Will to love
My point was not really about Iran or Bahai's. I'm just trying to point out that there are two sides to proselytysing, the guys doing it, and the guys taking it. Both sides Have some validity, but I would generally rather go with a victim impact statement that a definition by the bully. There is debate as to what it is. In my opinion, it doesn't have to be 'in your face'.
One of the factors that had my 15 year old daughter drop out of school and later go to another one was the overzealousness of the 'Christian club' and scorn towards the nonbelievers. The staff just turned a blind eye to it. A public school BTW.
So some people who don't feel they are proeseltysing at all, by most other people's standards, are. An open invitation or imploring me to read some of 'my good material' here on RF for example, I consider proseletysing. Others may not.
But surely the pastor inside his own building preaching to the already converted isn't proseletysing at all. I had a problem once with a woman who came to our Hindu temple, and an invited swami was speaking about the greatness of Hinduism, and she considered it proseletysing. I though she was dead wrong.
To some extent proselytizing is in the eye of the beholder. Frankly, since this is supposed to a Religious Education forum, it seems reasonable to expect people to come here and share information about their religion. Lots of people are trying to sell things I am not interested in, including religions.
For me, the line is crossed when it switches from offering information to browbeating, coercion, pressure, threats, or withholding aid in the name of spreading 'the faith,' whatever the faith is. It sounds like what your daughter experienced was across the line, and it is a shame that no one stopped the bullying she experienced. Going door to door, having clubs, holding public events, none of that seems like proselytizing. Coming to a religious discussion forum and presenting your religious (or non-religious) views with passion does not seem like proselytizing.