassion require, although the Appolonian figure is in a state of power, a sense of rightness and order); the latter is one of pursuit of passion and gratification: We see God in the bible as both a compassionate figure and a figure of immediate malice, jeaqlousy, etc. God has his Power, and he balances his use of it between order and chaos. Appolonian and Dionysian.


Well-Known Member
Message to Mr Cheese: From now on, I will ignore your off-topic personal comments. I am interested in discussing issues, not in personal attacks that do not accomplish anything. You cannot successfully argue FOR the Bible by making personal attacks AGAINST skeptics. We already know what you are AGAINST, but what are you FOR? What is your defense of Christianity? If all that Billy Graham did was make personal attacks against skeptics, he would not have gotten anywhere as a preacher. Jesus instructed the disciples to spread the Gospel, not to make personal attacks on skeptics. Skeptics are much more influenced by calm, detailed, well thought out arguments, not by personal attacks.

At first, you tried discussing issues. Then you got into trouble and starting making personal attacks as an attempt to divert attention away from discussing the issues. Your plan did not work. If you are trying to get me to leave this forum by badgering me and spamming my threads with personal attacks and off-topic comments, please be advised that you have no chance of accomplishing that. I will continue to post whatever I wish, and I will ignore your posts unless you wish to discuss on-topic issues.

Are personal attacks and spamming allowed at this forum?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Personally I don't feel that somone's mental state is always indicative of their capabilities. Nietzsche was and still is accepted as a genius in the field of philology, and a great

As a response to your inquiry, I will explain my reasoning:
The Will to Power ("der Wille zur Macht") is representative of the nature of man being that of the attainment of power, which Nietzsche defined by a Darwinian approach. Nietzsche observed in nature the struggle for survival by animals, and felt the same will to achieve ever-growing "power" applied to man as well. Romans 5:19 presents God in a state of Power, as he is meangt to be in the Bible. The notion that God will "have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion," seems to me to be a perfect balance of the Nietzschean Appolonian and Dionysian values: the former is one of order, reason, and action through those (acts of mercy and compassion require, although the Appolonian figure is in a state of power, a sense of rightness and order); the latter is one of pursuit of passion and gratification: We see God in the bible as both a compassionate figure and a figure of immediate malice, jeaqlousy, etc. God has his Power, and he balances his use of it between order and chaos. Appolonian and Dionysian.

yeah very depressing

the mystic doesnt seek power at all...

which kind throws the entire gammut of ideas out the window...

but thanks anyway :)

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Message to Mr Cheese: From now on, I will ignore your off-topic personal comments. I am interested in discussing issues, not in personal attacks that do not accomplish anything. You cannot successfully argue FOR the Bible by making personal attacks AGAINST skeptics. We already know what you are AGAINST, but what are you FOR? What is your defense of Christianity? If all that Billy Graham did was make personal attacks against skeptics, he would not have gotten anywhere as a preacher. Jesus instructed the disciples to spread the Gospel, not to make personal attacks on skeptics. Skeptics are much more influenced by calm, detailed, well thought out arguments, not by personal attacks.

At first, you tried discussing issues. Then you got into trouble and starting making personal attacks as an attempt to divert attention away from discussing the issues. Your plan did not work. If you are trying to get me to leave this forum by badgering me and spamming my threads with personal attacks and off-topic comments, please be advised that you have no chance of accomplishing that. I will continue to post whatever I wish, and I will ignore your posts unless you wish to discuss on-topic issues.

Are personal attacks and spamming allowed at this forum?

You want to stay on topic?

sure ok

lets see...

I can summarize all of your threads:

the bible and the qu'ran is read literally is a flawed view of reality
If we take all of these literally we can form a world view which shows that:

  • God is a big fat meanie
  • God is an oppresive meanie
  • God clearly hates most people
  • Men have been oppressed by God
  • God, the bible, the Koran, Islam, Christianity and may some religion called "trinitarian" is illogical, has no proof and I need a diaper cause I soiled myself gettign so upset over these things
If you disagree with me, I'll quote your scrip[ture and show you how you are wrong, because I am right and you arent

the end


And you know, if I take such a LIMITED view of things, then I agree with you, and as I have pointed out...most of the people you have thus far conversed with, agree also...

as such then, I propose yu are wasting your breath largely, and should maybe post such threads in the christian forum....if you REALLY want to tell others they are wrong


Well-Known Member
Message to Mr Cheese: Do you believe that might makes right? If you do not stay on topic, I will not reply to your posts. If you want to discuss off-topic issues, please start new threads of your own.
Last edited:

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Message to Mr Cheese: Do you believe that might makes right? If you do not stay on topic, I will not reply to your posts. If you want to discuss off-topic issues, please start new threads of your own.


