Sure. I think we can see and enjoy these mysteries of life, existence, and nature, like thinking of the moon as a reflection of rebirth and so on. It makes life more interesting.
Here's a thought for you when it comes to probability.
What are the chances that I'm writing this particular post to you at this exact moment in time? Consider, 1 of 6 billion people. My parents met each other and married and had me, 1 of 3.5 billion (or whatever the size back then). The chances I'm using this particular computer? 1 in billions made Macs. Chances of using the exact IP have right now? 1 in 2^32 (or less really considering reserved classes). And so on. And what are the chances I typed exactly these words and letters in this post? The chance is close to zero. All of it together, 1 in trillions-trillion-trillion-trillion chance. The chance is so small that it's basically zero. Therefore, should we conclude that this post must've been planned and thought out by God from eternal time and hence... he had a plan that you would see it, which means that it's true, and I'm right.
Have you seen this poster? What are the chances that you, specifically you, were born: