Vasilisa Jade
Formerly Saint Tigeress
Does premarital sex make you feel guilty? Why or why not?
It did at first. Because I really really wanted to pull through and wait. It was something I let happen though. No alchohol or drugs to blame. So I sucked up my feelings of regret and dealt with it. It made me a stronger person in a way, and more experienced both physically and emotionally.
It is a double-edged sword really. There are pros and cons either way you go. Like me personally, I have to feel confident. I HATE feeling like I don't know what I'm doing. And if I ended up with a husband like my sweetie now, oh wow I would be beside myself. I would be SO shy and disoriented! Shy and embarrassed because I wouldn't know what to do and I would feel like he was getting shafted, and disoriented because I would be like WHOA! lol. I mean, I am pretty confident in myself now and I still get disoriented! I also really really like it when guys show confidence as well. But on the other hand, when you wait it is so so special, and when you screw up, the possibility of experiencing that is lost forever. It is an experience you can NEVER have. And that sucks.
My sweetie and I discussed this not too long ago and we decided that we both agree it is nice to be experienced. We have been best buds since high school, and I remember when he was a virgin and he used to always complain about how no girls would date him and he secretly suspected that was the reason why. (He was totally cute, he just had long hair and it looked kinda crazy. Once he cut it girls were all over him so that was just all in his head). I used to always get on to him and tell him never to do it. It was so funny. If I would have hooked up with him back then when we first met we would have both been virgins. But whats funny is we both agreed that it's nice that we waited until now to hook up, now that we are more experienced emotionally and physically, because if we would have hooked up way back then when we were more immature something might have went wrong because of it. We like each other so much and we're so happy with how it all turned out we wouldn't want to change a thing as far as all that goes. So there is no guilt right now once-so-ever!
And whereismynotecard, :slap:, I knew that would happen eventually. Keep it up. You're doing a good job. Your horomones must have just kicked in a little late or something. lol.