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Does Theology Have Affect On Music Philosophy?

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I have a hypothesis I'd like to test, and that is if one's theology has any affect on their musical interests. I'm not talking about what your religion condemns on music, I'm saying mental, personal affects.

Even when I was a Theist (Deist) I was into Metal, but before when I was a child, I was a Baptist, and I liked country music and almost anything that I heard because I was aging.

Now I'm an Atheist, and still am into all types of Metal (especially Nu-Metal and Rap Metal). I extremely dislike pop music and rap music. Country can kinda move me, anything else I don't really care about.

So what music do you like? What music do you dislike?

And what is your religious beliefs (or at least view on God's existence)


I like any music that stirs my heart. But hearts are a bit like snowflakes. They say that no two are the same. Ever meet two people who like exactly the same music? Well, maybe so but still I bet there are differences. As far as my religious beliefs, I managed to put them down in a book. Because it is FREE and contains no ads, I guess I can mention it: www dot cedarpost dot com. I could never get my head around selling or making a profit on my religion. In a nutshell (or at least in one of my nuts) is my belief that with God all things are possible. It's not that He can ONLY speak to a certain sect. I believe that throughout time God has blessed many with His direct contact and that if you are not open to all walks of life, then you are simply missing out. So I try to show that in my free book. The music on the video is something that I put together myself. That took about 6 attemps and several days. Still not perfect, but not bad. As far as you being an atheist, I guess I played on the edges of that, too...back when I was in the Air Force (1969-73). So yeah, our taste in music changes as well as other things we appreciate.


Secular Buddhist Humanist
Well, I'm a Buddhist. I listen to indie rock first and foremost. Pinback is my favorite band. They're music reminds me of an organic, abstract art. It brings me peace when I listen to it. It is relaxing and meditative to me. On the other hand, I listen to Sunn O))). They're music is very simplistic and minimal, which reminds me of the simplicity and ultimate peace I strive for in meditation and on numerous occasions I have meditated to Sunn O)))'s "music". I find music to be a very religious experience. And what I listen to connects with me on a deep level. Shallow meaningless garbage doesn't appeal to me, there has to be meaning.

Bob Dixon

^Mmmmmm, delicious Sunn O))). Although, for achieving what they do, Earth's early records are better, haha!

I'm Christian, and I like all kinds of music. Like, really.
Well, mostly the kinds that come from rock but... I really like stuff that pushes boundaries. You know, experiments with things. Like, I love some jazz, but it has to be experimental in some way, not smooth/pop-jazz. I love me some good hip-hop, too, and, for that, I don't mind a lack of experimentation, as long as it's good. Odd Future, for example, isn't a particularly experimental group, but they're still good. It's similar with many other genres; as long as it's not boring/terribly derivative, I'll at least recognise its musical merit.
Also, classical music, too, but no film-soundtrack/poppy stuff. Ugh. Please, give me J.S. Bach, Stravinsky, or Steve Reich any day.

My five favourite bands/artists, for now, are, in no order:
Queens of the Stone Age
Protest The Hero
Earl Sweatshirt
Rev. Gary Davis
Frank Zappa

But they don't really encompass my whole taste in music.

The answer to your question, OP, is "no".


Active Member

My musical tastes haven't changed much from when I was a devout Catholic to now when I'm a devout atheist. I listen to all kinds of music, and the only genre I never listen to ever is country. I still listen to Gregorian chant, especially when I'm writing on my blog, but maybe it's just because I can tune out the lyrics; I understand Latin, but if I don't concentrate, I don't think about the words. I wouldn't want to listen religious music in English though.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I'm not sure, but it does seem that becoming a Christian band somehow makes people create really, really crappy music.
I have a hypothesis I'd like to test, and that is if one's theology has any affect on their musical interests. I'm not talking about what your religion condemns on music, I'm saying mental, personal affects.

Even when I was a Theist (Deist) I was into Metal, but before when I was a child, I was a Baptist, and I liked country music and almost anything that I heard because I was aging.

Now I'm an Atheist, and still am into all types of Metal (especially Nu-Metal and Rap Metal). I extremely dislike pop music and rap music. Country can kinda move me, anything else I don't really care about.

So what music do you like? What music do you dislike?

And what is your religious beliefs (or at least view on God's existence)

Myself, a acquired a taste for Western classical music and arts when I was young. It is the product of great times when our civilization would flowering and expanding its power over the globe. Classical music expresses that pride and idealism.

My work has all along dealt with civilization and while I see and feel emphathy for people now who look at our sick civiliation and turn to music and other arts that expresses their disdain for it and our times. It expresses their despair and anger.

But in my work, I see how the next civilization will come about. I do not feel that dispair. I enjoy idealistic art. I like science. I respect it all.

Yeshe Dawa

Lotus Born
So what music do you like? What music do you dislike?

And what is your religious beliefs (or at least view on God's existence)

Hi The Sum of Awe!

Here's some data for your research.:)

I like classical, new age, and trance.
I really do not like country, alternative and hard rock.
I am for all intents and purposes a Mahayana Buddhist.

Peace and blessings,


I'm an atheist Buddhist Chaoist something or other, and my collection consists of...

Country, Rock, Electronic, Ska, Ambient, Blues, Breakbeat, Classical, Pop, Drum & Bass, Folk, Funk, Goa, Hip-Hop, House, Jazz, Jpop, Neoclassical, Psychedelic Trance, R&B, Rapcore, Techno, Tribal, World...etc.


Left Hand Path
I have a hypothesis I'd like to test, and that is if one's theology has any affect on their musical interests. I'm not talking about what your religion condemns on music, I'm saying mental, personal affects.

Even when I was a Theist (Deist) I was into Metal, but before when I was a child, I was a Baptist, and I liked country music and almost anything that I heard because I was aging.

Now I'm an Atheist, and still am into all types of Metal (especially Nu-Metal and Rap Metal). I extremely dislike pop music and rap music. Country can kinda move me, anything else I don't really care about.

So what music do you like? What music do you dislike?

And what is your religious beliefs (or at least view on God's existence)

I can agree that music most definitely helps shape one's philosophical and religious views.

God has no bias when it comes to the music he creates, his individual self just has preferences. Like as you know, I listen to mainly black metal, even rap metal bothers me, or any silly songs.

The craziest it will get is Gwar, and Strapping Young Lad, otherwise I listen to more intense and in my view, meaningful works. Such as Dimmu Borgir, Amon Amarth, Be'lakor, Black Dahlia, and well Metallica as well as others.

But then again we all find meaning in something...or not ;)

Me Myself

Back to my username
Theology affects psychology, psychology affects musical predilection.

Me? I spent most of my life musicless, today I like Clasical. No religion, but yes to spirituality and I hope a healthy one :D