you said
1. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
2. 714852912
Here are the big questions! Ask yourself which number sequence is more specific (ie seems to be moving in a certain direction), and which one is more complicated. The correct answer for these two questions is sequence number one. I'm going to assume you considered the question and choose number one. Amazingly sequence number one is the sequence I planned! Is it a cooincidence thatanyone who can count would probably select sequence number one?
Anyway, don't bow out of the debate yet. You obviously think I am wrong. Please demonstrate how.
you said
How convienient. All I am asking for is some scientific model that demonstrates how numerous highly specified and complicated conditions can be understood to be of natural origin beyond reasonable doubt. Give me a mechanism that stands up to scientific scrutiny. How is this my burden of proof? You're the one who says I am wrong, aren't you? If you believe I'm wrong you must have some reason, right?I have zero interest in assuming your burden of proof, nor in being baited into attempting to prove a negative.
Yes I have. Here is another. I am going to give you two number sequences. One of them will be generated by a random thumping of my fist into the keyboard while the other I will plan in advance. Ready here are the two examples.At the same time, you have shown no bases for equating complexity with design.
1. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930
2. 714852912
Here are the big questions! Ask yourself which number sequence is more specific (ie seems to be moving in a certain direction), and which one is more complicated. The correct answer for these two questions is sequence number one. I'm going to assume you considered the question and choose number one. Amazingly sequence number one is the sequence I planned! Is it a cooincidence thatanyone who can count would probably select sequence number one?
Anyway, don't bow out of the debate yet. You obviously think I am wrong. Please demonstrate how.