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Does Religion Alter or Destroy the Human Spirit?


Active Member
The Aether/Ether/Zero point energy/Quantum Vacuum Flux fills all space, governs electrons-protons-and nuclei. And any may induce the "OBE" state so that they may observe and record certain events that might not otherwise be possible without the physical body.

Only the Lazy, Doubtful, Fearful, and Fanatical refuse to prove such possibilities. And they therefore choose to wear their unworthiness like a cloak in the cold.

Any who would debate beyond this point is but a
Anti-Union/religion fanatic-A state of mind forced upon them by currupted "Religions" that alter the truth as they see fit to control the masses.

The Aether/Ether/Zero point energy/Quantum Vacuum Flux : You left out "Standing Spherical Wave Structure of Matter" are the plenum from which matter manifests and the word god is just another Metaphor. I think that what ever is out there is some kind of vibration.
OBE and/or self-referral I think this thing is both immaterial and mental.
I am pro union as in one consciousness. But I am anti-religion.
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ThrUU the Looking Glass
Help! How can god not be a human concept, Luke? I'm not following here.
Well, it depends on both how you define "a human concept" and whether or not God exists. Is gravity "a human concept" or a reality that exists apart from us?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Well, it depends on both how you define "a human concept" and whether or not God exists. Is gravity "a human concept?"

Anything a human thinks about gravity is a human concept. Do you believe humans can think about gravity in non-human ways?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Anything a human thinks about gravity is a human concept. Do you believe humans can think about gravity in non-human ways?
Damn, you responded while I was editing.

Nobody's denying that there are human concepts of gravity, but that does not make gravity merely a human concept. It exists whether we describe it or not.

If God exists, the same is true of it.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Is gravity "a human concept" or a reality that exists apart from us?

False dichotomy. There is no reason to suppose the fact we cannot have a concept of gravity that is other than a human concept of gravity precludes gravity existing independent of us.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
False dichotomy. There is no reason to suppose the fact we cannot have a concept of gravity that is other than a human concept of gravity precludes gravity existing independent of us.
I think you understood me better than that, Phil. So my phrasing wasn't perfect, shoot me.


The Aether/Ether/Zero point energy/Quantum Vacuum Flux : You left out "Standing Spherical Wave Structure of Matter" are the plenum from which matter manifests and the word god is just another Metaphor. I think that what ever is out there is some kind of vibration.
OBE and/or self-referral I think this thing is both immaterial and mental.
I am pro union as in one consciousness. But I am anti-religion.

All "Religion" is supposed to be The Union of Consciousness. "I AM, that I AM." "Religions" have just become tools to control the populas. They were Originally intended to expand and free the ignorant mind.

One cannot know the full truth by outer experience, one must go within. Seek and ye shall find-observe from the outside and remain on a flat planet.


Miss Independent
All "Religion" is supposed to be The Union of Consciousness. "I AM, that I AM." "Religions" have just become tools to control the populas. They were Originally intended to expand and free the ignorant mind.

One cannot know the full truth by outer experience, one must go within. Seek and ye shall find-observe from the outside and remain on a flat planet.

What is the 'union of consciousness'?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
The Aether/Ether/Zero point energy/Quantum Vacuum Flux : You left out "Standing Spherical Wave Structure of Matter" are the plenum from which matter manifests and the word god is just another Metaphor. I think that what ever is out there is some kind of vibration.
OBE and/or self-referral I think this thing is both immaterial and mental.

Hi Prominence and capslock,

Yes, in my opinion this Aether/Zero Point Energy/Qunatum Vacuum Flux is probably what religious traditions refer to as 'spirit'. The Standing Wave Structure of Matter theory neatly explains the underlying unity of the apparent duality of spirit and matter.

However, this is not out there or in there, it is omnipresent, but if one uses ego mind as a point of self reference to talk about it, then duality in the form of concepts such as immanence and transcendence arise.

And just to touch base with topic, in the context of ZPE and WSM, religion can and does alter the 'human' spirit by way of cosmic evolutionary unfoldment.


I think the real question is whether civilization destroys the human spirit or not.

I believe it does and religions try to reconcile humanity with inhuman civilization.


Complex bunch of atoms
I think the real question is whether civilization destroys the human spirit or not.

I believe it does and religions try to reconcile humanity with inhuman civilization.

Luckily where I live, civilization is long past the overwhelming tyranny of religion destroying that human spirit, and getting better in many ways all the time. As for reconciling...I think they just want more members to their particular brand of dogma for the most part, and with it dominance and power.


Active Member
Hi Prominence and capslock,

Yes, in my opinion this Aether/Zero Point Energy/Qunatum Vacuum Flux is probably what religious traditions refer to as 'spirit'. The Standing Wave Structure of Matter theory neatly explains the underlying unity of the apparent duality of spirit and matter.

However, this is not out there or in there, it is omnipresent, but if one uses ego mind as a point of self reference to talk about it, then duality in the form of concepts such as immanence and transcendence arise.

And just to touch base with topic, in the context of ZPE and WSM, religion can and does alter the 'human' spirit by way of cosmic evolutionary unfoldment.

the meaning of spirit are :
cosmic evolutionary unfoldment- You mean as in 12/12/2012 when the mind will attain higher consciousness.
But the thread is
alluding to- ; human drive, resilience, . ei: Educators and administrators are challenged to revamp their vision of education and foster the creativity of the human spirit.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Sunstone said:
Help! How can god not be a human concept, Luke? I'm not following here.
"God" could exist regardless of an outside observer, or something outside of it having a concept of it. God would (and, I'm pretty sure it should, if it is conscious) have a concept of Itself.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
the meaning of spirit are :
cosmic evolutionary unfoldment- You mean as in 12/12/2012 when the mind will attain higher consciousness.

But the thread is
alluding to- ; human drive, resilience, . ei: Educators and administrators are challenged to revamp their vision of education and foster the creativity of the human spirit.

Hi capslock, it seems my post failed to convey what was intended.

Never mind, thank you.


Active Member
Ben D
Yes I think I understand the concept of nonduality. All matter upon closer examination will disappear into empty space. And also the mind is an immaterial. That is to say doesthe mind float in empty space. That is to say does an immaterial float in an immaterial. Are there two immaterials? Or maybe there is just one. What I like to call "The Great Spirit"
So one that thinks that mind and matter exist as seperate is dualistic.
I ponder and wonder
and conclude that everything everthing is metaphysical.

To the topic on enhancement or destruction of human will/spirit
Minds that believe that they have absolute knowledge, with no test in reality, or live by dogma, will not experience "cosmic evolution unfoldment".
Religion is a tether of the mind.