And, of course, the scribes who made these copies were never swayed by the special interests of those who commissioned them, unlike those who followed, which has led to more than 50 versions of the Bible. (list of 58 current English versions) Yeah, sure.
There was not one group of copiests! There were, what was called, Families of Copy’s, which occurred when people went to a certain place to copy the Bible, then went home, with the copy. Now, each of these copies will have mistakes in them, but they will not have the same mistakes. These Families of copy’s have been compared, and the mistakes were easily found, and corrected.
Remember, God, Himself promised that He would protect His Words, from every generation, Psalms 12:6,7. God does this by making sure that there are different translations that can be compared, and corrected.
Remember, scientists have found out that it is impossible for any person to translate the whole Bible, without a mistake, no matter how careful he is. That is one reason for the many, many translations. Keep in mind the scrolls found around the Dead Sea. These scrolls were lost for over a thousand years, and when they were compared with scrolls that had been copied over and over during that thousand years, and found almost NO differences. The researchers are still astounded at the accuracy.
No reason to be astounded, God promised this, and He is never wrong!!!