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Does Obama work for Goldman Sachs?



You got a check? I better check my mail again. thanks!

We've got a government that survived Bush - one that is not bankrupt, is sustainable, and an economy that can redeem itself.

That's a fat check.


Well-Known Member
We've got a government that survived Bush - one that is not bankrupt, is sustainable, and an economy that can redeem itself.

That's a fat check.
not bankrupt? plenty of people are bankrupt, living on the streets, out of business. I blame both Bush and Obama (Goldman).

At the end of the day I sleep well, cause I know they tried, and have our interest at heart. Thanks guys...


not bankrupt? plenty of people are bankrupt, living on the streets, out of business. I blame both Bush and Obama (Goldman).

At the end of the day I sleep well, cause I know they tried, and have our interest at heart. Thanks guys...

I said that the government is not bankrupt (not people).

Blaming Obama for the bad economy is rather short-sided. I understand that you're upset about the current situation, and your thinking on this is very confused.


Well-Known Member
AE, I know the war spending has all but crippled us, I get that. I am not short sighted. However, this is equally as bad. Which is why they can both lick my balls.

Bottom line, is Obama is not a man if he can look an American in the eyes, and say surrounding himself with ex-Goldman executives is the best thing for American interest.

Yet here we are...


AE, I know the war spending has all but crippled us, I get that. I am not short sighted. However, this is equally as bad. Which is why they can both lick my balls.

Bottom line, is Obama is not a man if he can look an American in the eyes, and say surrounding himself with ex-Goldman executives is the best thing for American interest.

Yet here we are...

I'm not talking about war spending, but that didn't help.

I'm talking about Bush's economic theory - (1) the trickle-down economics and (2) free market theory.

(1) motivated Bush to give corporations huge tax breaks, etc

(2) motivated Bush to create the kind of atmosphere that is perfect for economic meltdown due to the deregulation of banks and financial institutions


Well-Known Member
(2) motivated Bush to create the kind of atmosphere that is perfect for economic meltdown due to the deregulation of banks and financial institutions
Thanks for bringing this up, I had a nice discussion about this the other day with a staunch democrat, and activists.

She and her group equated corporations with republicans. So we discussed that a bit. She and her group then equated the banking executives with republicans, and cited much evidence to suggest they are generally republican.

What I found interesting and suggested to her and her little group was, the banks don't care about democrats or republicans, but serve a global interest. If they serve something global, where do the two little parties really fit in?

It seems, both Bush and Obama, have been hijacked by the same circle of friends and groups, and in fact both administrations are resulting in HUGE losses for the American people.

Bush deregulated, and now Obama is calling for reform. But who is left to reform? The damage is done, the Nuke dropped and now the Japanese need to rebuild with smiles :shrug:

It is typical text book action, make lots of money anyway you can, give the masses some blood to quiet their anger when they realized they have been robbed, and move on as fast as possible. Hopefully some big natural disaster strike to take attention away, cause those American have no attention span!


It seems, both Bush and Obama, have been hijacked by the same circle of friends and groups, and in fact both administrations are resulting in HUGE losses for the American people.

Bush deregulated, and now Obama is calling for reform. But who is left to reform? The damage is done, the Nuke dropped and now the Japanese need to rebuild with smiles :shrug:

I don't see how you can say that Obama has created HUGE losses for the American people when the American government is making billions of dollars on the bailout.

Now is it Japan or China that owns the debt? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_public_debt#Estimated_ownership

Note: http://www.treas.gov/tic/mfh.txt

Not only are you not thinking clearly, you're misinformed. I feel for your personal loss in all this, but your mistakes are causing you to blame the wrong people.


Well-Known Member
Goldman owns my home. They have raised and raised the rates on our home, against the program Obama setup for people like us. Our property has been undervalued to the max, and we can not refinance because of that. So who gets our property? Goldman Sachs, and when values go up, who profits, Goldman.
Who helped Goldman be able to do this, me, and you, and everyone else.

That is a real tangible issue, and I could care less about the national debt right now, it is besides the point.


Goldman owns my home. They have raised and raised the rates on our home, against the program Obama setup for people like us. Our property has been undervalued to the max, and we can not refinance because of that. So who gets our property? Goldman Sachs, and when values go up, who profits, Goldman.

Who helped Goldman be able to do this, me, and you, and everyone else.

That is a real tangible issue, and I could care less about the national debt right now, it is besides the point.

Only if they hold it that long. When a house is forclosed, everyone loses. I know that the bank seems like it's the big bad wolf here, and maybe it is, but they don't like to be in the real estate business. More than likely your house will sell very low and the bank will lose a good deal of money on your loan, and profit on interest from the next buyer.

There are actually programs (created by Obama's efforts) that allow homeowners to buy back their houses at the foreclosed rate, lowering their payments and buying it back at the current market value.

note: http://www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/
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Well-Known Member
Yes and who do we have in our corner? Geitner, :areyoucra traveling to China. Obama appointed. Who did Geitner hire as his chief of staff? former Goldman lobbyist Mark Patterson.

Geitner has nearly ruined all his previously held jobs, and he is going to help our debt? Please... You know better than that AE, and if you don't look into it.


Well-Known Member
Only if they hold it that long. When a house is forclosed, everyone loses. I know that the bank seems like it's the big bad wolf here, and maybe it is, but they don't like to be in the real estate business. More than likely your house will sell very low and the bank will lose a good deal of money on your loan, and profit on interest from the next buyer.

