Ahhhh.... I think that this is where we learn where the misunderstanding is coming from. Thanks to Gerani's cultural understanding, mentioning "the path of life as the householder," we are now able to see where things are originating from. Since the thread is under " Religious Education/ Debate/General Debates," most people are trying to not bring religion into the debate. Had the topic been "Religious Education/ Debate/ Religious Debates," then your arguments would be understood for what they are- religious arguments.
Since I claim no understanding myself, I was able to use
this site in order to see where you are coming from. (I think. I realize that a person needs an entire lifetime in order to understand the intracacies of certain religions, so I apologize if I get it wrong.) According to them, grhastha is the second spiritual level (asrama) and the main differences between grhastha and grhamedhi are:
The scriptures distinguish between grhastha (one who lives a householder life according to the scriptures), and grhamedhi (attached, materialistic householder who misuses his material facilities for unlimited sensual enjoyment). The first one is praised because he follows the path of spiritual elevation but the other is condemned.
love it when an otherwise raucous debate is cleared up by the understanding of what caused the
misunderstanding! *does a happy dance* Here's where the miscommunication seems to break down to:
Paraprakrti said:
But no one here is promoting grhastha.
Wonderfully put!
No one was promoting grhastha because they didn't realize you were coming at the discussion from a religious point of view! By that argument,
everyone here is
promoting grhastha. They are living their lives according to whatever scriptures they go by (if they have any they choose to go by), and they all seem to be seeking spiritual elevation over sensual enjoyment.
Paraprakrti said:
They are all promoting grhamedhi.
This is so beautiful! *is getting teary-eyed, because she'd become concerned about the tone of this thread.* Another misunderstanding that would have been clear if we'd known you were coming at it from a religious stance. We are not 'all' promoting grhamedhi, since we didn't know that was what you were perceiving it as!
The closest parallel I can use, to explain it to my own limited thinking: some Wiccans and Pagans wear a five-pointed star, in order to honor their connection with the elements, which many see as being Fire, Water, Earth, Air and the fifth representing Spirit. They normally wear it with the fifth point upward, symbolizing the belief that Spirit is the most important of these elements. In contrast (again, please forgive me if I misunderstand) Satanists wear the same five-pointed star, but they wear it with the fifth point downward, to them symbolizing their belief of man's acceptance and the perfection of what is material over that which is spiritual.
So our entire misunderstanding was the equivalent of some people having a discussion about the purpose of sex in a non-religious context when a person walks into the room and begins telling them that they should wear a star right-side-up, and that doing so the other way around makes them 'diseased', when none of the people knew that this had religious connatations
except for the fellow with the star, who perhaps was thinking that these people were discussing this in a religious manner! I'm so happy to understand! To steal one of my favorite lines from "The A-Team," 'I love it when a plan comes together!'
Paraprakrti said:
They may think that I am their enemy, but that is their disease.
See? Once I found the microscope for seeing where the misunderstanding came from, the microscope proving that you, too, are diseased, Paraprakrti.This discovery meant I also found the antibacterial soap that'll prove there was no 'disease' in the first place!
I made a big, virtual bubble-bath of this soap to get rid of this disease of misunderstanding! *pulls out a tub big enough for everyone* Let's all dive in, clear away the confusion and break out the rubber-duckies!
I don't know about everyone else, but
I'm doing a cannon-ball! *hops into the tub, happily*