I do however beleive the vast majority of human arguments and discussions fall under the "I have the bigger one" argument:

I have the biggest stick
As such then you are inferior
Eveything you say, do or have is inferior
I have the biggest stick

Insert penis, religion, other body part, belief, chicken, nuclear bomb etc.
and you have the vast majority of puerile human discussions

That's MY beleif though....

As such I believe the above arguemtn is simplistic, puerile and ill thought out in the vast majority of cases
and as such is largely an expression of the ego...and really is a display of little.


Well-Known Member
Agnotic75 said:
Message to Mr Cheese: Do you believe that might makes right? If you do not stay on topic, I will not reply to your posts. If you want to discuss off-topic issues, please start new threads of your own.

Mr Cheese said:

Then what justifies what God does? I know that it is very difficult for you to stay on topic, but please try. Every day, thousands of Christians all over the world are willing to discuss the issue of might makes right, but for some strange reason, you don't. If another supposed God showed up on earth, you would certainly be interested in discussing what justifies his actions.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Then what justifies what God does? I know that it is very difficult for you to stay on topic, but please try. Every day, thousands of Christians all over the world are willing to discuss the issue of might makes right, but for some strange reason, you don't. If another supposed God showed up on earth, you would certainly be interested in discussing what justifies his actions.

I've no idea....

why not aska literalist christian, as found in the christian section surpringly

"us" Gnostics view the petty mean spirited god of the the bible as a being not unlike a "satan" like figure



Well-Known Member
Agnostic75 said:
Then what justifies what God does? I know that it is very difficult for you to stay on topic, but please try. Every day, thousands of Christians all over the world are willing to discuss the issue of might makes right, but for some strange reason, you don't. If another supposed God showed up on earth, you would certainly be interested in discussing what justifies his actions.

Mr Cheese said:
I've no idea. Why not ask a literalist Christian, as found in the
Christian section surpringly.

If by "literalist," you mean "fundamentalist," there are some fundamentalist Christians in this section. I do not know what kind of Christian Kathyrn is, but she and I have had some cordial and interesting discussions.

If you are a liberal Christian, you still need to justify God's actions, but I usually do not debate liberal Christians because many if not the majority of them do not try to legislate religion like the majority of fundamentalist Christians do.

If you do not oppose homosexuality, same-sex marriage, allowing openly homosexual people to join the military, physician assisted suicide, the use of marijuana for medical purposes, abortion, and the use of government funds for stem cell research, primarily or solely for religious regions, then I have no problem with you. All that I want is to live in a country where people respect each other's rights. Some of my best friends are very liberal theists. They know that I am an agnostic, and that does not bother them. I would not dream of trying to convince them to give up their religion.


Well-Known Member
footprints said:
Simply put humans can jusify just about anything, providing they have something to relate and associate to.

Christians on the other hand, have a greater teaching which to follow as Jesus changed that position and suggested that people love their enemies (which means don't have any enemies, even if another person or group of people want to be your enemy) and replace all this smiting. That war only begets war, abuse only begets abuse, et al.

Human intelligence though, tells us a different story. If you turn the other cheek to an extremist, they are more than likely going to belt that side of your face as well. Their brain so twisted and distorted, they are not capable of learning through intelligence of what the better teaching is, and even if they do conclude it is a better teaching, will twist this type of humility around to a Trojan Horse scenario and a wolf in sheeps clothing.

We cannot get parents to stop hitting children, the simple reason being, fear, intimidation, standover and bullying tactics work, and is by far the fastest method of getting people to do what you want, and of controlling them. The dumbest, most inane method, albeit it is the fastest and definately works, as many parents will testify to.

People in general do not need the Bible to justify that might means right, life testifies to this point and gives it enough evidence.

I thought that you knew that my intention in this thread was to discuss might makes right as it applies to God, not to humans. In the opening post, I quoted Scriptures that apply to God, not to humans. In your opinion, what justifies what God does?