There are actually programs (created by Obama's efforts) that allow homeowners to buy back their houses at the foreclosed rate, lowering their payments and buying it back at the current market value.
You don't see the lunacy in any of that? My mortgage went from 2,000 (which I have never missed a payment) to over 3,000. They are getting 2,000 every month from me, and your telling me selling it for a few buck on the auction block is the right thing to do?

Just so we don't mix words here, foreclosure is historically bad for banks, but when you just got MOST of the bail out money, and ALL the bad assetts out there, you actually want these bad assetts, cause when the value goes up even a fraction, you sell at a profit. So I see a great situation for Goldman to want my property. You don't get that?


Well-Known Member
There are actually programs (created by Obama's efforts) that allow homeowners to buy back their houses at the foreclosed rate, lowering their payments and buying it back at the current market value.

note: Making Home Affordable - Home
Are you kidding me? you know who is in charge of this program originally? Ex-Goldman Exec.

Do you know that only 1%, 1 freeking percent of homeowners in trouble have actually gotten help? The rest have been consistently denied.

Obama recently spoke about this failed program, and said "maybe we should have had better provisions for the consumers"

Come on AE, been there done that, for the last year. you say I am misinformed, but it appears I am not.


You don't see the lunacy in any of that? My mortgage went from 2,000 (which I have never missed a payment) to over 3,000. They are getting 2,000 every month from me, and your telling me selling it for a few buck on the auction block is the right thing to do?

Just so we don't mix words here, foreclosure is historically bad for banks, but when you just got MOST of the bail out money, and ALL the bad assetts out there, you actually want these bad assetts, cause when the value goes up even a fraction, you sell at a profit. So I see a great situation for Goldman to want my property. You don't get that?

Yeah, I get it. But the foreclosure market hasn't changed. Personally, I think that buying it back at current market value is a wonderful idea, especially if you get into a government program that insures that you get first dibbs and aren't screwed in an auction. I see a win-win situation on that one, and I'd jump at the chance if I were severely upside-down on my home.

Banks make money on interest at the beginning of the loan. They could care less about the rest of it because it doesn't generate cash.


Resident Liberal Hippie
The executive order Obama signed the day after he was inaugurated bars high-level executive branch appointees who leave the administration from communicating with their former employers. That executive order also prohibits such officials from lobbying the federal government during the remainder of the Obama administration.


Well-Known Member
The executive order Obama signed the day after he was inaugurated bars high-level executive branch appointees who leave the administration from communicating with their former employers. That executive order also prohibits such officials from lobbying the federal government during the remainder of the Obama administration.


Come on AE, been there done that, for the last year. you say I am misinformed, but it appears I am not.

Sorry about that. I obviously don't know what you've been through or how hard you've fought to keep your home, etc.

I do hear consistently that the Obama administration is improving the mortgage crisis for us - I can see how Obama would say "We haven't done enough, here's my improved plan."


Resident Liberal Hippie
Obama has surrounded himself with Goldman Sachs ex-employees only. Not Lehman Brothers, or Bear Sterns, or other groups, only Goldman. The treasury is filled with Goldman employees, the Fed is filled with them.

Yet, as Cheese so intelligently pointed out, they are ex! No conflict of interest there. Not important that Goldman is the only one left still standing, and they also have brothers running the government programs now.

The executive order Obama signed the day after he was inaugurated bars high-level executive branch appointees who leave the administration from communicating with their former employers. That executive order also prohibits such officials from lobbying the federal government during the remainder of the Obama administration.

And, on his second day in office, Obama signed an executive order prohibiting those ex-employees you speak of from profiting by way of their former employers.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about that. I obviously don't know what you've been through or how hard you've fought to keep your home, etc.

I do hear consistently that the Obama administration is improving the mortgage crisis for us - I can see how Obama would say "We haven't done enough, here's my improved plan."
that's OK AE. I know it seems I am not being level headed about this, but when I experience first hand, the deceitfulness that is happening, I am compelled to investigate.

I actually had no idea, that my mortgage servicing company was bought be Goldman Sachs. Then I read the countless horror stories of people just like me getting denied ANY kind of help.

We received a ltter two nights ago, there is NO help available to us, and to consider foreclosure. I was like WTF? That's it? I just spend a year filling paper work out, being told over and over, I am a perfect candidate for the programs, only to be told by simple paper with no details I am denied and good luck.

Obama is responsible for that. The buck has to stop with him, you disagree apparently, and believe he is clean in all of this. After enough research in Goldman affairs and Obama relations with them, I can't just assume he is clean anymore.

I personally think he is scared, and can't really do anything about it.


Well-Known Member
And, on his second day in office, Obama signed an executive order prohibiting those ex-employees you speak of from profiting by way of their former employers.
OMg, TW, and I am sure there is a law that prohibits Goldman from operating the way they did, or Enron from doing what they did.

Look at it this way, if at the Goldman company it is a directive from the executives to cheat and make as much money as possible, and they in grain that in their employees heads from day one as an employee. Which they themselves call an alumni, why in the world would you think just cause they walk out the door, that changes?

Take your head out of the written words, and look at what is going on. If they break laws all the time, why would anyone have faith in a new order Obama signs? The logic just is there.