.45 Cal
So often social justice activists with the loudest voices, at least when we tune in to media, proclaim the need to fight for lgbt, immigrant, minority, and women’s right. Which on the surface sounds great, but the so called solutions tend to be condemning people who targeted as hostile and voting correctly. The political agenda is what troubles me. Why do so many social justice advocates sound like they are parroting politicians? And why are options for advocating limited to voting, convincing others to vote, and crushing opponents...usually those who vote on the opposite side? If people have a heart for immigrant they are more than welcome to go serve some in a refugee center, though it might cost them a Saturday night and it may go uncelebrated by their peers. The homeless are huge justice issue. There’s nothing stopping people from serving a shelter. The disabled, those suffering from addictions.. there’s plenty of opportunities to serve those people, though it will cost time and money. How about going to an inner city neighborhood and community service? Not a bad way to improve racial relations. And what if some folks actually took some steps to lift some burdens of people on the opposite side of the political aisle? It would inspire instead of condemn. It worked for MLK. No reason to reinvent the wheel